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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Linally on August 7th, 2010, 2:16 pm


Basic Information

Race: Konti
Birthday & Age : Day 8 of Winter, AV 499
Gender: Female

Physical Description
Linally is still a child, yet already holds many strikingly powerful Konti features. Blond hair and bright almost pale skin, shimmering silvery scales, bright blue eyes. Linally is roughly four feet tall, perhaps an inch or two taller, but is quite thin, even for her age. Despite her age however, Linally is very mature. Perhaps it is simply because she is Konti, thus has some sort of seemingly dormant power of special sight, she seems to recall something from a past life, not particularly memories or details, but almost that a trait had carried over from death and through birth, giving Linally a sense of maturity amongst her age.

Character Concept
Being a child, Linally is still unsure and mostly is unaware of things, such as Gnosis, Gods and Goddesses, and Philosophies. Her life is more geared towards learning how fast she can run in comparison to other children, who can draw the best, and who is the prettiest. It is obvious that Linally, being Konti, has been heavily influenced by Syliras and other places, which suggest that her time in the Konti Isles were short, if existent.

However, even though she is merely a child, Linaly has a large heart and literally feels pain whenever someone is hurt or is suffering. For this reason, Linally, at an impressively early age, has tried to pick up medicinal techniques to help others, though again because of her age, she is unable to do much.
Character History
Linally's mother was, of course, a Konti woman. She was a strange one by Konti standards. She had a family, every reason to stay on the Isle, yet she craved adventure, she craved exploration, she craved men. She wanted less to do with her Konti sisters and Avalis than she did with the males of other races around Mizahar, and unable to find such on the Isles, she left.

Linally's mother's course took her straight towards Zeltiva, where she entertained herself with the sailors there, doing who-knows-what and how often. It was disturbing to think about, but when Linally was about thirty days from being born, her mother realized she made many mistakes, and attempted to return home.

On the path back towards the Konti Isles, or at least to the ocean, the traveling Group that the pregnant Konti was with was attacked by bandits several miles out from Syliras, who had apparently been tracked by the knights for a long time. Many slaves were taken, including Linally's pregnant mother. The idea was for these people to be sold in Sunberth.

Now on her new path as a captive towards Sunberth, Linally was born, a Konti child of course, which was allowed and Linally was to be taken perfect care of, since an unblemished Konti girl would make a nice payment. The slavers of course wanted that. But nothing goes to plan. The Knights from Syliras finally showed up and over took the bandits, and after a brief struggle, Linally and a few others were taken back to Syliras. Linally's mother, along with half a dozen other people, were slaughtered by the Bandits, who had decided that they would not be punished alone.

Once in Syliras, Linally was adopted by an elderly couple, and raised for roughly ten years...
Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Fortune Telling - 10
Running - 15
Singing - 30
Reading - 5
Equipment and Possessions
* 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
* 1 Waterskin
* 1 Backpack which contains:
o 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
o Food for a week
o 1 eating knife
o Flint & Steel
600 GM (100 + Shelter Cashed In)

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The Little One
Posts: 3
Words: 3120
Joined roleplay: August 7th, 2010, 1:37 pm
Race: Konti
Character sheet

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