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Lanky and gaunt, Pandaemus’ body has not yet fully decayed to the usual eerie state most Nuits find their forms in. It is pale and deadened, but well maintained for it’s relative freshness. His ashy hair is unkempt and only a few inches long, though it does not grow any longer. Face pale and covered in glyphs his former master had tattooed on his body for his own reasons, he looks haunted and his dead eyes bear a flare of fear, or shame.
66 Spring- 9 Summer 514:
Pan's body has begun to degrade, his flesh rotting and the rigor mortis settling in. He moves slower and his eyes have turned an ugly pale yellowish color. His skin is bruised and drying to a harsh pale state. During this time Pan resembles more a rotting corpse than ever.
9 Summer 514 - Present:
The second body Pan acquires is much the same as his original body in body structure and height, though the new one is an inch taller. Pan, still attached to his past identity, strove to find a body as much like his original as he could. Though the Palsa Hydrasa supplied him with a much more hawkish visage. And the new form's hair is almost a white blonde.
The fear of death and the newly cursed state he lives in is countered with a logical mind that enabled him to make his way to Sahova, where he would be welcome. His constant paranoia about his master has finally been lifted from his shoulders, and an unnatural relief at his precarious state of immortality replaced it. His life was filled with nightmares involving the wizard taking his body as he had stolen others, or else killing him for an experiment. He had never seen things going the way they had. And now he did not have to fear the insane old Nuit any longer.
But he was in terror of his new state. He did not age, he did not tire. But he also did not live. And yet he was faced for the first time in his existence, with his own life. He was not saddled with the needs of his master. His ambition was his only guide now. And so he sought out the only place he knew of to welcome such as he. And he decided he would use the knowledge he had gleaned from his Nuit master as a key into the halls of Sahova. He would rededicate himself to whatever was needed to gain the power to become his own man.
A newfound determination boiled inside him, to lend motivation to his ambitions. It was really the drive that kept him from curling up into a ball and weeping until he decayed and became dust.
But he was in terror of his new state. He did not age, he did not tire. But he also did not live. And yet he was faced for the first time in his existence, with his own life. He was not saddled with the needs of his master. His ambition was his only guide now. And so he sought out the only place he knew of to welcome such as he. And he decided he would use the knowledge he had gleaned from his Nuit master as a key into the halls of Sahova. He would rededicate himself to whatever was needed to gain the power to become his own man.
A newfound determination boiled inside him, to lend motivation to his ambitions. It was really the drive that kept him from curling up into a ball and weeping until he decayed and became dust.
Ambitious: Pandaemus dreams of great things. He is very driven in his chosen field of study and will give all of himself to the cause he choses. This has resulted in acquiring an apprenticeship on Sahova, and some vicious overgiving as well. His thirst for knowledge and power take him through life and guide him to do great work in the labs of Sahova.
Intelligence: The young Nuit is, above all else, a scholarly sort. He enjoys the acquisition of knowledge. Mostly he is passionate about magic and the ancient histories, but any sort of knowledge can take his interest and he will pursue it until it is learned. Pan is a fast learner and has benefitted from this commitment in many ways.
Prudence: Pandaemus, due to his deep seated fear and hallucination induced paranoia, is a very cautious man. He is slow to trust, with only Crail to hold any semblance to true unconditional trust. This has increased his survivability on Sahova, where he has little defensive capability when starting out. Being primarily a world mage, Pan needs to be careful around everyone.
Intelligence: The young Nuit is, above all else, a scholarly sort. He enjoys the acquisition of knowledge. Mostly he is passionate about magic and the ancient histories, but any sort of knowledge can take his interest and he will pursue it until it is learned. Pan is a fast learner and has benefitted from this commitment in many ways.
Prudence: Pandaemus, due to his deep seated fear and hallucination induced paranoia, is a very cautious man. He is slow to trust, with only Crail to hold any semblance to true unconditional trust. This has increased his survivability on Sahova, where he has little defensive capability when starting out. Being primarily a world mage, Pan needs to be careful around everyone.
Cowardice: Pan has always let his fears define him. They control his life like an oppressive slavemaster. When he was purchased by Lowych in Ravok he was introduced to the faith of Uldr and has been a devout worshipper of the god since then. He does not worship the god out of any adoration, but out of intimidated respect. Furthermore, his deep seated fear of the Void has motivated him to hesitantly practice the art of Voiding in some vain attempt to add some control to the hallucinations of his mind, though it backfires often.
Apathetic: With little exterior personal social interaction save for his familiar, Pan has very poor social skills and very rarely thinks about the effect his actions or words will have on others, save in regards to his own standing with more powerful figures. Crail, his Sarawanki, is the exception. It seems the need for friendship and companionship is completely sated in the familiar and Pan finds almost no need to experience that form of relationship with any others. He fails to understand the signs of emotion on others, and sometimes resorts to Crail's interpretations when the need arises.
