by Miro on November 8th, 2013, 9:55 pm
Miro thought more about what Alric said. It was surprising how far he'd gotten with only a day's thought, but that too was alarming. To feel so unguarded with this plot, afraid the time for action would come too soon. But he knew it was just the opposite, his friend had acted haste, and that alone was the reason their plan was so raw. It took time, and from now on they would have that time dedicated to it. The Hypnotist was still green in using his skills in such a way, but was skilled enough to modify his style. This all however was right up the Reimancer's dark alley.
The obsession technique Alric mentioned would be useful if stored. The way he spoke of it, an obsession sounded to be the strongest Hypnotic spell he could perform. And having witnessed how easily he could chain and weave manipulation, it truly must be impressive. Enough so that he would not be able to make a sigil strong enough to contain very many of the spells with a Djed content like that. It would take a great deal of care to chain more than a few safely, and perhaps even then some unique upgrades done on the typical scroll. But everything was possible with enough preparation, and of course when willing to take the risk.
Though the rest of his ploy seemed roughly carved, minus a few missing details. Surprisingly enough Miro could fill in many of the gaps. It took a moment to recall everything he was told and sort out how to present it, but things were starting to come together. "Gru'tral's office, I imagine he has one of those, but I can not be sure. All anyone knows is that the Ebonlord is given sanctuary within the Temple of the Black Sun, the headquarters of the Ebonstryfe. It is the city's most sacred building, and quite well protected. Although I had heard that it had been attacked in the past by the Rising Dawn. Though I won't put much stock in such nonsense."
It was silly to think that a group of terrorists would perform such chaotic acts against the god of chaos. Even more ridiculous that somehow they could still be lurking in the shadows, unable to be destroyed by the Black Sun. If they were a real threat, it was one the wizard hoped to rid the city of. He did wish to please Rhysol and was compelled to ascend the ranks of the Ebonstryfe. This was another reason the plan worried him. It could be a rumor placed by Gru'tral to lure out those who were not loyal to the cause. Rid himself of those who would wish him harm. Without risk however, there was oft very little reward.
At least they would not start with the Ebonlord, but rather Lazarin, the head interrogator for the Ebonstryfe. That man even put fear in Miro by his reputation alone. Though he had found out that it was possible to be brought into a family if not born. And this was something that interested the undead. If there was any family for him to have connection to, it would be the Lazarin. But he also knew that in terms of basic information, slaves were privy, yet loyal. Though all knew not to act against the family, even their lowliest slave. It provided a few options when they could be interrogated discretely.
"To get to Lazarin, as you said, it is indeed difficult. Not that getting through the Temple will be any easier. You aren't even a Chaon. And that is something that can't be faked. They will sense instantly you are not one of them, so don't even bother pretending. Anyways, Lazarin is head interrogator for the Ebonstryfe, and all know to fear him and his household. However I have heard of people being inducted into the family without blood by some feat. Also slaves minds taken apart for information might yield details needed for an infiltration on the estate. We could learn what information we need on the family from slaves, and use your Hypnotism to seem likely prospects to be inducted into the family as well."
Miro grinned at that last part. It would certainly be worth it to join the Lazarin family, as they held the greatest influence in the Ebonstryfe. "I should expect that even if we are unable to gain any ground within the family quite yet, we can propose so much more. But of course something like that is worth quite a bit. Not just a name, but a promotion. You are playing Ravokian politics my friend, so think hard what that means. The way we gain from this is a position within the Black Sun or Ebonstryfe. By assisting Lazarin and having his support, we may find ourselves on the fast track to paladinhood. For this reason I have longed to become a part of his household." And any paladin was akin a noble within the city. They got perks, opportunities and influence enough to make their aspirations a reality.
"I do suggest you take consideration to joining the ranks of the Ebonstryfe. Somebody with your skills, and especially with your drive, you would do well. None can touch the Stryfe, and as you rise through the ranks, so too do your resources and influence." That was at least taken care of, though some things were not. Miro had purposely skipped over further mention of Glyphing so he could weigh out Alric's suggestion. Using air had ups and down to it. First was that it was invisible, mostly as a negative. It would risk friendly exposure and be harder to manipulate, though that offered one perk. The undead could fill a room with it and all else would breathe it in and think nothing, left only to suffer from its effect.
With an effect to inspire one to become aloof and lost within a foggy mind, it would be a great spell. One that they could even protect against the negative effect with a way he thought of. Lessomm had the ability to do what he called tasking on his Shields. A tasked Shield could block a specific thing, and only that thing. As such, hypnotic air could be blocked, while breathing air is not. The Shield would be invisible, offer magical protection, and allow a reprieve from his own Hypnotism. It would work, and the best plan was one that involved several contingencies and variations. Smoke made a great aggressive tool, while air was perfect for passive use.
"So I have considered all you've mentioned with Glyphing. You pick up things fast, and I like your suggestion. We can prepare multiple hypnotic elements for different scenarios and effects. Even Shield ourselves from possible exposure using Lessomm's abilities. To make air that causes one to be aloof and black out as if from drunkenness, very useful. The technique would be silent, invisible, and completely undetectable without Auristics. And even then, what can be done to stop it once the effect has set in? It works well. I had already considered a more aggressive counterpart. I would use smoke and induce panic. It would be obvious, though I could manipulate the element with my Res."
