Lian liked that Lea had questions. It showed that she was taking an interest in her new life. That, in turn, meant...hopefully...that she would be obedient so she could make the most of her new life among the Endrykas. And who knew? It just might be possible that she would adjust eventually, and truly become one with his people. At the same time...the girl's very first question drove a spike of pain and loss through his heart. Lian closed his eyes for a moment. Behind closed lids, he could picture his lost loved ones as easily as he could if they were standing before him. Memories flooded his mind, and it took an act of will to reluctantly shove them aside. "Family?" Lian shook his head. His hands fluttered in momentary distress before he stilled them with an effort. " family. Not anymore. you. I had a brother and a sister. They died of the sickness that devastated my people." It was obvious despite his efforts to hide it that talking about his family was very painful. It was equally obvious that Lian wasn't prepared to say anything more on the subject. Not now, at least. "Endrykas is..." How did one explain Endrykas to an outsider? Lian could compare it to life among the Sapphire Clan...but Lea wouldn't know what that was like either. Lian didn't know what it was like anywhere else. Endrykas and the Sea of Grass was all he knew. How did one go about someone who knew nothing about even the most basic of things here? And yet...he had to try. Lea was taking an interest in it, and Lian wanted to foster that interest. "Endrykas is a city. I have never been to other cities, but I imagine some things are the same as any city. You spoke of a Grand Bazaar...a giant market. Endrykas is a market. There are shops spread out throughout the city. But people also trade for what they need. A hunter may trade excess meat for a new knife or worked leather, or something else they need. A breeder of hunting cats may trade a cat for supplies needed to care for their breeders. When foreign traders come, we trade with them, too. We have healers and entertainments like other cities must. And we have the Watch to protect us." "But we are different, too. We do not have the Tiers you said that Syliras has. Drykas are nomads, and Endrykas reflects this. We move with the sun and the seasons. At the core of Endrykas is the Stalk Meet. It is where all of the Clan Pavilions share one large campfire. The rest of the city spreads out around that." The next questions were easier to answer. "Yes. Women who wish to hunt may do so. Women may also join the Watch if they wish, as long as they have the skill needed. There is nothing a man can do that a woman can not so long as they know the required skills. Drykas do not farm. We are hunters and gatherers." Lian's grasp of Common failed him on the final question. Or, at least, he thought it might have. In charge? Of what? The Pavilions? Does she mean the Ankals? Levels of what? he wondered. "I think you must mean the Ankals." he said at last. "Every Pavilion has one. An Ankal is in charge of his entire Pavilion, or household." Lian considered asking if Lea had any more questions. But by now, it was growing late. "It has been a long day. We can talk more another time." he offered. |