On the highest flat land of the Tenten Peak that can possibly accommodate its size, sits the Divine's Gateway. It is here that anyone with a passion for stars, astronomy, and the worlds outside of Mizahar can find a safe place to learn and study. Built almost entirely of reflective skyglass, with one transparent skyglass face overlooking the Tranquil Port, the Gateway is designed to withstand any punishment it might have the misfortune of encountering from any creature, otherworldly or not. During the day, the building matches Syna's intensity as it reflects her energy. At night, it withdraws into Leth's embrace, falling from view as it blankets itself in darkness, decorated only by the stars that Zintila uses to decorate her sky.
The Gateway was created not long after Tenten Peak was populated and beginning to flourish, and was erected as a monument to the domain of the Alvina that watches over the city. It is a place where one may go to learn and study the field of astronomy, and learn about not only the stars but distant worlds that are scattered throughout the domain of Zintila. From time to time the Alvina herself will come to give talks about the stars and astronomy, a rare treat that is celebrated by staff and guests alike. Given its connection with the stars, the Divine's Gateway is only open at night, when the stars can be seen in the sky and observed by those within the great domes of this place.
Built with three domes, the Divine's Gateway is divided into sections. The smallest of the domes is a place dedicated to the art of summoning. It is here that any and all summoning within Lhavit is conducted, with no exceptions. Corin is aware of the dangers summoning unknown, sentient creatures brings, and will not let anyone's arrogance or ignorance endanger the lives of the people within his complex, or Lhavit as a whole. It is for this reason that Corin likes to have employees on hand who are able to handle emergency situations such as losing control of a summoned creature. Typically there is one member of the Shinya, and at least one other person who is competent in self-defense present at all times during the actual summonings themselves.
The ground floor is used for summoning purposes, whilst there are walkways running the perimeter of the room on the next level, for onlookers to watch and make their notes and observations for their research. Summoning is used as a supplemental tool to further expand the knowledge of what exists outside of the world of Mizahar itself. Along with the study of stars and constellations, other worlds are also researched as those who work and study here are fascinated by everything held within the vast starry sky. The area in which onlookers stand and watch has been shielded, usually by members of the Dawn Tower, and the shield is tasked to keep out otherworldly creatures and other dangers that might face those not actually partaking in the summoning itself. Those who wish to observe these summonings are required to provide a vial of blood a day prior for the shield.
The largest of the domes is dedicated to observation and study of the night sky, with everyone who works there adept in the fields of astronomy and astrology. Specially created devices called telescopes use skyglass lenses to allow researchers here to gain a closer took at the night sky, magnifying distant objects many times their normal size so that they can be observed by the eye. Constellations and movements of the planets are researched and studied as those within this facility try to learn about and better understand the domain of Zintila.
This dome was created to allow as much of an unobstructed view of the heavens as possible, thus there are no shelves or banners or anything that might take away from the view of the sky. There is a spiraling staircase at the center that leads all the way to the top of the dome. There are several circular floors leading off of this staircase that do not block the view from below, but allow a person to climb to whatever height they wish to better view the night sky.
The third dome, the medium-sized one, encompasses the labs and study areas of the facilities. There are several floors to this area, the bottom most being dedicated to the studies and attempts of discovering new and unstudied worlds via summoning. What Infinitite crystals the Divine's Gateway has are found here, and are used to plot out and calculate new astral coordinates to be tested at a later time. The success rate of finding coordinates is slim at best, and it has become a running joke about the giddy excitement that can be heard from below if a new one is successfully discovered.
Access to this area of the Divine's Gateway is limited to only a small number of trusted individuals. Above this level there are 3 more floors, each growing slightly smaller the higher they ascend. Here one can find tables and desks with chalk boards, where for a price people may take classes on the fields of astronomy and astrology. It is also a study area where employees of the Gateway may go to read and think in peace, and where those interested in the stars and Zintila's domain may begin their journey to learn about the worlds that exist outside of Mizahar.
While the magic of summoning is not taught, some of its basic principles can be learned such as the names of different worlds, and what might possibly be found on them. Only employed summoners are allowed access to the actual astral coordinates, however.
Corin himself is usually found in the summoning grounds, always accompanied by his Irylid familiar, Ruik. He is often busy contacting other worlds, or greeting the creatures others have summoned. It is also at his discretion to decide the threat level of any new astral coordinates, and the availability of which they are to be used, if at all.
When the two are not on the Grounds, they are usually within Corin's quarters, writing any and all notes the two observed and drawing the new creatures they have met. At other times, they are found in the Bharani Library, after having donated a copy of all their findings, researching everything that has been discovered before them.
