58th of Fall, 513 AV
In the bowels of the Saga Shooter Anna was hard at work, todays prospective research exciting. As always she was alone, her solitude a blessing afforded to her due to a rather superstitious crew not really wanting much to do with her. Anna for her part was more than happy to let them stew in their ignorance, though she was going to be sure to leave them a few parting gifts before leaving. The voyage had not afforded her the chance to utilize Rhysol's gifts, for fear that the crew would ferret her out. That would most certain not be a good thing, no she'd wait until a day or two before they reached the island.
However that was currently completely unrelated to her exercise and research today, which involved less cursing and more opening of portals to the dimension of nothingness. It was time for her to actually try to expand upon her abilities as a Voider, meager though they were, and create a slightly bigger portal. Today, she wanted to actually try and glimpse inside of the endless blackness to see if she couldn't catch sight of something beyond. It was a dangerous proposition, though no more so in her mind than peering out a window.
Anna knew that it wouldn't be possibly, nor wise, to try and create a portal large enough for her to physically look into. So instead she was going to utilize a bit of fire reimancy to light the opening and the space around it so that she could simply look inside. This presented a whole new set of dangers of course, the most prominent being that she was splitting her attention between controlling two personal magic disciplines.
The wizard was confident however that she could manage, the fire reimancy was not going to be massive, just large enough to fit through a relatively small portal. The act of keeping hold of the portal was going to be the challenge as there would need to be a few ticks were she focused on transmuting liquid res to flame, meaning it was going to take quite a bit of juggling to get this done. It was a difficult task, a challenge by any stretch of the imagination but Anna was confident that she was up to it.
The woman sat in the chair at her small side table, focus glyphs adorning each hand with an intricate series of paths snaking their way up her fingers. She needed to pull out every thing here, every preparation she could manage to actually pull this off. There was a likelihood that she might mess up and need to start over, however Anna dearly hoped that wouldn't occur. If everything went right, which it should, then it wouldn't cost her over much in terms of Djed expenditure. It would be a quick peek and then done. If not... things might get messy.
The first step was of course to actually generate some res to have it ready and on hand when the portal was manifested, speed was going to be critical here. Every single tick mattered and now was not the time for her to get magical wires crossed or be caught under prepared. Every angle needed to be thought out and ready, this was a test of her own ability if nothing else.
Anna focused upon her right hand, willing Djed to gather under the series of Glyphs there and push upwards. Transparent res rose from the glyphs, the action sending pleasurable shudders down her spine. It was hardly taxing, the action of such small casting in reimancy was barely worth a thought. Her transmutations would also hopefully follow suit here and be rather simple and quick.
The liquid pooled gently in her palm, which she willed to gather and stay there. She cupped the hand just in case the liquid decided to be difficult and spill, however it behaved rather nicely and stayed in the center of her raised left hand. That was step one completed, now it would be on to step two and actually clearing her mind enough to manifest a portal.
Anna was fairly confident she could get it open, however what came after would take a great deal of concentration and Djed. At the most she might get another try if this didn't go smoothly, and that other try would bring her dangerously close towards overgiving territory. Needless to say, Anna was keen on getting this down pact the first time. Dealing with aches and pains could get a little old after a little while.
With this phase done the tall woman closed her grey eyes and started to cycle her breathing, attempting to measure every single intake and outtake.
In the bowels of the Saga Shooter Anna was hard at work, todays prospective research exciting. As always she was alone, her solitude a blessing afforded to her due to a rather superstitious crew not really wanting much to do with her. Anna for her part was more than happy to let them stew in their ignorance, though she was going to be sure to leave them a few parting gifts before leaving. The voyage had not afforded her the chance to utilize Rhysol's gifts, for fear that the crew would ferret her out. That would most certain not be a good thing, no she'd wait until a day or two before they reached the island.
However that was currently completely unrelated to her exercise and research today, which involved less cursing and more opening of portals to the dimension of nothingness. It was time for her to actually try to expand upon her abilities as a Voider, meager though they were, and create a slightly bigger portal. Today, she wanted to actually try and glimpse inside of the endless blackness to see if she couldn't catch sight of something beyond. It was a dangerous proposition, though no more so in her mind than peering out a window.
Anna knew that it wouldn't be possibly, nor wise, to try and create a portal large enough for her to physically look into. So instead she was going to utilize a bit of fire reimancy to light the opening and the space around it so that she could simply look inside. This presented a whole new set of dangers of course, the most prominent being that she was splitting her attention between controlling two personal magic disciplines.
The wizard was confident however that she could manage, the fire reimancy was not going to be massive, just large enough to fit through a relatively small portal. The act of keeping hold of the portal was going to be the challenge as there would need to be a few ticks were she focused on transmuting liquid res to flame, meaning it was going to take quite a bit of juggling to get this done. It was a difficult task, a challenge by any stretch of the imagination but Anna was confident that she was up to it.
The woman sat in the chair at her small side table, focus glyphs adorning each hand with an intricate series of paths snaking their way up her fingers. She needed to pull out every thing here, every preparation she could manage to actually pull this off. There was a likelihood that she might mess up and need to start over, however Anna dearly hoped that wouldn't occur. If everything went right, which it should, then it wouldn't cost her over much in terms of Djed expenditure. It would be a quick peek and then done. If not... things might get messy.
The first step was of course to actually generate some res to have it ready and on hand when the portal was manifested, speed was going to be critical here. Every single tick mattered and now was not the time for her to get magical wires crossed or be caught under prepared. Every angle needed to be thought out and ready, this was a test of her own ability if nothing else.
Anna focused upon her right hand, willing Djed to gather under the series of Glyphs there and push upwards. Transparent res rose from the glyphs, the action sending pleasurable shudders down her spine. It was hardly taxing, the action of such small casting in reimancy was barely worth a thought. Her transmutations would also hopefully follow suit here and be rather simple and quick.
The liquid pooled gently in her palm, which she willed to gather and stay there. She cupped the hand just in case the liquid decided to be difficult and spill, however it behaved rather nicely and stayed in the center of her raised left hand. That was step one completed, now it would be on to step two and actually clearing her mind enough to manifest a portal.
Anna was fairly confident she could get it open, however what came after would take a great deal of concentration and Djed. At the most she might get another try if this didn't go smoothly, and that other try would bring her dangerously close towards overgiving territory. Needless to say, Anna was keen on getting this down pact the first time. Dealing with aches and pains could get a little old after a little while.
With this phase done the tall woman closed her grey eyes and started to cycle her breathing, attempting to measure every single intake and outtake.