Rhuryc was glad to be free of the castle. Law-abiding citizen he may have been, the government facilities always struck him the wrong way. Whether it was the paper pushers or the sheer volume of men walking around with blades, in all his time in Syliras this counted as one of two, maybe three visits into the tiers. Somehow the rest of the city just felt safer. No matter, though, Rhuryc kept pace with John as they walked, clearing the few tiers below them as they headed out into the streets. As was common in the noon hours the crowds were out in full, merchants, peasantry, all involved in their daily routines of consumption and labor. Rhuryc began his usual scan of the passing bystanders, his hands tapping idly inside their assigned pockets, keeping a slow, steady beat that he referred to as the music of the city.
"Blacksmith." He responded curtly, precise. The man's tone had changed now to a more civil, jovial expression, one he might take with a friend. "Nothing so much as exciting as Knighthood, I'm sure, but it pays enough to keep me fed." He was quick to continue their budding conversation, not one to deny a new ally. A knight, after all, was a good friend to have.
"The boring bit, really. You know. Horseshoes, nails, hitting random metals with hammers." He grinned and turned a rather strange corner, cutting across some of the heavier traffic. "Short cut."