The 50th of Fall, 513 A.V.The event had been whispered about, hinted and played with. Every season the Dhani always took a much needed relaxing week by paying homage to their Mother Goddess, it involved the sacrificing of a few of those idiot Myrians who strayed too far and too few near the entrances to the city they didn't know about, good music, alcohol, smoking, and a level of intimacy with one's cohorts that normally wasn't seen. Feuds were put aside for debauchery and excess until it was over.
And the whispers had said this Fall it was going to be one of the biggest events Zinrah had seen in at least a decade.
But if it was going to be so large, why had no one heard hide nor scale of anything, no plans, no preparations?
Well upon the 50th, as the residents of Zinrah woke, perhaps earlier than normal in readiness for the events...the caves were stiller than a grave. Peering out of one's cavern the tunnels were empty of everything save the pulsating light of glowstones, no echoed whispers, or the slither of tails met one's ears. This silence would not last, however, for the closer a Dhani drew to Siku's Shrine the more they would realize this silence was a mere illusion. The faint reverberations one could begin to sense became drum beats, loud and creating the perfect bass for the slew of other instruments to follow. Siitars, harps, violins, drums of every shape and size, horns, long sinewy strings strung across bones created the greatest cacophony of music as one approaches the nest wide party.
This season dubbed, Siku's Solstice.
The bodies, some in human, many in Dhani, and some in snake gyrate upon the floor, for the brews, deep red wines, grog stolen from Myrian shipments, and fine white vintages from Black Rock flow freely, A cloud of smoke trickles from the entrance to Siku's Shrine and tints the light of the few braziers lit with blue flames specially for this occasion.
Day 1: Imbibing the fruits of the Jungle Wilds.
Among the bartered and pilfered vintages of alcohol lies cordials and wines made from the bountiful fall harvest of previous years, thrown in large wooden casked and ladled into stone cups for whoever desires their fill.
Rumors fly, questions about the shows that will be put on, the number of Myrian sacrifices this year, and if there are any treats for the Dhani's pleasure. Will Siku show herself to her faithful children?
Among the whispers are tales of certain stand out Dhani within the nest. Heated whispers are exchanged in regards to a certain male with the powers to deceive and hypnotize, his gender inferior, yet his calculating mind making up for the lack therein.
Two Vipers have joined the nest and they are subject of much debate as to their worth. One seems to be living a quiet and solitary existence thus far, while the other has caused no end of trouble, yet has the power to change the very design of the tunnels, and has proved her worth.
There are beings not Dhani in the caverns as well, a subject up to much argument and debate, but there will be more then enough time to set rumors into fact, and fiction into its rightful place, after all...this is only just the beginning.