I might use bad grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other stuff here. I'm slightly Dyslexic. Or however you spell it. Alrighty, sorry I sound so angry, my significant other put me into a shitty mood.

Name: Andre R. Alexander
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Relationship: Taken
Location: Alright brace yourself.....Anchorage Alaska. No joke. Probably going to be a whole lotta angry posts about the snow here in about two weeks.
Job: I'm a diesel mechanic in the Army. Part time model. Swimming instructor. Man of many hats
Been writing since: .........I was Ten? Yes, ten.
Reading: I'm frikkin picky. Super picky.
Hobbys: I like to fight. Shitty hobby, I know. Obviously, I write. I used to swim competitively, and swimming occupies 50% of my workout in the morning. Hmmm......I look to hunt. And blow stuff up. Have sort of a knack for breaking things, and I like to work on cars. In the winter I ski and snowboard a lot, Other than that, I don't know.
Favorite food: Pad Thai. Yummy. Or, maple sausage patty MRE
Music: Everything. And I'm not one of those guys that just says everything. I like Jazz, Opera, German Folk, Country, Blues, Metal, Screamo, Crunk Core, Dubstep, Hip Hop, R&B, Rap, House style, Classical, Alternative, You name it.

Name: Andre R. Alexander
Age: 19
Sex: Male

Relationship: Taken
Location: Alright brace yourself.....Anchorage Alaska. No joke. Probably going to be a whole lotta angry posts about the snow here in about two weeks.
Job: I'm a diesel mechanic in the Army. Part time model. Swimming instructor. Man of many hats

Been writing since: .........I was Ten? Yes, ten.
Reading: I'm frikkin picky. Super picky.
Hobbys: I like to fight. Shitty hobby, I know. Obviously, I write. I used to swim competitively, and swimming occupies 50% of my workout in the morning. Hmmm......I look to hunt. And blow stuff up. Have sort of a knack for breaking things, and I like to work on cars. In the winter I ski and snowboard a lot, Other than that, I don't know.
Favorite food: Pad Thai. Yummy. Or, maple sausage patty MRE
Music: Everything. And I'm not one of those guys that just says everything. I like Jazz, Opera, German Folk, Country, Blues, Metal, Screamo, Crunk Core, Dubstep, Hip Hop, R&B, Rap, House style, Classical, Alternative, You name it.