Race: Kelvic,
Dire Polar Bear
Birthday & Age: 36th of Spring 506 AV; 4 years old
Gender: Female
Kilviria’s human for is quite tall, standing at 5’9’’ and weighing around 119 lbs which is neither fragile nor stout, but something in between. While she can beef up a bit on a rich diet, she’s usually well-toned, healthy and strong. Her skin is of a fair cream tone, her hair a pale yellow color streaked with the occasional white strand. Although she tries to keep a clean appearance, it’s more often a bit messy than not. Her features are soft, but not child-like anymore, with full lips and eyes of a warm dark brown bordering on black. Her eye teeth are pointed and a bit longer than normal, indicating her predator Kelvic origins. Even when in human form, Kilviria retains some of her animal senses, resulting in a specifically sensitive smell and hearing.
Kilviria can shapeshift into the form of a Dire polar bear. In this form she stands at no less than 13’1’’ when balancing on her hind legs. Her weight varies depending on when and how much she’s fed the last time, but usually stays around 800 lbs. Pale yellow fur protects the bear’s dark skin from wet and cold. In this form she is very enduring and strong, a predator on top of the food chain, but not very fast most of the time. Her senses of smell and hearing are exceptional and she is a proficient swimmer, although she is too heavy to cover great distances in the water. Her preferred diet in this form is meat: seal, whale, caribou or any other of Taldera’s large mammals.
As well as the form Kilviria resembles the nature of a polar bear. She is lazy, laid-back and enjoys softness and food. Notorious for her long and deep sleep, she has the ability to take naps anywhere and at any time of the day, although she is most active in the mornings. Despite that, she is still a predator at heart, addicted to the thrill of hunting and feeling the bones of her prey crush under her jaw. As a polar bear she feeds vast amounts of meat, and even her human form has quite the extensive stomach.
Her more civilized side manifests in light-hearted and relaxed demeanor. Although she is simple and not one to bury herself in books and pursue scholarly studies, her curiosity causes her to ask countless questions if she’s interested in something. She learns easiest by doing and through vocal lessons. As a native of Taldera, she enjoys the rough, dangerous beauty of the arctic tundra’s endless snowy plains and the frozen sea.
Despite her apparent laziness, Kilviria is always searching for a bondmate, conscious or not. However, she will take a little longer to bond than usual, being a bit confused from previous happenings. It is in her nature to hug, cuddle and be trusting – that doesn’t mean that the person in question has already earned her as a bondmate, though. Despite that it is her deepest desire to find a new bondmate she can serve with everything she is. She is first and foremost loyal to her bondmate, and second to Morwen.
Likes: ice, sleep, swimming, food, seals, hunting, softness, warmth, serving
Dislikes: boredom, loneliness, hunger