[Verified by Crosspatch] Adora Simone

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Adora Simone

Postby Adora on October 12th, 2013, 5:17 pm

Adora Simone


Race: Nuit
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: 36, Spring, 497.
Birthplace: Zeltiva

The appearance of a Nuit is not constant and unchanging due to the need to swtich bodies, and often their original body has been long discarded after the Daek-nuit. Except Adora never underwent the Daek-nuit; no, she became a Nuit by the more dangerous and painful method of drinking a Nuit's ichor, and surviving it against all odds.

Thank's to this Adora still possesses her original body, though the tell-tale signs of a Nuit have come upon it, her skin now deathly pallid with dark circles under her eyes and tongue blackened by ichor's presence. Very petite and slender, standing at a short height of 5'6", Adora was an adolescent girl on the verge of womanhood, that was before she entered into unlife. With vibrant red hair falling past her shoulders and keen sea blue eyes, Adora still possesses a small echo of vibrancy in her appearance, though it has been greatly subdued since becoming a Nuit and is quickly fading away.

Character Concept

In life Adora Simone had a certain brightness and optimism about her, something that did not diminish even when she began her path on the road of magic. Most people on meeting Adora then would have simply thought of her as a typical, nice and gentle young girl. She is just that to the only person she very much loved and cared for, her only sister Claire. But continue talking with her, and you'll see a much more different side to the young reimancer.

An outgoing and energetic individual, the young wizard was perhaps more kinder than others of her discipline, though there still was undoubtedly a lofty pride in her; what kind of prodigy wouldn't possess some semblence of arrogance? Though she did treat most people with a degree of polite respect, Adora was not afraid of showing her true feelings to indivduals when she simply could not bear it anymore. A temper with a considerably short fuse was what Adora had, no calm and cold even-temperedness. Words of advice from the young girl often come out as harsh scolding, leaving some individuals thinking of her as a talented young wizard while others see her as an arrogant and hot-tempered girl.

The past description might have been sufficient to describe Adora, but things have changed. Unlife had brought a great change to Adora, trauma in fact considering this was a change that was forced upon her. Shaken by her new state, Adora is still the same individual much so, but she now struggles with her new state of unlife as well as a survivor's guilt, and has become much more subdued and prone to long spells of brooding silence. But, something inside of her is stirring, a fierce focus for what she has left: magic.

Character History

Adora was born in Zeltiva to Levi and Maria Simone. All people start as normal and innocent children, but the world has it that some people's childhoods are either cut short or drastically different from others. Adora's was the latter, for when she was 6 years of age her mother died after giving birth to Claire. Soon after this, Levi Simone, who was a mage, disappeared from Zeltiva, leaving behind only a worn journal for Adora. No one knows why he left, and to this day he had never been seen again. The Simone sisters, without mother or father, were left in the care of their uncle, Marcus Simone.

Life went on normally for Adora and Claire, but that was soon to change. Marcus Simone had in his possession the journal his older brother had left behind for Adora. When it came that Adora turned 15, Marcus who was himself a magic user, gave the young girl her father's journal. Thus started her immersion in to the world of the arcane arts. Upon reading the journal, Adora came to learn that her father was a Reimancer, and as she went through pages filled with instructions on Reimancy and Glyphing, Adora seeked to learn magic. Hearing this from his niece, Marcus agreed, despite her relative youth, and initiated Adora into Reimancy. The initiation was one of the most torturous and painful moments in the young Adora's life, but at the end of it, Adora felt that it was worth it. She finally was more than just a typical person. The young wizard trained her skills in Reimancy under her uncle's tutelage, supplementing it with Glyphing that she learned from her father's journal. Her skill with the arcane was, to say the least, advancing rapidly for her age. Adora could have gone on to the University if she so wished but instead she chose to stay with her uncle and sister. But fate had other plans, and it all came down to a fateful obsession of Marcus Simone's.

