Neoma: *maliciously cackles*
Sneaha: You wouldn't be able to gain any skill points in hypno from him, although you can gain enough lores to have your character learn it on her own through some meditation (explained in further detail
here) I'm almost positive that you can self-mod Rutreg for learning hypnotism, however I did check in with Mirage on that, so hold tight for me. I will pm as soon as I get an answer
I did fail to mention this, and I'm sorry, but Familiary is the only magic that he doesn't offer. Even though it is a personal magic, it involves a world magic. To acquire a familiar, you'd need another wizard who is already bound to a familiar who knows the basics of summoning, it is a rather hard process (explained in further detail
here), and one that I can't moderate for you. Although any
other personal magic is open, sorry I didn't clarify that for you guys.