Vanari kept her gaze steady. "I'm an excellent swimmer," she lied, blowing some dust from her fingernails. "No need to worry about me." The Vantha then plopped back down onto the planks and stuck her legs through the rails, her bundle--or, supposedly his bundle--of vines gripped firmly in her hands but still protruding through the ferry. She was keen on not dropping them, but even less keen on getting shot while her attention was elsewhere. Better a little risky than all dead, as she often liked to say. "I don't need money," Vanari replied flatly, peeved that he ignored her last question, and that his tone seemed only to get more grating as it did falsely courteous. Then again, this was Ravok, right? "And I don't need much. It's just a gift, as I've mentioned. Nothing fancy, meant only for one person and no more. As for serums and philters..." The girl heaved a sigh, blowing an errant curl from her forehead. From the depths of her numerous pockets, she procured the small, wrinkled piece of brown paper, stared at it for a tick, then held it out for the man to see--if he cared to see it, anyway. She wiggled it around for a bit, urging him to take it, eyes glued to his arms should he decide to try and prove a point. "Beats me. It was sold to me on the premise that it was made by women, for women. Most of the ingredients look harmless enough, but I have no idea what I need Halbriar for." The recipe was written neatly, but the paper itself was so wrinkled the words were hard to make out: "The instructions look easy enough. It's that first sentence, 'Produce essence from herbs' that stumps me. I'm no perfumist, so I've got about zero clues as to what that could even possibly mean." She rubbed her chin, staring out onto the gloomy lake. The man claimed he dealt with toxins and, presumably, poisons as well. Mixing perfumes and mixing poisons--couldn't be that horribly different right? The girl was just about to voice this concern aloud, when she realized with a hint of guilt that she had no knowledge of what to address him as. "Ah, but look at me, getting into business before I've even properly introduced myself. Where have my manners gone?" She squinted up at him against the afternoon sun, wary of offering her hand after his previous comments. "The name's Vanari, but you can call me Ari. And who do I have to thank for such a merry chase in the woods, and for such generously promised aid in this little endeavor of mine?" She reconsidered offering her hand, thought better of it, and instead tried to transform her squint into something as least off-putting as she could muster. |