I hear you. Ultimately, no matter how much I love the OOC stuff, if I can't create a player character that interacts with others inside the game world then I'm just depriving myself of the immersion that play-by-post offers.
It's just... I've never seen such an amazing place. When I glanced at Mizahar in 2009, it was a bare-bones place with barely any players and very little development. And now it is flourishing; I could spend weeks here as a guest without writing or going into chat and I'd still barely have time to scratch the surface of all the stories written.
And here I don't just mean OOC stuff. I'm also reading all the IC stuff. Right now I'm following along a murder mystery in Nyka. How cool is that? An actual murder mystery wrapped in a fantasy role-playing game!
I've never approached a place like Mizahar from the end of the spectrum where I am the appreciative audience.
And since you posted here, I'll admit I'm a fan of yours. I read your posts, too. The dance one is sweet. Even the solo one with the beads holds my interest.
The next piece that she did was going to test her knotting skills, because it was a very intricate knot but would end up being beautiful. She got a single length of rope that was around a foot long, she wanted the extra because this was called a sheep shank knot and it involved bending the rope in such a way that there was three strands from one rope, as well as each end holding a knot.
Yes, the detail on the double helix and colored beads is great, but you so much more here than just describe things. You give the reader a sense of suspense: will she succeed at tying the knot? (And there's a theme there as well, since this is a woman in the middle of her period cycle; a woman worried that she might be pregnant often wants to be sure she's not going to end up a single mom.)