Spirit watched Kaden in surprise, not even bothering to cover her eyes when the man shifted. The snow was deep enough, and he was sitting again… however, the numerous scratches and cuts caught her eye. She frowned, but decided to hold off comments till later. ”Because I’m human?” she asked, letting confusion in her voice, but understanding the general idea. He thought she was in charge because she was the human. That made a little bit of sense, but still. With dogs, if you didn’t assert dominance, some would try and take the alpha position for themselves. Being human didn’t automatically make you in charge. Being smarter and stronger did, in the canine world. She was possible smarter, though wasn’t about to judge, but certainly not stronger. ”Kaden. Just because I’m human doesn’t mean I’m in charge. It just means I don’t have four feet like you do. You can make your own decisions for yourself you know, you could have followed the logic and decided it was safer to kill the Sabertooth thing. You have a human and a cat brain, so use both!” She finished with a grin, feeling relatively proud of herself. That was the longest motivational speech she’d ever said… probably one of the only ones too. And it hadn’t gone so badly! She hoped the Kelvic got the idea, because he was really just being silly right now… being human automatically made her in charge. He was more experienced in this area, so why just let her submit? It was kind of…nice… that he thought so much of her, but still. Once she’d finished her little explanation, she turned on his wounds, and the current situation. ”Ok… so, we can’t carry and eat all these on our own…” she mused off for a bit, before coming to a decision. They could always get some of the people from the Frostfawn hold to go help out, and since they’d actually taken down one of those Sabertooth things… she could persuade them with the profit if needed. Kaden would get the most, however, as he’d worked the most. But… there was a nasty wound on the Kelvic’s shoulder that she wanted to deal with. ”Ok… so… I deal with that wound on your shoulder, so you don’t bleed to death or anything, then ride off to get some help. I’ll come back with a few Frostfawns, they’ll help us bring these to the city. Once there, we’ll… um… deal with our kills, and then I’ll take you to the Whitevine healing center… Sound like a plan?” She cocked her head, before fishing her companions clothes out of her saddle packs. She would recommend him staying in human form, just for safety’s sake. Annoyingly, she didn’t have any bandages, so… she’d have to use his shirt. ”Put these on” she said, handing him his breeches. While he complied, the Frostfawn looked stubbornly away, turning back a chime later. ”Ok… I’ll have to use your shirt for bandages, if you don’t mind. I can buy you a new one or two when we’re in the city.” Without another word, she began ripping the cloth into long, thick strips. There weren’t as many as she’d like for such a big wound, but she’d deal with that later… instead, she moved over and wrapped the first around his upper shoulder, going under his arm to get it to fit right. She didn’t want it too tight, however, so tested the stiffness under her finger before once again wrapping it up in a second strip… she could already see the blood soaking through the first layer. A few more strips later, she was out, and shrugged. ”Ok… don’t shift with that, and don’t move your arm too much. Just… try and scare any predators off in your human form, ok? But if anything really big comes around, you can shift… though I don’t recommend it… Are you good with this plan?” OOCY’know, chat has a dice which you can give as many sides as you like… 2… 4… 81… you name it, it’ll make it Also, I’ll get to Spirit setting off in the next post ^-^ |