A penny saved is a penny earned. Part 1

Fallan and Taylani go shopping.

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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A penny saved is a penny earned. Part 1

Postby Taylani on October 3rd, 2013, 5:00 pm

Time Stamp : 23rd Fall 513

The camp was a buzz in activity, which was normal since it is the middle of the day and after lunch hours. Children free from learning play amid the tents and stalls, adults hurrying to complete one task or another, and still other adults presiding over the stalls. Such is the 'market' place of Endrykas, though it did not look like any market that Taylani had ever been too. Granted the markets she was used to were always in the exact same place. Unlike Endrykas that was always moving. As such everything always had a temporary feel to it, and these were no different. Stalls who's walls were made up of the same fabric of pavilions were easily erected and put down, wares were carefully wrapped to prevent damage upon moving.

Amid the bustle a figure cuts through the crowds, her walk sedate and easy, her posture correct but not rigid. Her clothing is not fine or even what anyone would call pretty, but the dress was durable and fit her curves well. Taylani moved through the stalls with little timidity in her step, though this perhaps might be because of the company she entertains. She dislikes being amid all of these people, the buzz of the language Pavi that she was only just starting to learn pressing in on her ears like an irritant. She knows to show her discomfort or dislike would simply draw more attention to herself so she simply feigns an almost disinterest though that might not fool the more astute Drykas.

She passed the stalls that had the pretty trinkets, where as before this fall she probably would have stopped and fawned over them. She passed the stall that had several brightly colored dresses on display, barely even looking. Over her shoulder a worn faded leather pack was carried, inside all that she owns -minus the ring her mother had created for her eighteenth birthday- including the small amount of Miza's allotted to her that were still within. She hadn't divulged their existence, though she doesn't know if he had gone through her things or not. However, slave or not, she needed to do something other then sit and wait between bouts of sexual activities. She was not exactly eager to spend the last bit of coin she had earned in Syliras, but eager to have a purpose other then entertainment for Fallan and bearing children.

Her right hand raises to sweep her hair once more off her face and away from her neck out of habit. Her right ring finger bore a strip across the base, paler still then her already pale skin that spoke of something missing, though the stripe is already fading after two days. In another few days no one would ever have known she had once worn a cherished ring. She did not allow her thoughts to stay on that though, instead she looks for the jewelry stall. She knew there had to be one and if there was one, there would be a jeweler who might have tools she could buy.
Last edited by Taylani on October 13th, 2013, 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Fallan Windchaser on October 4th, 2013, 11:12 am


The market place was always a place of interest for Fallan as he was still of a mind to be trying to make some extra miza by trading. Just what he had not yet decided, but neither did he wish to be dependant upon the generosity of his family. He had a shopping list in his mind but it far exceeded his ability to pay for it, so if he did buy it would be carefully and only after establishing what the current prices were.

The camp was full of the rumours regarding the merchants from Ektol and the luxuries that they had brought. This was something he was interested in discovering for himself, not that he could afford any, but if they were managing to sell their wares then he might be able to copy that in the future.

For now though he was content to wander the stalls, his eyes tracking what was for sale, and in an ideal world what was not or what was overly expensive compared to the cities of Syrila. Then too there was also the possibilities of what might be bought cheaply here compared to Syrila, and perhaps Tay could help him on that for she would be much more aware of the prices. Of course, that probably wasn't a good idea because he couldn't imagine being too popular riding in the gates with a captive citizen, or ex citizen if her admission could be believed.

He kept an eye on the familiar figure of his captive as she made her way through the marketplace, and determined that he would ask what she had noticed about the prices and goods. She had her own agenda, the speed that she walked and the way that she ignored stalls that any woman should have at least glanced at were clues to that, but for now he checked the prices of any leather, needles and the like.

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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Taylani on October 4th, 2013, 12:04 pm

Taylani tried to ignore the man slightly behind her, tried to put him and thoughts about him from her mind. Yet at the same time she did not want to wander too far from him simply because a known threat is better then an unknown. She is not a shy woman, not generally speaking so it was not simply the size of the crowd but the alien territory itself that intimidated her enough to appreciate a little security blanket. Even if said security was a man who she at times wished would disappear, but such has been her life thus far with him, a mixed bag of emotions keeping her on edge.

