[Verified by Factorum] Ni'lriel

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Ni'lriel on October 1st, 2013, 1:34 pm



Race: Akontak
Gender: Female
Age:50 years old
Birthday: 17th Winter 465
Birthplace: Mura, Konti Isle

Appearance:A deep purple skin echoing her father's heritage with the white hair and soft gills of her mother. Pale blue eyes seeking for a purpose forevermore. Standing just above the lower end of the Akontak height at 5'3” and weighing in just at 130 pounds.

Character Concept

Iconically a race that is culture less, these two souls are joined in agreement with the want to forge their own path, a culture of their own. Split in how to follow their path however one wants to integrate into the culture of their father's heritage, the other wants to focus on the skills taught from their mother to become a prominent and known helper of the world over, following in the steps of her mother's bloodline.

Character History
Soljuu, her mother returned to the Konti home city of Mura shortly after realizing she was pregnant with child, a long and treacherous journey considering the Akalak father remained in Riverfall, having no urge to take to the seas. He was not a swimmer, nor a sailor so the water held no interest. That was the last Soljuu saw of her large purple colored man. It was found out nearly a decade later that he had passed away due to a Glassbeak ambush while hunting in the Sea of Grass.

For their whole life Ni'lriel and Aireiel have been raised in the city of Mura, devoting their time to coming to terms to their duality, forging their future through devotion to gods. Dedicating her time between meditating, and learning Auristics and Magecraft from her mother. The ability to read a person's aura gives the twin souls a sense of what the people around them are like, a feel of their cultural influence of how they react to situations. Devoting themselves to the gods helped forge the desire to learn how to craft the artifacts known to be mortal replications of the power of the Gods, giving them the want to learn Magecrafting.

Fluent Language: Kontinese
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Tukant


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Auristics +10RB10Novice
Magecraft +20SP20Novice
Meditation +10SP+2XP12Novice
Fortune Telling +10SP+2XP12Novice
Drawing +10SP+3XP13Novice
Land Navigation+2XP2Novice

Gnosis: 1st Mark of Divination

Gift: At a touch the two souls are able to get a feel of a person's opinion of the gods. A quick touch only gives the Akontak a feel of the person's general opinion toward a god but with no idea of which god it is. The longer the touch the opinion becomes clearer and the god becomes more evident.


Konti Culture, Religion(Avalis)

Maintaining your morals
Let them stare
Understanding he flow of RiverFall’s streets
Colours should compliment and contrast each other
Discovering a missing card
Fortune telling: Everything is a sign
Two souls with the same desires but different methods.
Developing a sense of “us”

1 Set of Clothing (cloak, simple brown pants and shirt, simple boots and basic undergarments)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Wooden Holy Symbol (Avalis)

Heirloom: A Standard Dagger


Riverfall, basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.


DatePurchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Holy Symbol, Wooden (Avalis)-1GM99GM
31st Winter 515Blank Deck of Wooden Cards-8GM91GM
31st Winter 515Ink Sticks (10)-3GM88GM
31st Winter 515Belt Pouches(2)-2GM86GM

Thread List

18th Winter 515: [Red Diamond Fashion] Getting out of the Cold.
31st Winter 515: [Zhongjie Warren (Bazaar)] Drawing One's Future :: Land Navigation 2, Observation 5, Interrogation 1, Persuasion 3, Intimidation 2, Rhetoric 5, Philosophy 4, Endurance 1, Painting 1, Drawing 3, Meditation 2, Mathematics 1, Organization 1, Appraisal 1, Fortune Telling 2, Socialization 1; Lores: Maintaining your morals, Let them stare, Understanding he flow of RiverFall’s streets, Colours should compliment and contrast each other, Discovering a missing card, Fortune telling: Everything is a sign, Two souls with the same desires but different methods., Developing a sense of “us”
Last edited by Ni'lriel on December 12th, 2013, 3:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Thread Slots: 0 out of 5

Ni's speak will be standard quotations or italicized when speaking, Aireiel's will be in << >>. Unless specified they are speaking Kontinese.
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