[Unverified] Khasara re Menehat

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Khasara re Menehat

Postby Khasara re Menehat on September 20th, 2013, 12:19 am

Khasara re Menehat


Race: Eypharian
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Birthday: The 28th Day of Summer, 490 AV
Birthplace: Abura, Akvatar

Appearance: Long brown hair falls about the shoulders of this desert beauty. She has deep brown, almost black eyes that accent her bronze skin quite nicely. She has four arms, each adorned various bronze ornaments, and a silver necklace wraps around her neck. She dresses in loose but colorful clothes, and always has at least one sword on her at all times, though she is known to carry more if she feels the place she is entering is dangerous. She’s slender with a fairly small bust and tight hips, though if one looks closely they can see her ribs through her skin, betraying that her life is not as luxurious as she disguises with her common dress.

Character Concept

Philosophy: Every event is a challenge, and every challenge makes you better whether you win or lose. There is no difference between “greater” and “lesser” evils. The purpose of life it to become the best you can possibly be and rid the world of evil. The most important thing in life is power, because with power comes control, and with control you can change the world for the better. The sacrifice of the few is worth the gain of the many, but to have it the other way around is unacceptable. Personal sacrifice makes you stronger, and strength is power.
Personality: Khasara views everything as a challenge to be overcome, and tends to seem very combative to those that don’t know her. She’s diligent, loyal, persistent, stubborn, and proud. She’s very loving, and is quick to defend her allies and assault her enemies (be it with words or swords). She’s impatient and hot headed, but is striving to overcome these traits, as she recognizes them about herself. She’s very friendly and charismatic and, while she often prefers to be blunt, is used to working in a world of complex subtlties. She’s heavily competitive and finds great joy in comparing skills/scars/strength/anything really.
Likes: Competition, challenge, learning, working, training and doing things in general. She also likes people and talking to them, animals, and books. And, while she loves to work she also loves luxury and being pampered.
Dislikes: Cruelty, greed, nonsense, discrimination, impossible odds, being unable to compete, being given tasks below her skill level.

Character History

Khasara’s father was once 3ed Hawk to the Pressor Teremun of Ahnatep, and her mother was one of the Gilded. She seduced him with her feminine charms and, over many years, convinced him to try to overthrow the Pressor and put the two of them on the throne. The coup began well enough, as he killed the 1st Hawk and sent troops to assassinate the 2nd, who betrayed him and imprisoned him. At the time, Khasara was not yet born, and was but a stirring in her mother’s gut.

Her mother escaped the city with a few troops loyal to their cause, leaving their leader behind to rot in prison and likely be executed for betraying the throne. Months and miles later, her mother discovered she was pregnant, and began searching for a safe place to settle. She knew her status with the Eypharians was…undecent to say the least, and it drove her to intense paranoia. She dismissed all the guards she had brought with her and had her daughter in Abura, Akvatar. She named the little baby girl Khasara, and that’s where her story begins.

Since a very early age she was raised to fight, her mother believing she was the only one she could truly trust in. Her mother paid for early katana lessons with the mizas she had left over from her escape from Ahnatep, but when she ran out she resorted to using her body to pay for her daughters lessons. She seduced various sailors when she needed to get somewhere by ship, and made her way from Abura to Claridon to Darva to Lisnar to Zeltiva. All the way, Khasara practiced with the sword, though after leaving her teacher behind she was primarily self taught. And, all the way, Khasara’s mother regailed her with tails of their homeland and her father and how she had been “unjustly unseated” and her father “torn from his powerful station” for reasons she claimed to be unable to fathom.

In Lisnar, when Khasara was 12, her mother allowed a reimancer to do experiments on her in exchange for money to continue her lavish lifestyle. As part of the experiments she had to be initiated into the art, and thus her study of Reimancy became a part of her everyday life. Though her time with him was short (and thankfully nonlethal) she still has a number of curious burn scars and stretch marks across her body from those experiments. Unfortunately she was never formally tutored, only picking up bits and pieces and, once again, having to self-teach herself through various experiments. Because most of her life had been spent either on the ocean or on the coast, she chose water as her first element of practice. Her mother was quite proud of this, saying that the holy rivers of Makutsi ran strong in her veins.

When they finally settled down in Zeltiva her mother simply sold her body for money, and Khasara had to find different methods of work. She took up the hunting trade, hiding near rivers and attacking those that came to drink with her Reimancy. She also caught the occasional fish this way, though in lower numbers. She would sell the raw meat to food vendors in the city, sleeping in whore houses where her mother worked.

Eventually she caught wind of Sahova, and began gathering as much information as she could on the place. She heard it was full of unbreathing scholars and wizards who were the most powerful people in the world, and that all one had to do to join them was to go there. However, she was aware that very few apprentices made it out alive, but believed that she could make it at this interesting school of the dead. She had heard that is was something like the University of Zeltiva, and so began saving her money to hire a ship to go there. She bought a great chest filled with fried food so she would not go hungry (as she had heard that was a common hazard), and set off for Sahova on her own in early Fall of 513 AV. Her mother approved, believing that her daughter would soon return to protect her from the hired knives of Ahnatep with greater magical skill than her assassins could stomach, and they’d finally leave them alone (despite the fact that they had yet to be attacked by any assassins).

Her tale begins with her arriving on the docks of Sahova…


Fluent Language: High Arumenic
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Nader-Canoch


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Stealth 10 SP 10 Novice
Hunting 10 SP 10 Novice
Reimancy 20 SP 20 Novice
Weapon: Katana 10 RB, 10 SP 20 Novice

Lore of the Jackals
Lore of Sahova Layout


1 Set of Clothing
- Lightweight Red Linen Sleeveless Robes (Women)
- Lightweight Red Linen Sheaths (Women)
- Lightweight Linen Undergarments
- Lightweight Brown Linen Cloak
- Simple Leather Sandals
-4 Copper Armbands
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 dinner knife
-1 dinner fork
-1 soup spoon
-Flint & Steel
2 Metal-core Practice Katana
1 Set of Form-fit Night Leather Armor
Great Chest with Average Lock
-22 lbs. dried beef sausage
-22 lbs. almonds
-60 lbs. rasins
-80 lbs. dried mushrooms
Belt Pouch
-8 GM, 8 CM
Food NotesI did some research and figured out that she’d be eating about 15 pounds of fruits, 20 pounds of vegetables, and 11 pounds of protean (meat, nuts, etc.) each season. In Sahova, it’s important to keep track of all your food… I spent enough on food to last me a full year if none of it gets stolen and I don’t have any wild parties.

Heirloom: Silver necklace with a sapphire in silver pendent


Location: Sahova

House: Currently Homeless


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Housing +500 GM 600 GM
Dinner Fork -1 CM 599 GM, 9 SM, 9 CM
Soup Spoon -1 CM 599 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
2 Practice Katana, Metal-core -100 GM 499 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
Form-fit Night Leather Armor -210 GM 289 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
Great Chest -4 GM 285 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
Average Lock -40 GM 245 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
22 lbs. Dried Beef Sausage -44 GM 205 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
22 lbs. Almonds -66 GM 149 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
60 lbs. Rasins -60 GM 89 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
80 lbs. Dried Mushrooms -80 GM 9 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
Belt Pouch -1 GM 8 GM, 9 SM, 8 CM
4 Copper Armbands -6 SM 8 GM, 3 SM, 8 CM
Red Linen Cowl, Dyed -3 SM 8 GM, 8 CM

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Khasara re Menehat
The Lost Diamond of Menehat
Posts: 17
Words: 9514
Joined roleplay: August 31st, 2013, 7:14 am
Race: Eypharian
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