[Verified by Gossamer] Ebrahim the Nuit

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Moderator: Liaisons

Ebrahim the Nuit

Postby Ebrahim on October 4th, 2013, 12:09 am



Race: Nuit
Gender: Male
Age: 368
Birthday: 33, Winter, 145 AV.
Birthplace: Zeltiva


Ebrahim currently posses the body of an older sailor, a rather unfortunate choice that was forced upon it by necessity. The body, already ancient for humans, has hardly faired well under the administration of the Nuit. Bent with age and hardened with coiled muscles, the skin of this body seems to hang loosely and is covered with liver spots and wrinkles. Additionally, the body is absolutely covered in sores from a form of malnutrition and the eyes are covered in a milky white sheen making it difficult for the Nuit to see. Despite his skills with embalming, the humidity and heat of the ocean have rapidly sped up the decomposition of the body. Even now a rank smell wafts from the rotting shell Ebrahim is forced to inhabit.

Character Concept

A Nuit that has found purpose, Ebrahim rejects those beings who choose to embrace the gifts of the Nuit but do not with them. All life, even the unlife of those like the Nuit, is a gift and tool to best be used for the betterment of others. In an existence that is plagued by decay and rot, Ebrahim seeks to create beauty. This sentiment (that all life should be used for the betterment of others) was driving force of Ebrahim's personality in life but in deaht has become the dominant thought of the Nuit. In order to accomplish this goal, Ebrahim chose to study the art of magecraft as he saw it as the best way to achieve his goals. However, Ebrahim seeks more than just to create items of great power, he seeks to craft things that can not only help other but bring beauty to the world.

The great fevor that Ebrahim has regarding his work often bleeds over into his interactions with other beings, making him uncharacteristically hyper for a Nuit. Due to this, many Nuit have a small amount of annoyance towards Ebrahim but mortal races seem to find him slightly more palitable than the rest of his kin. Another facet of his fevor that Ebrahim often brings to the forfront of his personality it the high caliber of magecraft that he expects from himself. If a creation does not live up the to the rather prodigious standards Ebrahim sets for himself, the Nuit is not above destroying what he has created. Additionally, despite being a Nuit, beyond the individual that turned Ebrahim, he has had very little interaction with other Nuit leading him to be very unsure how to react around them. Rather, Ebrahim has spent the majority of his over three and a half centuries around the other races and still exhibits certain characteristics that many of the older Nuit have left behind.

Ebrahim seeks nothing more than the peace, solitude, and resources needed to continue his work. The Nuit desires no higher place of control or power and will never get involved in political maneuverings unless the bare a threat to his studies. Likewise, Ebrahim will generally refuse all requests for help unless he can devise a way in which it will benefit him (rather characteristic of a Nuit). Ebrahim takes a slightly more light view towards Pulsars than others of his kind and sees them as a valuable resource not to be squandered on trivial pursuits. Ebrahim often choose a pulsar as a 'favorite' and keeps them around like a pet for a good length of time.

Character History

Ebrahim was born and raised and died in the city of Zeltiva (though during that time he had a different name). The majority of his human life was spent assisting his mother and father in their dried goods store and little else. The young man never felt a great compunction during his human time to explore the various skills and trades that the city of Zeltiva offered, content to remain the inheritor and proprietor of his families store. Had things gone a different way, its entirely likely that this would have been the extent of his life and legacy. Instead, Ebrahim was struck by an unknown illness that crippled the young man in his 20th year. Deciding that he was unready to journey to the afterlife Ebrahim sought out a Nuit wanderer that had made Zeltiva his home for the past couple of seasons and patronized the store of his family.

There a deal was struck. In return for giving Ebrahim the gift (or curse) of the Nuit, Ebrahim had to travel with the Nuit that turned him for 100 years. Given that it was choice between this or death, Ebrahim chose to travel rather than waste away in his current body. When the Daek-Nuit was complete, Ebrahim was moved to a different body and it was made to look as if he had passed away from his illness (his family none the wiser). Given that Ebrahim had a new body of a wood carver that recently passed away and that some of the villagers were beginning to point fingers at the Nuit that turned him, Ebrahim and his 'savior' fled from Zeltiva and have not been seen there since.