Amoral: Pandaemus has, through the unique nature of his childhood, severely lacked a moral development. None of his role models has ever shown any overbearing sign of moral compass save for when it suits their purposes. Pan's morality extends only to how useful a certain stance may be at a certain time. That being said, he develops a strong sense of loyalty to Crail and can sometimes be swayed or guided by Crail's stronger morals. He also knows how evil Lowych and Uldr and the Sahovan Wizards could be and will feel remorse when he acts with their level of vileness, but most often does not have the foresight to avoid acting thus.
Apathetic: With little exterior personal social interaction save for his familiar, Pan has very poor social skills and very rarely thinks about the effect his actions or words will have on others, save in regards to his own standing with more powerful figures. Crail, his Sarawanki, is the exception. It seems the need for friendship and companionship is completely sated in the familiar and Pan finds almost no need to experience that form of relationship with any others. He fails to understand the signs of emotion on others, and sometimes resorts to Crail's interpretations when the need arises.
Amoral: Pandaemus has, through the unique nature of his childhood, severely lacked a moral development. None of his role models has ever shown any overbearing sign of moral compass save for when it suits their purposes. Pan's morality extends only to how useful a certain stance may be at a certain time. That being said, he develops a strong sense of loyalty to Crail and can sometimes be swayed or guided by Crail's stronger morals. He also knows how evil Lowych and Uldr and the Sahovan Wizards could be and will feel remorse when he acts with their level of vileness, but most often does not have the foresight to avoid acting thus.
Coward, follower, immoral. These were words Pandaemus would have defined himself with before the most recent event of his untimely death, or rather rebirth. Still becoming used to the immortality thrust upon him by his past employer, Pandaemus has made his desperate way to the one place he had heard he would be welcome, Sahova.
Pandaemus had been a lowly human slave, born into servitude and sold to an insane wizard. He had grown up without the proper childhood, and as such is mistrustful and without any real identity. His adolescent years were spent finding suitable corpses, or making them, for his master and aiding in wild experiments that left both of them scarred.
The boy was not entirely forgotten. One form of study the wizard practiced was a vocal diction of his work, and his audience was a singularly enticed boy. Thus Pandaemus was initiated into the rudiments of multiple Djed uses. And the wizard could not have an assistant that was dumb, so he spent a few Mizas a season on books and education supplies and gave the boy a rudimentary education of history, nader-canoch, politics, and other fields. All in all by the time he was eighteen, Pandaemus was entirely unprepared for his sudden mortality.
An experiment the wizard was conducting outside of Zeltiva went horribly wrong, blood and guts wrong. The wizard was fast approaching death, and Pandaemus was not far behind him on that particularly dreary path. In one last act of wildly out of character mercy, the wizard preformed the Daek-nuit on Pandaemus. Albeit, it was a dangerously precarious and rudimentary version of the ritual that none the less seemed to work.
And on that note, Pandaemus was left cold, terrorized, and alone outside Zeltiva. Afterwards he was able to make his way to the harbor and find the next ship to Sahova. The captain looked at him with the type of mistrust and disgust he had only seen directed at his master before.
Pandaemus had been a lowly human slave, born into servitude and sold to an insane wizard. He had grown up without the proper childhood, and as such is mistrustful and without any real identity. His adolescent years were spent finding suitable corpses, or making them, for his master and aiding in wild experiments that left both of them scarred.
The boy was not entirely forgotten. One form of study the wizard practiced was a vocal diction of his work, and his audience was a singularly enticed boy. Thus Pandaemus was initiated into the rudiments of multiple Djed uses. And the wizard could not have an assistant that was dumb, so he spent a few Mizas a season on books and education supplies and gave the boy a rudimentary education of history, nader-canoch, politics, and other fields. All in all by the time he was eighteen, Pandaemus was entirely unprepared for his sudden mortality.
An experiment the wizard was conducting outside of Zeltiva went horribly wrong, blood and guts wrong. The wizard was fast approaching death, and Pandaemus was not far behind him on that particularly dreary path. In one last act of wildly out of character mercy, the wizard preformed the Daek-nuit on Pandaemus. Albeit, it was a dangerously precarious and rudimentary version of the ritual that none the less seemed to work.
And on that note, Pandaemus was left cold, terrorized, and alone outside Zeltiva. Afterwards he was able to make his way to the harbor and find the next ship to Sahova. The captain looked at him with the type of mistrust and disgust he had only seen directed at his master before.
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Alternative Name | |
Race | Nuit |
Gender | Male Bodies Prefered |
Age | 1 Yrs Nuit/ 19 total |
Birth date | 30, Summer, 513 A.V. |
Birth Place | Ravok |
Height | Varies |
Weight | Varies |
Profession | Animator |
Location | Sahova |
Beliefs | Uldr |
Likes | Crail, Animation, Study |
Dislikes | Crail, The Void, Pulsers, Uldr |
Aspirations | Master Animator |
Fluent Language | Common |
Basic Language | Nader-canoch |
Poor Language | N/A |
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- Kris & Sheath
- Flint & Steel
- Cloak: grey with red trim
- Robes: grey
- Belt
- Boots
- Eating Knife
- Heirloom Staff (selectively)
- Shroud of the Wolf: wolf pelt cloak (in cold weather)
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