by Inoadar on November 17th, 2013, 1:54 am
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," Inoadar responded to Amolina, "I had assumed I was going to be the only one working in the actual lab." He worried that this may have sounded more belligerent than he meant it, so he raised both hands in the classic attitude of disarmed neutrality. "Don't get me wrong, I mean no complaint. I have no problem with working beside anyone. I can only say that if someone has credentials that make it clear that I should defer to him, I will do so with no compunction whatsoever. And if that makes me an "assistant", so be it."
He felt pleased with this response. It left hinted at, but unspoken, that the reverse should also be true. If his credentials were of deeper extent in some particular area, he would expect deferment to his view on that line, and would likewise accept no compunction, "assistant" or not.
He restrained a scowl at Moletta as she asked for the amount of post-production testing he had done. 'Confound the woman!' He groused to himself. He thought about the number of trials and errors it had taken to realize that the serum had required not only the presence of the arboreal discharge catalyzed by the fungal enzyme, but the actual mycellial tendrils themselves, to form the proper pasty compound. She could never understand the degree of free ranging creativity and willingness to pursue bizarre and esoteric possibilities that were required.
"A good question, I'm afraid." he answered, pretending to appreciate the spot she'd put him in. "Though I CAN say that I have had four tests, with four complete successes, I had not had the means to determine the purity of the Kelvic bloodlines on my subjects. So many of these creatures don't even know their own parents that asking them has only resulted in blank looks and shrugs." he sighed. But then he turned a hopeful look between his two would-be partners. "I confess this is another reason that this collaboration is so attractive to me. I know that the KRI will have documented pedigrees on their subjects, so this question can be answered once and for all."
He thought he'd saved himself pretty well, but was taken aback somewhat by Amolina's continuing onslaught of piercing questions. He had hoped not be nailed down so thoroughly. He supposed though, that if he was stricken with an unbearable urge to seize full and singular credit for something, he could always disappear into the night and reestablish himself in another city, Sunberth, perhaps. He doubted that these two could really understand his notes and clinical descriptions of his findings. But for now, compliance was in order, but he would look false if he didn't inject a bit of hesitation.
"Now, there is the issue of my already established business. You can surely see that it would be counter productive to be in competition with myself. So let me offer this concession...Discoveries of a purely toxic nature, when achieved by my own individual experimentation, will not be obliged to be surrendered to this endeavor. But any development beyond this stricture will be held as the discovery of the Nitrozian-Moletta Sanitation Station." He felt this to be entirely fair and waited to see how they would react.
"As for my promise of secrecy, it is doubtful that there is any single thing that you can be more assured of. Such matters and skills have always been, are now, and ever shall be, my lifeblood. I give you my word, on pain of death, I shall reveal nothing of what we have discussed here." Again, he felt the display of a backbone was now in order. "Will you now do the same?"
I would prefer you called me "Nolan Parnell"...In fact, I insist.