There were few things in the world that perplexed the weaponsmith like commitment. Loyalty was one thing - obtained once trust was established. But commitment in an amorous relationship never failed to leave her flummoxed. Admittedly she'd fallen prey to the subject of her confusion many years ago. But she'd learned from her mistake. And, as far as she was concerned, she evolved into a more rational being because of it. As seductive and comforting a relationship with one person could seem Hadyn was sworn off them. Why bother? why get hurt?
Ethan... he was another creature entirely. It seemed committed relationships drove him. Inspired him. It was the end goal in his endeavors. She could respect that. To each their own. But why he wanted one so badly with her - that only served to puzzle the woman. Was her hesitation because he was Brody's best mate? perhaps, though that didn't stop her from shagging him when the opportunity arose. Nodding with finality when he agreed with her the brunette decided to put these thoughts away. There were more important things to consider. When Ethan reached over to give her a slap on the backside fierce narrowed eyes shot his way as she stepped out of his grasp.
"Watch y'self, Ironhorse," she remarked, expression lightening only slightly. "Not a wise idea grabbin' things that ain't yours."
It was said with an airy tone but her expression was absolute. No one touched her without her permission. Especially when she was in such a vulnerable state. Perhaps she would've responded with a sexual joke or a playful hit to his shoulder if she weren't pregnant. But now any unwarranted touch felt like an abuse. Folks reaching out to run hands along her belly like she was petching horse on auction. She nearly punched a woman this morning for patting her stomach and cooing at it like a halfwit. Despite the teasing nature of Ethan's touch Hadyn couldn't help but raise her hackles. Casting him a sideways glance as they rounded the corner to her apartment the brunette fished a key out from the pocket of dress.
"This baby better hurry itself up. I'm gettin' tired of being useless an' pregnant."
Ethan... he was another creature entirely. It seemed committed relationships drove him. Inspired him. It was the end goal in his endeavors. She could respect that. To each their own. But why he wanted one so badly with her - that only served to puzzle the woman. Was her hesitation because he was Brody's best mate? perhaps, though that didn't stop her from shagging him when the opportunity arose. Nodding with finality when he agreed with her the brunette decided to put these thoughts away. There were more important things to consider. When Ethan reached over to give her a slap on the backside fierce narrowed eyes shot his way as she stepped out of his grasp.
"Watch y'self, Ironhorse," she remarked, expression lightening only slightly. "Not a wise idea grabbin' things that ain't yours."
It was said with an airy tone but her expression was absolute. No one touched her without her permission. Especially when she was in such a vulnerable state. Perhaps she would've responded with a sexual joke or a playful hit to his shoulder if she weren't pregnant. But now any unwarranted touch felt like an abuse. Folks reaching out to run hands along her belly like she was petching horse on auction. She nearly punched a woman this morning for patting her stomach and cooing at it like a halfwit. Despite the teasing nature of Ethan's touch Hadyn couldn't help but raise her hackles. Casting him a sideways glance as they rounded the corner to her apartment the brunette fished a key out from the pocket of dress.
"This baby better hurry itself up. I'm gettin' tired of being useless an' pregnant."