Marcus had held an interest into the undead race of Nuits, and often ventured to speak with them when normal people would recoil in fright. Fascinated by the Nuit's immortality and their knowledge of ancient magics, and of course of their famous magical facility of Sahova, Marcus would talk out just about any bit of information about all of this that he could get from the Nuits in Zeltiva. He would often talk to Adora about the Nuits he met and of Sahova, to which Adora expressed only some interest. But the allure of immortality and that of the powerful knowledge of Sahova began to play and twist Marcus's mind, and so came the day when Marcus decided that he was to become a Nuit. No, not just himself. Why should he alone enjoy the gift of everlasting life? But what if they refused? No matter, I can just force them... So a simple curiosity grew into a monstrous and dark desire.

One day, when Adora returned home exhausted from a session of training her reimancy, she was absolutely shocked to find the beheaded corpse of a man in the house. Only, instead of blood, sickly white ichor flowed from the decapitated head; it was a Nuit. Recoiling in disgust from the corpse, Adora went further into the house, calling for Claire and her uncle, praying nothing happened to them. She came to her uncle's room to find Claire, unconcious and bound by reimantic earth to the floor, her uncle forcing down a white liquid into the child's throat. Before she could even muster up a scream of horror, Marcus directed a cloud of res down Adora's throat, crippling her with the burning pain. Soon, more res flowed towards her, binding her to the floor with earth like Claire. Marcus knelt next to the struggling Adora, a pitcher full of ichor in his hand, and quietly told her that she will soon live forever, and forced the ichor down her throat.

What happened next could only be described as pure pain. As the ichor began its deadly work inside Adora, the girl writhed in agony, clawing at the floor as she felt like, death was beckoning to her. In the utter torment, she did not see her uncle release Claire and herslef from the earth, nor did she see Claire suffering likewise, nor did she see Marcus himself raise the cursed ichor to his own lips. All she saw was darkness and could see Dira waiting to take her, but not only that... she couldn't go. She can't die here. There was still much for Adora to see and do, her life had barely struly begun and now fate had decided to take it away from her? There was no way that Adora would simply bow her head before death's grim shadow or fate's relentless march/ No matter what, she had to live!

And so Adora opened her eyes to the world again, alive... or was she? Her body seemed to feel, different. Heavier and much more slower and sluggish. Looking around, she saw the still forms of Claire and Marcus, the last moments of their agony etched on their still faces. They were dead. Dead. Adora could only cry in anger and sadness, but no tears fell from her undead eyes. For now Adora was cursed with an unwanted unlife, now she was a Nuit.

Her life now shattered, Adora didn't know what to do. She couldn't bear to stay at her home, no this city now. If people found out what had happened, the blame would go to Adora, she just knew it. They will have no sympathy for a Nuit like herself now, even if she was human mere days ago. But there was one place in this world where the Nuit, flourished for lack of better word. Leaving her home without another word, the very next day Adora slowly and weakly boarded the boat to Sahova, for now all she had left was magic.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Nader-Canoch


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Reimancy 30 SP 30/100 Competent
Glyphing 20 SP 20/100 Novice
Embalming 10 RB 10/100 Novice

Reimancy Elements: Air, Fire.
Para-elements: Lightning.


Reimancy Technique: Deflecting Wind
What Have I Become?


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Black Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-1 bottle of embalming fluid
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Tiny Detail Brush
-Small Brush
-3 Vials of Ink
-27 Sheets of Parchment
588 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: A journal that had belonged to Adora's father, it is the only item left of him in her possession. The journal appears to have been written specifically for Adora, judging from the manner of the author's writing directed at Adora. Inside are many diagrams of Glyphing and theories on Reimancy that Levi Simone left behind for her to study. It seems that a quarter of the pages were left empty.


Location: Sahova

House: A room in the Quarters.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cash In Housing +500 GM 600 GM
Tiny Detail Brush -5 SM 599 GM 5 SM
Small Brush -1 SM 599 GM 4 SM
3 Vials of Ink -6 GM 593 GM 4 SM
27 Pieces of Parchment -5 GM 4 SM 588 GM

Thread List

Fall 513 AV
50th- Warming Up [The Prairies]
60th- [The Quarters] Two Kinds of Undead (Kouri)
79th- [Common Labs] SIncere Help... Or Is It? (Annalisa)
Last edited by Adora on October 16th, 2013, 1:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 14
Words: 13871
Joined roleplay: October 7th, 2013, 8:34 pm
Location: Sahova
Race: Nuit
Character sheet

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