She noted Fallan stopped and looked far more often then she did, noted that he didn't linger. Few of the merchants tried to speak to her, perhaps it is the almost cold expression she carries, perhaps it is her odd coloring that puts her apart from most Drykas -but not all- or perhaps it was simply because they had seen the auction and knew she was little more then a captive. Taylani guesses it could have been any one or a mix of all three but she did not let it bother her, she wasn't here for items that she couldn't use to do something with herself here.

Instead she finally spots what she is looking for a jewelry stall, the silver shine of the metals reflecting the sun at times brightly. Moving over, her face softens, and she is reminded of her mother's workshop. Everything laid out in a set pattern, the pattern designed to attract the eye of a particular patron. The man manning the stall smiles politely at her, tilting his head curiously before speaking in Pavi, his hands raising in gesture as well.
"Good Day, do you see anything you fancy young lady?"

She understood very little, but simply deduced that it was a greeting of some sort and she simply inclines her head and raised a finger to indicate give her a moment. Most of the pieces he had were of unusual design to her, her mother's hand being more practical and less whimsical. However one piece did attract her attention, a hair jewel that was made of copper that glinted delicately. It wasn't the color or the fact that it was a trinket that caught her attention but the design of a leaf on it. This was the only piece the jeweler had on display that looked like anything her mother would have done, but she simply paused over it and let her fingers gently touch before she straightens once more.

She looks around to see how close Fallan was, waiting if need be until he got close enough to where she could speak to him without having to raise her voice. When he is she speaks, her voice soft but not cold, matter-of-fact but not stoney though her expression did not change from the slight disinterested look. "Fallan. We talked about before about my skills and I told you that I knew some basics in crafting jewelry do you remember?" She shifts the pack on her shoulder down, to hold it on her forearm lightly. "I will need tools, I have ..I have a little money to buy them. Will you ask him if he is willing to sell me some basic tools.."

Before she even finished speaking the jewel merchant grins and speaks in very broken common. "Have tool bag." He grins and reaches beneath the table that he sits behind and pulls out a black carrying case the size of perhaps a large book. Placing it on the table he opens the fastener and it folds out to reveal files, needles, a rawhide mallet, various tweezers, a pien hammer, triblet, wire, cutters, shears, and rings of various sizes that were obviously molds. "Lots tools, big tools. 400 miza's." This was the part that Taylani hated, she was not very good at haggling as stubborn and mule-headed that she is. Four hundred was steep, and would eat a large dent into her small stockpile, and she was not even certain that these really were worth four hundred.
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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Fallan Windchaser on October 4th, 2013, 1:44 pm


When he noticed that Tay had actually stopped and started looking at the wares on a stall, Fallan was mildly intrigued. He drifted closer having stopped a couple of stalls away for a second glance and could see that it held trinkets of some sort, stalls of which she had ignored before. He saw the seller speak and could guess the context from the gestures which accompanied it, he also knew that she would not understand, but it did not seem to bother her and he smiled at the finger she applied so casually and yet so commandingly.

He arrived as she glanced up and moved closer, leaning in to hear what she spoke. He nodded thoughtfully at her words, it was a useful skill and one well suited he thought. Of course metals were expensive here on the plains but equally the wares set out on the stall were small, light, easily transported and valuable. It gave him new ideas but he pushed them firmly to the back of his mind as the seller, whose hearing was clearly very sharp, responded.

Four hundred miza? Fallans eyebrows climbed at the price and took a second look at the tools displayed. He could buy a pair of good horses for that price and he compared the tools displayed to his own leatherworking tools.

He glanced back up to the seller who was clearing attempting to make a large profit from a stranger who didn't know any better and that annoyed him for she was not a stranger to be fleeced but would be a mother of Drykas, and deserved the same treatment.