Location credit: Zeran
Name: Corin Row
Race: Human
Birthdate: 486 AV
Birthplace: Nyka
Occupation: Summoner at the Divine's Gateway
Skills: Arcanology - 68, Astronomy - 80, Auristics - 40, Drawing - 42, Familiary - 93, Mathematics - 50, Negotiation - 51, Persuasion - 48, Physics - 45, Research - 85, Shielding - 82, Summoning - 71, Teaching - 25, Voiding - 64, Writing - 34
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Born and raised in Nyka, Corin always had a fascination with the Celestials and the stories that accompanied them. His fascination didn't just stop with the Alvina, it stretched to other Gods, Goddesses, and other worlds entirely. Corin loved the idea of other worlds that had yet to be truly understood, something beyond the mundane activity of everyday races. As soon as he was able to, he set off to Sahova, to learn from the Nuits and hear tales of times before the Valterrian, when things had been much different. It was here Corin had the opportunity to summon and contract Ruik, his familiar. He felt the Irylid's infallible memory and observational skills would prove suitable for the task he had in mind for them.
Further research on Sahova revealed the existence of the lost discipline of Dominion. A magic used to modify the world around, by linking itself to the Ukalas, where the divines themselves resided. Corin, along with Ruik, made it his life's goal to rediscover the lost discipline. Hearing of a place with beings who had once existed in the Ukalas, the Ethaefal, and ruled by an Alvina who also once resided there, the pair gathered themselves up and travelled to Lhavit. Corin wanted others to be able to benefit from his research, and believed those of Lhavit would most, regaining what they lost.
Corin is very enthusiastic about his field of expertise, and is always looking forward to any conversation with the Ethaefal and, on her occasional visits, Zintila. He does have a large amount of self-control, not forcing anyone into conversations they don't want to be in, but usually lets his mouth run when they want to talk to him. He asks questions after question, generally interested in the answers, hoping to find whatever information the Eth can remember from their time in the Ukalas to advance his research, even if his conversation partner believes it to not be worth mentioning.
To other races, he usually talks with responses that sound practiced, as he continues his work. He does not mean to be rude, but is usually so far in his own work that he finds it difficult to pull away from it. Catch him on the rare occasions he isn't working, or even mention you show interest in his work, and he will talk with and treat you like an old friend.
Ruik is Corin's Irylid familiar. Like all Irylids, Ruik is quiet to the point of stubbornness. On the rare occasions he does talk, it is usually only to Corin through their telepathic link, where he relays any of the many observations made every second, or offers his own thoughts on matters that Corin has asked about. To have Ruik speak to you implies that he has a good opinion of you, however small it may be.
Fiercely loyal to Corin, he has enjoyed the time he has spent with him and feels that any other wizard would not have met his expectations. He is happy to help Corin with any requests he has, but does very little other than observe any other time. It is not uncommon for him to already have a solid opinion and judgement of a stranger he has only met five chimes prior. His observations are very rarely wrong.
Ruik most often takes the form of an icy sphere, emanating cold, his surface shimmering and reflective. When necessary, he takes on his sealed form, which is a round, faceted gem made of the same reflective, icy material that makes up his normal orb form.
Name: Anton
Race: Inarta
Birthdate: 461 AV
Birthplace: Wind Reach
Occupation: Researcher and teacher at the Divine's Gateway
Skills: Astrology - 25, Astronomy - 68, Mathematics - 45, Physics - 30, Reimancy (Air, fire) - 35, Research - 30, Summoning - 15, Teaching - 56
Languages: Common (Fluent), Nari (Fluent)
Anton is an older man, with a long beard and balding hair that still retains the trademark ginger colour that the Inarta are known for, though streaks of white are beginning to show. Like many Inarta, Anton is extremely frank and straight forward, and can be rather blunt; he also tends to ignore many social rules if he feels they're pointless or serve no real purpose.
Anton is rather grumpy, and doesn't tend to go out of his way to help people. He often teaches classes at the Gateway, and can be a harsh instructor. When not teaching, he is usually researching or watching summonings; on rare occasions, he even helps with them.
While generally a scowling and irritated old man, Anton has a particular weak spot for tea; especially the spiced black tea from Mhakula Teahouse, with a half-spoon of honey and a dash of okomo milk. Anyone who offers him a good cup of tea will immediately be put in his good books, and he'll be much more polite and willing in conversation.
Anton traveled to Avanthal at a young age, intrigued by the land of snow and ice. He remained there for many years, studying on his own. He made friends with a Vantha named Levi Skyglow, and upon his death, decided to return to Kalea. Not keen on returning to Wind Reach, Anton moved to Lhavit, where he has been for the past several years.
This location is free for self-moderation for standard classes. Anything involving Summoning or any other magic must be approved and/or moderated by a ST.
