It felt like a new gale of pain passed through his body, all his senses at their peak for that moment singular when the head of the knife dug itself into the back of his shin, at first he didn't even howl, nor bellow in rage or pain. All those nerves constricted, tightened around the body of the dagger before loosening and his lean body hit the earth with a thud, it was than that from his lips, verses of pain strung to the war drum of agony and all he could muster at that moment was the word that'd been so lost to him... "Fuck!" he roared as adrenaline shot into his veins, his eyes dilated, his teeth clenched and he moved in such a manner that even he didn't know how he let go of the myrian he brought down with him. Seng was lost at that moment, though the sounds of the myrian and his attack were deafened syllables that didn't even penetrate the cages of his ear drums, his body moved, slowly crawling before he felt a hot searing pain upon his cheek, his hardened body might absorb the force for all it was worth yet Seng didn't know how much longer his body could endure such abuse. An than at that moment all the names of his predecessors returned to him and he kept his slow, staggered crawl forward, Akir, Cagn, Nassor, Gor, Jart and so many more were the names which allowed him to cling to reality, he couldn't meet Lhex just yet, not after so many hardships, so many things left undone, unlearnt! The earth around him seemed to move as he raised his head to look ahead, at salvation, at freedom from all this damned mess, he seemed to growl in agony, and what firelight of rage still lingered within, he kept his prone whilst inclining in head to look behind him, two figures looked in battle (?), his blurred vision could process the battle well enough. 'First a Yukman, now this shit!... I'm not getting paid enough!' he thought angrily, it was than that he stopped and fell into a position that allowed him to reach the back of his shin, he grunted in pain as he touched the hilt, it seemed like another extension of his body when pain shot up his body and he bellowed in rage whilst wrapping his hand around the hilt. In one swift, painfully slow tug he pulled the dagger with sickening growl, than another wave of senses played out its symphony for him, pained euphoria bathed him as a trickle of blood danced its way down his leg whilst his forehead touched his knee and through his clenched teeth pain was the only registry entity slipping through him... Seng shook his head slightly, he wanted his vision to return hence he tried his best to return it. His knuckles dug into his ground and he propped himself up, it was a slow and agonizing process yet Senghor wouldn't let out, he needed too, had to get up and moved, get away, leave!... |