His hands flicked in a gesture that bordered on being abusive and pointed at the tools, speaking softly but quickly in Pavi, his gestures underlining the annoyance in his tone. "Four hundred for these old tools?" It wasn't exactly true, but that wasn't how the game was played. "You would take the bread from the mouths of my wife," here he gestured at Taylani, "and the children in our Pavilion?" He calculated in his mind the likely cost of the tools and the markup that the seller would be looking for, readying also an excuse should the seller have happened to be at the auction.

"They and that bag look as though they have been carried around for a long time. I could take them off your hands for," he paused and waved his hands as though considering, "let's say one hundred miza."

He awaited the sellers response, knowing that it would set the tone for any bargaining to follow, but bargaining there had to be for the price was outrageous.

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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Taylani on October 4th, 2013, 2:04 pm

Before Taylani could respond Fallan was talking, his hands moving in such a way that she allowed a brief expression of surprise flit across her face before carefully rearranging her features into her mask. His words in Pavi were so quick that she couldn't manage to pick up even a few words. When he gestured at her, she at first thought he was asking something of her but he continued so she kept quiet watching the exchange carefully.

The merchant bellows a laugh, but it was one that was contrived and practiced as a bartering tool. The merchants eyes go back to Taylani, sizing her up carefully before turning a wide grin back to Fallan and he continues, again in Pavi.
"Wife? A wife who speaks the strangers tongue, who stands there looking dumbly at us for I suspect she does not speak our tongue. If she is your wife then she is newly acquired...and a poor investment on your part.She will not give you many children, her hips are too narrow her breasts too small. Because I feel sorry for your unfortunate choice, I will let this bag -this bag with sturdy tools, not new but durable- for 325 mizas...no if she is your wife, no matter how new I will give it to you for 300. No less!" The merchants words are dry, not spoken cruelly, but shrewdly.
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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Fallan Windchaser on October 4th, 2013, 3:39 pm


It was a wonder that the trader had survived so many customers considering the nature of the insult he had so casually delivered, not only to the two standing before him, but of their peoples needs. Fallan swallowed it, understanding that it was not intended personally but his lips thinned all the same and his hand moved unconsciously to the handle of his dagger.

"You have been spending too much time admiring the hips of your horse as it pulls your wagon," he said pleasantly. "My wife," he emphasised the point, wondering what Tay would think if she understood, "is a brave woman, to leave the city and ride a horse on the Sea," he emphasised the riding to reinforce the hint that the trader no longer did any such thing and was a lesser man for it.

He examined the tools closer, picking them up and holding them to the light then peering into the bag. "Did you give these to your children to dig up roots with? I fear such rusty tools will never hold an edge again. I will give you one hundred and fifty miza so that you no longer have to be ashamed and hide them under your stall. He stuck firmly to the lower valuation, though he did wonder if Tay actually had enough mizas to pay for them. He hoped so, else he would become a laughing stock.

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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Taylani on October 4th, 2013, 7:53 pm

The man's eyes widen at Fallan's gesture, his hand on his dagger causing the merchant to stand quickly, raising his hands in placation."Peace, peace. I truly did not believe she was your wife. She still has the out-lander look. I can go as low as 275 mizas, but that will be as low as I can go."The merchant speaks in low tones, still in Pavi his gaze falling quickly to Taylani and then back to Fallan.

All the while the two men were talking Taylani was getting more irate. The Pavi, gestures and speech, going so fast that she could not hope to catch on to anything having her going back and forth between the two with her brows furrowed. When Fallan's hand drops to his dagger, and his tones spoke of his possible annoyance or even anger readily heard but again not understood, Taylani sighs and opens her pack. Apparently city men and barbarian men were not as different as she thought, both ready to resort to blows.

Carefully digging, city-bred enough to know not to bring out her money where all could see, she carefully counts out 250 mizas, and slammed her hand down on the platform next to the bag of tools getting the attention of the merchant.
"Here." She says clearly in Pavi, before reverting back to common. "No more."

The merchant eyes the miza on the table, silently counting before nodding and swiping it in his upturned hand. Nodding to Taylani he speaks again in common, "Thank you." Smiling he looked to Fallan then back to Taylani "Happy to help wife."