In the 100 years that followed, Ebrahim served as both apprentice and companion to this Nuit. It was over these years that Ebrahim was tutored in Magecraft by his 'parent' as well as the language of Nader-canoch and certain aspects of Sahova. Of course, all of this was merely done to better assuage the loneliness of the Nuit that turned Ebrahim. The years passed and the two became closer but estranged as well. Eventually, Ebrahim came to resent the life that he had chose and began to seek ways to end it only to find each attempt thwarted by his creator. Wishing for death but being prevented from its sweet embrace, Ebrahim started to hate the Nuit that had accepted his request and saved his life. This hatred came to define this period of Ebrahim's existence, a hatred so deep and boundless that at times he was forced to stop in amazement that a human soul could be filled with such evil.

It was rather unexpectedly that this chapter came to an end.

Ebrahim's creator finally freed him from his obligation on eve of his 100th turning anniversary, following the terms to the letter, and vanished. Suddenly there was void in Ebrahim, a void that he never even knew existed. Unknowingly, hate had become his reason for existing; it was hate that allowed Ebrahim to continue through the ages and suddenly, the object of his hate was gone. The Nuit went through a period of great withdrawal, a lack of purpose pervading his mind. Once did he try to end his life but found that he lacked the resolve to even do that and so he wandered.

For decades upon decades Ebrahim traveled all over the land of Mizaharm, hiding his true race by refusing to stay in one place long than an handful of weeks. Ebrahim merely existed. There was no purpose, no rhyme or reason to his movements, no goal to his endless wandering. That was, until the vision.

If one was to press him about it now Ebrahim would be hard pressed to remember the details about what exactly it was or what caused it. The Nuit is quick to admit that it might have been nothing more than an illusion caused by a mind on the brink of destroying itself, but he likes to think otherwise. The only thing that Ebrahim remembers to this day is a silver mist seemed to envelop the world and the only visible thing was a bright golden light that pulsed with beat of a heart. The Nuit remembers going forward and seeing exactly what it was that gave off this heavenly light but upon returning to himself could remember nothing about. From that day forward, Ebrahim dedicated himself to creating the source of the golden light believing it to be a vision sent by the gods to guide him towards a purpose.

This purpose forced Ebrahim to a bit of a cross roads though. The Nuit was well aware of the extent of his magical abilities and understood that he not only lack the materials to create what he saw but the requisite abilities as well. With this in mind he was forced to turn his gaze to the land of Sahova, a land where one such as him would be . . . not welcomed but certainly not attacked. It was a place where he could work and have the resources necessary at his disposal. Finally, with a purpose and goal in mind Ebrahim headed off to the land of the Nuit.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Nadar-canoch


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Magecraft 30 SP 30 Competent
Alchemy 10 SP 10 Novice
Auristics 10 SP 10 Novice
Embalming 10 RB, 0 SP 10 Novice


Helpful Lores:
Lore of History of Sahova
Lore of Sahovan Politics


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-1 bottle of embalming fluid
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: N/A


Location: Sahova

House: Ebrahim currently resides in one of the small broom closet sized rooms reserved in the Quaters of the Citadel for visitors. There is a thin mat to one side of the room where the Nuit rests (purely in a mental fashion) and studies at the end of the day as well as a small basin of water that it uses to clean its current body in order to try and slow decomposition. Unlike the rooms in the higher levels, Ebrahim's room lacks a source of light beyond what it generates itself and the temperatures are so low as to cause problems for the living but are perfect for a Nuit. Altogether not the most comfortable place, but when has comfort ever been a concern for a Nuit?


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cash In Housing +500 GM 600 GM

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Posts: 15
Words: 10119
Joined roleplay: September 29th, 2013, 9:33 pm
Race: Nuit
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