Time Stamp : 23rd Fall 513
The camp was a buzz in activity, which was normal since it is the middle of the day and after lunch hours. Children free from learning play amid the tents and stalls, adults hurrying to complete one task or another, and still other adults presiding over the stalls. Such is the 'market' place of Endrykas, though it did not look like any market that Taylani had ever been too. Granted the markets she was used to were always in the exact same place. Unlike Endrykas that was always moving. As such everything always had a temporary feel to it, and these were no different. Stalls who's walls were made up of the same fabric of pavilions were easily erected and put down, wares were carefully wrapped to prevent damage upon moving.
Amid the bustle a figure cuts through the crowds, her walk sedate and easy, her posture correct but not rigid. Her clothing is not fine or even what anyone would call pretty, but the dress was durable and fit her curves well. Taylani moved through the stalls with little timidity in her step, though this perhaps might be because of the company she entertains. She dislikes being amid all of these people, the buzz of the language Pavi that she was only just starting to learn pressing in on her ears like an irritant. She knows to show her discomfort or dislike would simply draw more attention to herself so she simply feigns an almost disinterest though that might not fool the more astute Drykas.
She passed the stalls that had the pretty trinkets, where as before this fall she probably would have stopped and fawned over them. She passed the stall that had several brightly colored dresses on display, barely even looking. Over her shoulder a worn faded leather pack was carried, inside all that she owns -minus the ring her mother had created for her eighteenth birthday- including the small amount of Miza's allotted to her that were still within. She hadn't divulged their existence, though she doesn't know if he had gone through her things or not. However, slave or not, she needed to do something other then sit and wait between bouts of sexual activities. She was not exactly eager to spend the last bit of coin she had earned in Syliras, but eager to have a purpose other then entertainment for Fallan and bearing children.
Her right hand raises to sweep her hair once more off her face and away from her neck out of habit. Her right ring finger bore a strip across the base, paler still then her already pale skin that spoke of something missing, though the stripe is already fading after two days. In another few days no one would ever have known she had once worn a cherished ring. She did not allow her thoughts to stay on that though, instead she looks for the jewelry stall. She knew there had to be one and if there was one, there would be a jeweler who might have tools she could buy.
The camp was a buzz in activity, which was normal since it is the middle of the day and after lunch hours. Children free from learning play amid the tents and stalls, adults hurrying to complete one task or another, and still other adults presiding over the stalls. Such is the 'market' place of Endrykas, though it did not look like any market that Taylani had ever been too. Granted the markets she was used to were always in the exact same place. Unlike Endrykas that was always moving. As such everything always had a temporary feel to it, and these were no different. Stalls who's walls were made up of the same fabric of pavilions were easily erected and put down, wares were carefully wrapped to prevent damage upon moving.
Amid the bustle a figure cuts through the crowds, her walk sedate and easy, her posture correct but not rigid. Her clothing is not fine or even what anyone would call pretty, but the dress was durable and fit her curves well. Taylani moved through the stalls with little timidity in her step, though this perhaps might be because of the company she entertains. She dislikes being amid all of these people, the buzz of the language Pavi that she was only just starting to learn pressing in on her ears like an irritant. She knows to show her discomfort or dislike would simply draw more attention to herself so she simply feigns an almost disinterest though that might not fool the more astute Drykas.
She passed the stalls that had the pretty trinkets, where as before this fall she probably would have stopped and fawned over them. She passed the stall that had several brightly colored dresses on display, barely even looking. Over her shoulder a worn faded leather pack was carried, inside all that she owns -minus the ring her mother had created for her eighteenth birthday- including the small amount of Miza's allotted to her that were still within. She hadn't divulged their existence, though she doesn't know if he had gone through her things or not. However, slave or not, she needed to do something other then sit and wait between bouts of sexual activities. She was not exactly eager to spend the last bit of coin she had earned in Syliras, but eager to have a purpose other then entertainment for Fallan and bearing children.
Her right hand raises to sweep her hair once more off her face and away from her neck out of habit. Her right ring finger bore a strip across the base, paler still then her already pale skin that spoke of something missing, though the stripe is already fading after two days. In another few days no one would ever have known she had once worn a cherished ring. She did not allow her thoughts to stay on that though, instead she looks for the jewelry stall. She knew there had to be one and if there was one, there would be a jeweler who might have tools she could buy.