The damn henchman decided to vent on the squire, and thusly he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Petching hell great! Ball turned Imass around and stared at the oncoming horde of beasts. Setting his mouth into a straight line of determination Ball slapped his dog’s rump hard, heading right for the mess of them. “Return to the man when I leave your back.” His voice rumbled loudly over his dog’s panting gallop towards certain death, “Protect him…” The dog huffed a reply to his master, they were nearing their targets. Within fifteen yards from the beasts Ball shifted his position so he now stood on the back of Imass, right between his shoulder blades. “Keep running. Full speed, remember, and when I jump you turn back…”An injured man with a sword was a bad prospect for trouble. His hand grabbed a hold of his rapier and tugged it free from its scabbard, he ground his lips together tightly. The squire gripped it tightly.
At fourteen yards away Ball crouched low, applying corkscrew tension in both his legs while at the same time the pycon forced a shift in his center of gravity. Ball remained in that position for some time, waiting patiently as his inner coil tension grew tighter and harnessed more potential energy waiting to be released. At two yards away Ball jumped hard, forcing the body of his dog to dip slightly and bounce back up, giving Ball an extra spring in his forward momentum that propelled him forward, his body shifted in midair, rotating and slimming out to become a more focused point behind his blade, at his apex and aimed straight for the first yukmen’s face Ball released the coiled tension within and rocketed forward. Ball’s nexus remember his self-guided session in his level blade and then fighting the phantasm beasts, this was no different… Except that this was for real.
It was a no-brainer the end results, much like the dummy in the Fall season, Ball planted his body and sword into the creature’s face and out the other side, his momentum slowed, but his trajectory remained true and the second one got a small rapier wedged into the point between his eyes. As rapier connected with the yukman’s dense facial tissue Ball could feel his blade jolt to a stop, yet his body rolled heels-over-head, his legs meeting his hands before hands released and he sprung himself up into the air once again, this time leaving his small blade in place. Landing on the flat of a blade was a task that Ball was well versed in, having down it twice in the last year, once against Blue Pycon and another time against Ser Pycon. The jolting motion of the sword tearing into the beast’s flesh more. Recalling Blue Pycon’s teachings of fatal spots on a human’s body and the Yukmen looked human enough, Ball knew his landing location, the back portion of the top of the yukman’s cranium. Ball landed hard on his head, purposefully dropping his full weight into his crouching land. Five pounds of weight was no small amount to have focused into a small location at the back portion of the top of one’s cranium, he recalled this in a fight he had to pull punches when training one he swore to protect, in that scenario gravity did the job of dropping his weight.
Ball had no clue if the second crumbled under his weight or not, but he had more pressing matters at hand, he leapt again, this time he pulled his left arm back into a punching formation and as he descent brought him closer to his third target the py-ken trained three inch squire shot his punch forward, aiming for the beast’s nose. This wasn’t a pulled punch either, this was meant to deal some damage. Recalling the training session on Mura against Ser Pycon when he punched the knee plate of the knight’s armour, denting it.
If the petching idiot just kept running and being an idiot I would’ve been fine. But no, he had to look. LOOK at his intended target, now I have to kick the crap out of these things.
At fourteen yards away Ball crouched low, applying corkscrew tension in both his legs while at the same time the pycon forced a shift in his center of gravity. Ball remained in that position for some time, waiting patiently as his inner coil tension grew tighter and harnessed more potential energy waiting to be released. At two yards away Ball jumped hard, forcing the body of his dog to dip slightly and bounce back up, giving Ball an extra spring in his forward momentum that propelled him forward, his body shifted in midair, rotating and slimming out to become a more focused point behind his blade, at his apex and aimed straight for the first yukmen’s face Ball released the coiled tension within and rocketed forward. Ball’s nexus remember his self-guided session in his level blade and then fighting the phantasm beasts, this was no different… Except that this was for real.
It was a no-brainer the end results, much like the dummy in the Fall season, Ball planted his body and sword into the creature’s face and out the other side, his momentum slowed, but his trajectory remained true and the second one got a small rapier wedged into the point between his eyes. As rapier connected with the yukman’s dense facial tissue Ball could feel his blade jolt to a stop, yet his body rolled heels-over-head, his legs meeting his hands before hands released and he sprung himself up into the air once again, this time leaving his small blade in place. Landing on the flat of a blade was a task that Ball was well versed in, having down it twice in the last year, once against Blue Pycon and another time against Ser Pycon. The jolting motion of the sword tearing into the beast’s flesh more. Recalling Blue Pycon’s teachings of fatal spots on a human’s body and the Yukmen looked human enough, Ball knew his landing location, the back portion of the top of the yukman’s cranium. Ball landed hard on his head, purposefully dropping his full weight into his crouching land. Five pounds of weight was no small amount to have focused into a small location at the back portion of the top of one’s cranium, he recalled this in a fight he had to pull punches when training one he swore to protect, in that scenario gravity did the job of dropping his weight.
Ball had no clue if the second crumbled under his weight or not, but he had more pressing matters at hand, he leapt again, this time he pulled his left arm back into a punching formation and as he descent brought him closer to his third target the py-ken trained three inch squire shot his punch forward, aiming for the beast’s nose. This wasn’t a pulled punch either, this was meant to deal some damage. Recalling the training session on Mura against Ser Pycon when he punched the knee plate of the knight’s armour, denting it.
If the petching idiot just kept running and being an idiot I would’ve been fine. But no, he had to look. LOOK at his intended target, now I have to kick the crap out of these things.
OOCThe links are for proof of previous occurrences of certain moves/actions in threads actively/graded set prior to this thread.
Created goes to Euthisa