Enter at your own risk to this land of designs and dangers! Hello! I am Ilsa! I am taking a course in design for Uni! So I have decided to make a cave of design! I shall create magic box’s codes! Avatars! Signtures! Character sheets! I will create all and any requests! And as I get more requests I will get better at designing so I hope we can provide each other with a service! I would also just like to mention since this has gotten a lot more attention then expected! Signatures will only take a short time to complete however if you have a box code ordered It will take a lil longer :3 just be patient. NOTE: Please also note that if you do not like what i make you do not take my picture for your own code ask for changes or dont use it, simple. To receive your request all you need to do! - My request code- Character name: main idea: Which are you after (Character sheet codes ect): Two banners? A Trans code? One banner? Do you want a special front? Design: Colour scheme: Anything Else?: -Yuri's
Anything Else?: Examples! Mizahar! number one :
number two :
number three :
number four :
number five :
Signtures! Also please ignore the no 'A's my keyboard had died at the time and i had already compressed them to one layer Signature one :
signature two :
signature three :