The Gateway was created not long after Tenten Peak was populated and beginning to flourish, and was erected as a monument to the domain of the Alvina that watches over the city. It is a place where one may go to learn and study the field of astronomy, and learn about not only the stars but distant worlds that are scattered throughout the domain of Zintila. From time to time the Alvina herself will come to give talks about the stars and astronomy, a rare treat that is celebrated by staff and guests alike. Given its connection with the stars, the Divine's Gateway is only open at night, when the stars can be seen in the sky and observed by those within the great domes of this place.
Built with three domes, the Divine's Gateway is divided into sections. The smallest of the domes is a place dedicated to the art of summoning. It is here that any and all summoning within Lhavit is conducted, with no exceptions. Corin is aware of the dangers summoning unknown, sentient creatures brings, and will not let anyone's arrogance or ignorance endanger the lives of the people within his complex, or Lhavit as a whole. It is for this reason that Corin likes to have employees on hand who are able to handle emergency situations such as losing control of a summoned creature. Typically there is one member of the Shinya, and at least one other person who is competent in self-defense present at all times during the actual summonings themselves.
The largest of the domes is dedicated to observation and study of the night sky, with everyone who works there adept in the fields of astronomy and astrology. Specially created devices called telescopes use skyglass lenses to allow researchers here to gain a closer took at the night sky, magnifying distant objects many times their normal size so that they can be observed by the eye. Constellations and movements of the planets are researched and studied as those within this facility try to learn about and better understand the domain of Zintila.
This dome was created to allow as much of an unobstructed view of the heavens as possible, thus there are no shelves or banners or anything that might take away from the view of the sky. There is a spiraling staircase at the center that leads all the way to the top of the dome. There are several circular floors leading off of this staircase that do not block the view from below, but allow a person to climb to whatever height they wish to better view the night sky.
The third dome, the medium-sized one, encompasses the labs and study areas of the facilities. There are several floors to this area, the bottom most being dedicated to the studies and attempts of discovering new and unstudied worlds via summoning. What Infinitite crystals the Divine's Gateway has are found here, and are used to plot out and calculate new astral coordinates to be tested at a later time. The success rate of finding coordinates is slim at best, and it has become a running joke about the giddy excitement that can be heard from below if a new one is successfully discovered.
Access to this area of the Divine's Gateway is limited to only a small number of trusted individuals. Above this level there are 3 more floors, each growing slightly smaller the higher they ascend. Here one can find tables and desks with chalk boards, where for a price people may take classes on the fields of astronomy and astrology. It is also a study area where employees of the Gateway may go to read and think in peace, and where those interested in the stars and Zintila's domain may begin their journey to learn about the worlds that exist outside of Mizahar.
While the magic of summoning is not taught, some of its basic principles can be learned such as the names of different worlds, and what might possibly be found on them. Only employed summoners are allowed access to the actual astral coordinates, however.
Corin himself is usually found in the summoning grounds, always accompanied by his Irylid familiar, Ruik. He is often busy contacting other worlds, or greeting the creatures others have summoned. It is also at his discretion to decide the threat level of any new astral coordinates, and the availability of which they are to be used, if at all.
When the two are not on the Grounds, they are usually within Corin's quarters, writing any and all notes the two observed and drawing the new creatures they have met. At other times, they are found in the Bharani Library, after having donated a copy of all their findings, researching everything that has been discovered before them.
Location credit: Zeran

Corin Row
Race: Human
Birthdate: 486 AV
Birthplace: Nyka
Occupation: Summoner at the Divine's Gateway
Skills: Arcanology - 68, Astronomy - 80, Auristics - 40, Drawing - 42, Familiary - 93, Mathematics - 50, Negotiation - 51, Persuasion - 48, Physics - 45, Research - 85, Shielding - 82, Summoning - 71, Teaching - 25, Voiding - 64, Writing - 34
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Born and raised in Nyka, Corin always had a fascination with the Celestials and the stories that accompanied them. His fascination didn't just stop with the Alvina, it stretched to other Gods, Goddesses, and other worlds entirely. Corin loved the idea of other worlds that had yet to be truly understood, something beyond the mundane activity of everyday races. As soon as he was able to, he set off to Sahova, to learn from the Nuits and hear tales of times before the Valterrian, when things had been much different. It was here Corin had the opportunity to summon and contract Ruik, his familiar. He felt the Irylid's infallible memory and observational skills would prove suitable for the task he had in mind for them.
Further research on Sahova revealed the existence of the lost discipline of Dominion. A magic used to modify the world around, by linking itself to the Ukalas, where the divines themselves resided. Corin, along with Ruik, made it his life's goal to rediscover the lost discipline. Hearing of a place with beings who had once existed in the Ukalas, the Ethaefal, and ruled by an Alvina who also once resided there, the pair gathered themselves up and travelled to Lhavit. Corin wanted others to be able to benefit from his research, and believed those of Lhavit would most, regaining what they lost.