Taylani raised a brow but simply replaced the tools and closed the bag's fastener, lifting it to tuck it beneath her arm. Did she perhaps pay more then Fallan would have? Probably, did she want to have yet one more thing that Fallan had to do for her? Not at all. Even though her supply of money was sharply reduced now, she now had means to perhaps help generate more. Turning she looked up at Fallan expectantly, waiting to see what he would say about her ending whatever discussion they had been having with her own not so subtle 'offer'.

OOC INFOPurchased Jeweler Craft Kit for 250 Miza
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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Fallan Windchaser on October 7th, 2013, 10:29 am


Now the price was still going in the right direction, but Fallan was not yet convinced that they had explored how low the man was going to go. It was time for a change in tactics, and he knew precisely which one he was going to use, shifting from confrontational to confidential, but he never got chance for they were interrupted.

He wasn't pleased, but neither was he prepared to press the issue in front of the stallholder who likely now had entirely the wrong impression regarding the relationship with Taylani. He masked his thoughts and his expression for the stallholder had been quick to accept the offer and the deal was past done.

His expression was neutral when he met her eyes, unsure of how to play this, aware that she had been presumptive, aware that she had used her own money and that she had used her initiative from the very start, not asking his opinion or permission. The absurdity of it struck him and he found it hard not to laugh, though mostly at himself and the game that it seemed that they were now playing which would establish just how their relationship would work.

Independence rather than dependence was something that he valued in her, but it seemed that the process was going to be a battle. He glanced over to the stall holder and nodded, not sure quite what he had achieved there and then returned his attention to Tay, sweeping his arm out towards the market and spoke in Pavi, for the benefit of the stall holder. "Shall we go then, love of my life?" He turned away, intending to continue in the direction that she had been walking before, wishing to put him out of earshot before any discussion might be had that he would doubtless only be too amused to listen in to.

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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Taylani on October 7th, 2013, 12:29 pm

As he looks at her, his expression bland and unassuming Taylani lifts her chin and raises a brow at him. When he speaks once more in Pavi her brows furrow in irritation but when he sweeps his hand out she turns swiftly and easily, not looking back at the stall merchant. Moving once more away, she does not spare any glances at the other stalls now that she had her primary reason for shopping done. She is astute enough to wait to speak to him until they were well away from the merchant, mostly because she too wants to speak outside of the merchant's ear shot.

When she judges they are far enough away she simply stops, turning to him with her hands on her hips not really realizing that it makes her look more angry then she really is. "What was that about?" She asks, her head tilting gently to one side just enough to let the flow of hair fall over her shoulder. "I have no clue what you and he were saying, but I do know it wasn't pleasant." Her blue eyes fall to the dagger at his waist unconsciously as she speaks, the memory of his hand going to its hilt flashing in her mind.

There is one more thing that weighs on her mind, the last thing the merchant had said about happy to help wife, for some reason she did not think he was meaning his own wife but she can not figure out why he would say that to her. Perhaps it is because his common was so atrocious and he simply used the wrong word. That makes far more sense then anything else that Taylani can think of because it would be the height of silliness to think that Fallan and herself was tied together in that fashion, surely.
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A penny saved is a penny earned.

Postby Fallan Windchaser on October 7th, 2013, 2:23 pm


He wondered if she realised the change that had come over her, and recognised it somewhat from the dance stretch practice that she had done with him. When she felt comfortable then she had a womans automatic assumption of authority, and now that he thought about it, it was the same as that very first day when they had met.

The irritation that he had felt back at the stall eased as amusement started to replace it, with the realisation that at some point he would need to reassert his authority over her otherwise she would run rampant, just like his mother.

How much to tell her? He certainly couldn't reveal the truth of it, and he hadn't noticed the final comment had been in Common as he'd been distracted by her presumptuousness.

"Bargain, he answered. "Trader insult. Fallan insult back. Game played. He searched for a different way of explaining. "Dance, know rules. He shrugged it off and turned the question back to her. "Good tools? He could only guess, as he didn't know how such things were used.

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