OOCThis is mainly a training thread, but if someone wants to come in and RP I'm not opposed to interaction!
5th Day of Summer, 510 AV
Clang. He almost hated that sound. Clang. What was he making again? Clang. A horseshoe, right. Clang. Four of them actually. Clang. All the same size. Clang. All for the same horse. Clang. Did he really care? Clink.
Rhuryc blinked as he looked down at the anvil. He stared at his hammer, the edge of which was now resting comfortable on its face. Huh. He missed. With a frown he inspected the heated iron he had clamped with his trusty tongs and found that, in his stupor, he had only been flattening the material. Stupid. A grunt escaped his lips and the apprentice shored up his grasp on his hammers hilt and moved the as of-yet still-straight bar over to the horn. Once it was nestled comfortably enough he brought his arm down with a considerable degree of strength and struck the unfinished product. The edge of the 'shoe' bent only lust. Another strike. Soon, one side began to curl around, aided by the constant pounding of Rhuryc's hammer. The process, as usual, was a boring one, but bending at least had some immediate results. Once he finished with the basic curve, Rhuryc flipped the metal around and started with the other end, paying as much care to the endeavor as he did before. Finishing the shape was simple. Once he had created a "U", the gave the very end of each a few strikes to bend it further outward, the beginnings of a shoe well underway.
He was getting good at this bit. With the basic design finished, Rhuryc transported the shoe over to the face of his anvil and replaced his hammer with a punch. Eight holes. He started with the heel, working on the "under" side of the shoe. Later he would have to go over this piece with chisel, cut down some of the excess metal he had forgot to thin, but that could wait. With the shoe firmly set against the anvil, Rhuryc brought his punch down near the heel of the product, digging it through the thick, hot iron with a semi-practiced expertise. Or lack thereof. There was a reason the competent smiths had the apprentices do this kind of work. The rest of the holes were made in very much the same fashion. Four to each side, large enough to fit a nail through. A few of them might have not lined up perfectly. Or all of them. Whatever.
Rhuryc was quick to rid the anvil of the finished product. He had four more sets of these things to do before the hour was out and he had no apprentices to heat the iron for him while he was busy. No, he had to do it all from start to finish. Perhaps he could pay someone from off the street to hold iron inside the forge. He blinked, placing the punch back on the shelf of tools. That really was not such a bad idea.