Season of Fall, Day 46, 513 AV
Yeah. Definitely a tactical error. Rinya had reloaded herself on Jorin's awful egg goop- two handfuls this time- and grinned back at him, taunting him about his bad shot. Jorin just smirked, his eyes still on the eggs in their shells. "I think you'll find my next one is going to be a bit better," he hummed with a wink.
They had both looked at the eggs at the same time, so Jorin knew that Rinya knew. But Jorin was at least two or three steps away from the eggs, so Rinya tossed both handfuls at him and caught him on the shoulder and in the face- again. Jorin gasped slightly. Gods, that stuff was slimy! It was worse than the fish guts!
When Rinya turned her back, Jorin sprang for the eggs, grabbing one in each hand. He grinned as he hurled one at Rinya, but it fell short, and splattered against the ground. Ah well, he still had one more, and he tossed that one a bit higher this time, and it sailed in a pleasant arc and struck her right in the back and burst, the gooey yolk running down her spine.
Deciding the eggs were definitely a better projectile than the flour, Jorin turned to get a couple more when he heard Rinya sing out his name in a cheerful, bright tone. He grinned as he turned, only to see her toss the contents of the bowl he'd crushed the mustard seeds into his face. And suddenly his eyes and nose were on fire.
Jorin stumbled back in surprise, almost clawing at his face as the powder burned its way down his lungs. His eyes burned and almost itched and he could barely see, and they teared up automatically in an effort to wash the offending irritant out. With a choking cough, Jorin tried to expel the powder from his nose and mouth, but the burning sensation filled his nostrils. He could barely breathe except through his mouth, as every breath through his nose felt like hot pokers had been stuck through them.
"Water...!" Jorin croaked as he stumbled half-blind toward the bucket he'd filled earlier. He needed to get to the water.