Then of course there was the issue of storing raw Hypnotism. "The flaw with storing an obsession creates some form of safety as well. A scroll like that doesn't have the benefit of transferring Djed by your aura of influence, but instead by tagging them with a focus and releasing it. This means you have to be able to touch them with a filled scroll. And a filled scroll is the most unpredictable product the discipline offers. Luckily as they must be touched to feel the effect, so must you. Though accidental misfire will mean that your Djed is wasted. This happens in two ways. A rune break, or an accidental triggering." This was the main advantage of their combination technique, which would be explained next.
"Our technique to bridge our disciplines, let's call it "Hypnomancy". I shall explain why it is perfect to contrast to Glyphed Hypnotism. Opposite of a Hypnoism scroll which must be touching a target at the time of activation, lest it be wasted, Hypnomancy only releases the element. This means it can still harm us, but also be used if accidentally released. And unlike the scroll which must be tagged, the element can be guided by my Res over a distance. This means that one's operative uses covers the other's faults. We shall have an answer for every assault scenario." The duo passed near a familiar landmark. "We are only several chimes away from our destination now. Before that, let us clear up the rest of this"
There was but one thing left for Miro to mention. That was exactly the extent of his Glyphing's capability and what he could do to enhance it. "My Glyphing isn't without its flaws however. I can arguably always make a larger sigil, but the larger the scroll, the larger the chance of a fault. In some cases at least, for there are ways to reduce the risk. Regardless of my skill however, we will need to make several scrolls. Storing too much Djed in one scroll is foolish, not only in case of misfire, but for need to spread the effects to many targets. This means we may need to tag a target multiple times, if for some reason the effect of one scroll is not enough."
Luckily they could mix passive and active spells, as well as long and short ranged ones. With all of them bearing Alric's stored Hypnotism, the mental effects would start to stack up no matter how they were applied. And all of this preparation left both wizards free to use their natural skills and personal Djed. Alric was still capable of using at least one obsession a day without a scroll, if it came to that. "I am currently working on ways to protect our scrolls from accidental activation, though my current technique is still very fresh. A Glyphed scrollcase to ward Djed and reduce the severity of a misfire. Perhaps even retain some of the spell."
The Reimancer would listen to the rest of what his Hypnotist counterpart had to say and try to enjoy the rest of the trip. The next five chimes would be all they had to talk before arriving at Black Tar's. He did not wish to risk speaking confidential business in front of another more than this once. They would need to finish quickly. Though this part of the trip was his favorite. The Plaza of Dark Delights was always filled with such shady characters, it was so exciting. Like at any point one could be attacked with an attempt on their life. Such a thing would give reason to kill, and that was the best fun a city could offer. Though as they rode along the channels, despite seeing a few choice suspects, it didn't happen. Never did, at least not to the undead.
Finally they had arrived at the small shop. Their Ravosala was underpaid, and the large chest was taken before they departed. It was just as he remembered it. Dull-gray, closed uninviting shutters and the door covered in the foul tar. For this reason it always looked closed, though it never was. As Alric opened the door and they entered a warm feeling crept into Miro's body. He so loved to see the cases along the walls filled with various labeled goods, and especially the mystery of the shop. Am ominous voice came from behind a curtain at the hind end of the room. It gave instructions to be careful and where to leave coins. To one side of the room were poisons, on the other shelves with other various goods. Including the sweet sight of books, each of their subjects written in bold in the spine.
"Alric, gather your wanted items and place them here. When we have gathered up all of our supplies, I'll count the sum of their costs and fill the coffer. And do be careful near the poisons, it is seriously dangerous stuff." So the undead followed his own advice and began to gather his items. The tool kits came first, one for philtering, one for botany. Then the parchment scrolls. It was quite a large portion of the scroll supply, but entirely necessary. Fifteen of the average sized scrolls, and two large scrolls priced five times the cost of those of average size. And Finally there was naught left to retrieve but books, where most of his Miza would be spent.
He scanned the titles, though he already knew all of them. Out of them he picked out four of them, their subjects labeled as herbalism, philtering, Spiritism and Summoning. Though he expected at least one more book to be chosen by Alric. He was not sure that the Hypnotist had seen books like this for sale. Until Miro had entered this shop for the first time he hadn't either. It was a slick way to earn money though. Get a good selection of well written books, keep the originals of course, but make copies to be sold in your shop. It was this idea that encouraged the Reimancer to start a collection of texts and dedicate some time to honing his copying skills.
All of his supplies were gathered, and as he counted their cost. It was just as he planned. His supplies alone were three hundred seventy-five Miza, quite the sum of money to be spent. Along with whatever Alric would add and his previous expense, he had spent more than half of his funds. But just as well, they would go far. Hopefully much of it would be useful in recovering his losses, or to give him something that money could not. At least now they had the supplies necessary to carry out their plans. What they planned went beyond anything either had done in the past.
So Miro filled the bronze dish with the proper sum and removed the contents of his chest. He then began to fill his pack with all of the books, both blank and written, as well as the average scrolls, and last the small chest containing his vials. He then loaded the pack in his chest along with the leather tool kits, and on top of them placed the manacles and large scrolls before it was shut. He lifted the heavy container and noticeably limped to the door. Even with his strength, the weight of the chest made it impossible to mask his weakened leg.
"Get the door for me so we can leave. We will fetch a Ravosala and head back home to drop off our supplies. From there we do as you wish. Go out somewhere, stay in and work, part ways, whatever you want. Might even explain some more of the plans I have for these supplies. Some of what I have in store is quite exciting." The door opened and Chained One stepped outside and waited for it to close before speaking again. It turned out that he only required assistance with doors, not carrying things. "Lately I have been thinking of a few ways to earn some money for my talents. Or other ways I find a bit of cash to keep my pockets from drying up. I know you have a similar interest."