Rhuryc was quick to follow. He gave the man a nod at his point and then resumed his silence, content in allowing John to play leader. Often the man found himself leading others around the city, it was nice to ave someone that actually knew the routes as well as himself. Or at least knew them, anyway. He mused at the room when they reached it, noting how similar it was to his own. Even the Knights started small. The peculiars were close to frightening. Both John and Rhuryc's tastes, if they could be called that, were near identical. The bed poised in the same location, the sparse furnishing; whether that was a choice or by lack of coin the man could not be sure, but the fact of it remained and there was a budding kinship one. If only in a minor sense.
And the following continued! Rhuryc found himself in a new location, one that he believed was off limits to civilians. New friends, new privileges. While he felt a bit awkward he kept his poise and stoic countenance and playing well with the examples. He was quick to remove his sword and he deposited it near John's weapon. Removing the blade was like weakening his soul. This practice weapon had no common ground, no style of its own. Metal core be damned. Uneasily, he took a moment to accustom himself to the grip, palming the hilt a few times before he decided to take it in stride with his left hand on the top. Nothing wrong with a bit of varied swordplay; he preferred his off arm anyway, without a shield the difference was slight.
A duel it was. Turning, Rhuryc squared up with John, his feet parting to a shoulder length in distance. His right foot came forward and his left shifted, no perpendicular to its opposite. The wooden weapon was brought up to mimic the Knight, held high over the head with both hands grasping the hilt; the blade itself at a diagonal angle designed for quick, powerful strikes. In the moments before the start Rhuryc took his time to observe his new opponent. He assumed he was outmatched - in skill, anyway. His education was practical and on-the-go, the Knights had strong teachers, effective exercises, but he still had his advantages. Reach, for one. If he could stay away from John's range than the combat would be one of ease. He imagined experience might play a role as well. The man had a way pain. Dealing with it was a daily occurrence.
For now Rhuryc stood. That was all. He seemed ready, prepared, with his gaze stuck on John's stare. Patience.