Fall 45, 403 AV
Alair, and his father left the gate with an unstrung bow, the arrows, and even a little salted meat, cheese, bread and water. All the carried by the boy to the makeshift shooting range his father had chalked out in the Bronze Woods. It was a very crude range, a single tree had an x carved on it, and his father had tied some rope around surrounding trees, mostly to keep other people from getting in the way of his untrained son. They set up a make shift camp, with a little fire, and set the water, and food down in the shade, the sun was just now rising, and while they waited for enough light to shoot, they had a Spartan breakfast a little bread and water. Alair was still excited at this time in the morning.
When the sun had risen up enough, his father began to teach Alair the ins and outs. “The first thing you need to know is the ‘bowyers Knot’,” His father took the unstrung end of the bow in his hand, and began to tie a knot, it was a simple knot, loop the end of the rope, then loop through the loop, over under, over under, and pull tight. His father undid the simple knot, and handed the bowstring to Alair, and spoke slowly “make a loop about 3 inches down the string.” Alair slowly made the loop, his small fingers easily manipulating the rope. “Take the end, and loop it into the first loop” the boy did as instructed, “its easier if you pinch the inside loop, to hold it in place.” Alair moved his left thumb on the inside, and then began to loop the end through- slowly. “good, now loop the end over, and under, 3 times.” Alair slowly, and clumsily finished the knot.
“Now comes the fun part. To string the bow. Stand inside the bow, the strung end behind your right foot” When Alair had done so, his father continued. “firmly put your left hand on the top of the bow, and take the bow string in your right.” Alair didn’t hesitate, he was still giddy to fire a bow, “Now firmly, but gently pull the top of the bow down- careful not to pull down too far, you can snap a bow if you pull down too far. At the same time, try and put the loop you made into the notch at the top. It will secure the string on the bow.” It took the boy nearly half a bell of struggling and fighting to bend the bow down far enough to string. “Ah, good… now comes the fun part!” said his father, as the sun rose above his shoulders.