Warming Up [The Prairies]

Seeking a place to practice Reimancy, Adora ventures into the Prairies

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Warming Up [The Prairies]

Postby Adora on October 23rd, 2013, 7:49 pm

50th of Fall, 513 AV

The island truly was desolate. Aside from the Citadel lay the hostile lands of the Testing Grounds, a place holding many dangers and secrets. Aside from the roaming of hidden beasts twisted by magic and the vigilant presence of the Wardens, no other living being inhabited the dangerous Testing Grounds. But not all that entered the Testing Grounds are living in the first place.

Upon coming into the Citadel and seeing the room in the Quarters she was allotted, the young wizard had quickly left for a more freer location. Going from a small compartment on the ship she traveled on to this equally minuscule room was not too pleasing to Adora. Though, being Nuit now meant these material needs and thus in a way room size did not matter much, that did not mean that the young Nuit still didn't think like the other apathetic and centuries-old Nuits. So, she left for the Prairies.

Adora was simply not used to the bleak flat and expansive landscape that was before her. It was much too different from the familiar sight of the sea and the gentle hills of her home city of Zeltiva. But this place would have to do if she wanted to practice Reimancy, considering that the resident Nuits would probably not take lightly to someone throwing res around the Citadel's halls. Especially since she planned to use some of the more volatile elements of fire and lightning that day, two elements that the Nuit was still not completely familiar with.

Treading slowly upon the yellowing grass of the Prairies, the Nuit noticed the apparent lack of any other beings in sight at the moment. Good, she wouldn't have any interference. Taking her cloak off and setting it down like a mat on the ground, Adora sat down cross-legged on the cloak. Before starting the real training, the Nuit was going to focus on the task at hand with the help of meditation. An idea she had discovered while still alive, as she settled down and relaxed the young mage began controlling her breath. Slowly, calmly, inhale... exhale. Inhale... exhale.

Several chimes passed as the Nuit continued her controlled breathing, gradually clearing her mind of all other thoughts, emptying herself out. The darkness of closed eyes, the whispy sound of her breathing, that was all there was. All alone... for all the people she cared for were dead and she was not even truly alive-

Petch it Adora, focus! Of all things that could happen she didn't want to remember that night. That is the past and will remain the past, the only thing that mattered now was becoming a Sahovan Wizard and practicing her magic. But the former human couldn't help but see the faces of her sister and uncle, final death agonies frozen on their faces. If only her uncle, the petching fool had not been so fascinated with Nuits than she might have still been alive with Claire!

"Damn, enough!" The Nuit opened her eyes and yelled angrily into the wind, her formerly placid expression now twisted with anger and sadness. She was here to train but the memories of the past were wreaking havouc with her focus. Closing her eyes, the Nuit mentally wrenched herself from the memories of the past to the picture of a circle, symbols representing the four reimantic elements lined along the circle's circumference. Focus now, focus and relax... Concentrating once more on getting her now erratic breaths under the rhythm of meditation, Adora saw the the four elemental circle in her mind again, simply floating there in the dark of her mind.

The chimes went on, and Adora eventually began getting deeper and deeper into her meditation. If the Nuit knew of the dangers of the place she was in she would have probably not undertaken this, but the new undead did not know this crucial fact. The twisting flames of fire, the free wind, flowing water and resolute earth. That was what mattered. Finally, she opened her eyes to the world again, no longer tormented in sadness but firm and stern. It was time to begin.

OOCI realize that the Prairies are quite the dangerous place (Adora not knowing that, poor her). So if there is anything I need to add ( or perhaps encounter) please let me know! Thanks!
Posts: 14
Words: 13871
Joined roleplay: October 7th, 2013, 8:34 pm
Location: Sahova
Race: Nuit
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