29th of Fall 513AV
The wind blew through the times, rustling the leaves with a calming sound. Even the smell of the moist dirt and decaying leaves was enough to relax any soul no matter how troubled they were. Assilsa’s bare feet felt the dirt and leaves between her bare toes, the bark against her palms, this, in the wilds was where Assilsa felt at home, not in the hostel or even in the streets of Nyka.
With today’s pay Assilsa would buy that knife she had been adoring from a distance. Smiling she pulled out her lash and began to scale the trees looking for her pray. The sounds of the wilds filled her, making Assilsa bare her fangs in satisfaction. Stalking the trees for what seemed forever Assilsa began to lose hope of finding her prey.
Assilsa’s head snapped towards the sound. At last some prey had shown itself, tightening the grip on her lash she balanced on a branch and scanned the forest’s floor. A stag stood proud y a plant that Assilsa had assumed he was eating.