Corin is very enthusiastic about his field of expertise, and is always looking forward to any conversation with the Ethaefal and, on her occasional visits, Zintila. He does have a large amount of self-control, not forcing anyone into conversations they don't want to be in, but usually lets his mouth run when they want to talk to him. He asks questions after question, generally interested in the answers, hoping to find whatever information the Eth can remember from their time in the Ukalas to advance his research, even if his conversation partner believes it to not be worth mentioning.
To other races, he usually talks with responses that sound practiced, as he continues his work. He does not mean to be rude, but is usually so far in his own work that he finds it difficult to pull away from it. Catch him on the rare occasions he isn't working, or even mention you show interest in his work, and he will talk with and treat you like an old friend.
Ruik is Corin's Irylid familiar. Like all Irylids, Ruik is quiet to the point of stubbornness. On the rare occasions he does talk, it is usually only to Corin through their telepathic link, where he relays any of the many observations made every second, or offers his own thoughts on matters that Corin has asked about. To have Ruik speak to you implies that he has a good opinion of you, however small it may be.
Fiercely loyal to Corin, he has enjoyed the time he has spent with him and feels that any other wizard would not have met his expectations. He is happy to help Corin with any requests he has, but does very little other than observe any other time. It is not uncommon for him to already have a solid opinion and judgement of a stranger he has only met five chimes prior. His observations are very rarely wrong.
Ruik most often takes the form of an icy sphere, emanating cold, his surface shimmering and reflective. When necessary, he takes on his sealed form, which is a round, faceted gem made of the same reflective, icy material that makes up his normal orb form.
Race: Inarta
Birthdate: 461 AV
Birthplace: Wind Reach
Occupation: Researcher and teacher at the Divine's Gateway
Skills: Astrology - 25, Astronomy - 68, Mathematics - 45, Physics - 30, Reimancy (Air, fire) - 35, Research - 30, Summoning - 15, Teaching - 56
Languages: Common (Fluent), Nari (Fluent)
Anton is an older man, with a long beard and balding hair that still retains the trademark ginger colour that the Inarta are known for, though streaks of white are beginning to show. Like many Inarta, Anton is extremely frank and straight forward, and can be rather blunt; he also tends to ignore many social rules if he feels they're pointless or serve no real purpose.
Anton is rather grumpy, and doesn't tend to go out of his way to help people. He often teaches classes at the Gateway, and can be a harsh instructor. When not teaching, he is usually researching or watching summonings; on rare occasions, he even helps with them.
While generally a scowling and irritated old man, Anton has a particular weak spot for tea; especially the spiced black tea from Mhakula Teahouse, with a half-spoon of honey and a dash of okomo milk. Anyone who offers him a good cup of tea will immediately be put in his good books, and he'll be much more polite and willing in conversation.
Anton traveled to Avanthal at a young age, intrigued by the land of snow and ice. He remained there for many years, studying on his own. He made friends with a Vantha named Levi Skyglow, and upon his death, decided to return to Kalea. Not keen on returning to Wind Reach, Anton moved to Lhavit, where he has been for the past several years.
Novice: 25 kina/season
Competent: 50 kina/season
Expert: 75 kina/season
Classes are offered on astronomy, mathematics, and physics. Both Summoning and Voiding are not taught. Arcanology classes are offered at the novice level only, largely to teach the basic theories and potential dangers of magics such as Summoning and Voiding. Classes are held once every 5 days for the duration of the season.
The cost of classes is per subject and stacks; anyone wishing to attend classes is expected to pay the per season fees for each subject they wish to attend classes on. Fees must be paid at the start of the season, before classes begin. Should one increase their skill level in a subject mid-season, they will immediately be moved up to the next class level, and expected to pay the difference.
Master level classes are not taught.
Novice: 25 kina/season
Competent: 50 kina/season
Expert: 75 kina/season
Classes are offered on astronomy, mathematics, and physics. Both Summoning and Voiding are not taught. Arcanology classes are offered at the novice level only, largely to teach the basic theories and potential dangers of magics such as Summoning and Voiding. Classes are held once every 5 days for the duration of the season.
The cost of classes is per subject and stacks; anyone wishing to attend classes is expected to pay the per season fees for each subject they wish to attend classes on. Fees must be paid at the start of the season, before classes begin. Should one increase their skill level in a subject mid-season, they will immediately be moved up to the next class level, and expected to pay the difference.
Master level classes are not taught.
This location is free for self-moderation for standard classes. Anything involving Summoning or any other magic must be approved and/or moderated by a ST.