Closed G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Waking up in someone else's bed... Odd.

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Engghaen on November 11th, 2013, 7:41 pm

58th of Fall, 513
Engghaen turned around. She didn't want to open her eyes.. yet. Grunting the cat turned around once more. Don't wake up, don't wake up... Trying to keep her eyes shut tightly, she realised this wasn't working. She was waking up and leaving the comfort of sleeping. With a sigh, her eyes now opened and welcomed the bright light shining in. It had been tickling her eyelids, but now it was refraining her from seeing anything. One eye closed again, pulling her face into an awkward grimace. When the open eye had adjusted to the bright light, she opened the other. She persuaded her body to join her and crawled up to a sitting position.

Where was she? It took a while for her to remember what had happened. She was in Bran's bed, in his house, after they had kissed last night when Bran was as drunk as a bird who ate the wrong fruits. He had offered her to sleep in his bed. It was an odd offer, but she had accepted it. Besides, this was much nicer. It was warm and the bed was better than what she slept on normally.

This place... It was interesting. It was... A house. She folded the blanket to the end of the bed and placed her legs under her body. They still didn't want to join her. Sighing, she crawled up from the bed, careful where she put her feet down. Stupid legs. She looked down her body. Wait... Where did her clothes go? She was only wearing her undergarments now. It was not that big of a problem to her. She did not really mind. But it triggered a small alarmbell in the cat's head. She had probably just taken them off, she reminded herself. Nothing to worry about. She probably did not do anything she would regret this moment.

"Brandon..?" she called out. Where was he? Did she do anything this evening? Would he be able to answer her questions? She walked out of the small bedroom, careful not to crash into any walls that were all of the sudden coming closer and seemed like they were eager to give the girl a hug. Steadily, she now walked towards the biggest room in this house. Or, biggest, it was not that big. It was rather small to be precise. But comparing it to her regular tent, this was big. "Bran...?" she called again, her voice still sounding sleepy.
Last edited by Engghaen on November 30th, 2013, 10:35 am, edited 4 times in total.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 12th, 2013, 9:33 pm

The comfortableness of sleep enveloped the bat, hugging him in a snug embrace. His body was spread out over the floor in the living room. The clothes he’d been wearing were handing over a chair standing in front of the hearth. A charcoaled log was laying in it, a small plume of smoke spiraled upwards. It had been burning all night in an attempt to dry his wet clothes. Under the chair with said clothes, a small puddle had formed.

The bat smacked his lips in his sleep, and rolled on his side. That wasn’t the right choice. The thief growled and turned on his belly. His limbs were almost braided together, twisted around each other. He took a deep breath in, sighing and grunting something incomprehensible. Suddenly, his body decided it had enough of the uncomfortable position his legs were in. Kicking them wildly, he broke the helix.

A voice called out to him. It sounded a bit sleepy, and uncertain. The bat’s foggy brain ordered to turn around and grumble. Which was exactly what he did. “Lemme zzleep.” He didn’t want to hear voices right now. It was way too early for that. The voice spoke again, saying his name. It was an abbreviation of his name actually. Bran. He snorted.

Much to his displeasure, he felt he was waking. The fog in his mind slowly cleared up. Desperately clinging to the last strands of sleep, he kept his eyelids shut, trying to block out everything but sleep. He failed miserably. He had no choice to give up. There were some reasons why. First, the floor was a bit too uncomfortable to keep lazing on. Second, the moment he kind of woke up, a headache emerged. A really bad one too.

It stung like hell, it felt as if someone was stabbing his head repeatedly with daggers. That probably was the main reason. Most likely. Third, he realized the person calling his name was Enggy. He’d recognized her voice. Considering his clouded state yesterday night, that was quite a remarkable feat. And last but not least, he was really excited to meet her for real today.

Well, technically he’d already met her yesterday, but that didn’t really count. He hadn’t been thinking straight. Most of the time. And when he had been sober, he’d been freezing in his clothes. So today would be the first real meeting. He sat up, pushing himself up using his arms. Even though he was wild awake, opening his eyes was harder than he thought.

When he finally succeeded, he had to close them again because of the brightness of Syna’s burning light. The rays of the sun didn’t make his headache better. On the contrary. It made it worse. He grabbed his skull on both sides and squeezed it tightly, grumbling like an old man with a toothache. A toothache didn’t seem so bad at the moment.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes, ridding his body of the sleepiness clinging on it. Not that it worked though. The tiredness didn’t give up so easily. The combined forces of the after effects of the overdose of booze and sleepiness were too strong. Ultimately, the bat was left with no other option than to give up. He sighed in misery and self-pity.

At least the girl was still here. Speaking of which, where was she anyways? He glanced around, and spotted the familiar sight of her thin frame coming out of his bedroom. A pang of jealousy shot through him when he realized she’d been sleeping in his bed all night, while he had to bear with the floor.

He couldn’t blame her though, as it was he himself who’d proposed to let her sleep in his bed. If his bunk would’ve been broad enough to support the both of them, he might have joined her, but it wasn’t. Wouldn’t have been so gentlemanly either. Oh well.

Then, he noticed she was only wearing her undergarments. If he were a human, he would’ve blushed and looked away, but he wasn’t human. He was Kelvic and the race of shape shifters didn’t have any problems with nudeness and the sort. Thinking of which, he was naked himself. It didn’t matter to him. Maybe the girl had issues with it, but he didn’t. Besides, he suspected she was Kelvic as well, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

He tried to give the girl a smile, but his headache prevented that. It became a grimace instead. He rubbed his scalp, hoping it would enlighten the pain, even if it was just a little. He didn’t stand up. In his experience, headaches tended to get worse when you were standing up. He did greet the girl though. He wouldn’t allow letting his morning mood (and headache) to make him come over as rude. If she were anyone else, he wouldn’t have cared, but she was the girl he loved, and as such he wanted to make a good impression.

“Moring, Enggy.” He let out the ‘good’ since it wasn’t really a good morning. Well, not for him anyway. “Did you sleep well? Had sweet dreams? … Of me?” He grinned his trademark grin, temporarily forgetting his painful head. He couldn’t resist asking. Teasing girls he liked seemed to be in his nature. Not that he minded. It was just how he was. Nothing more, nothing less.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Engghaen on November 13th, 2013, 3:24 pm

Ah, there he was. She rubbed in her eyes, trying to get them to focus properly. She was seeing everything blurry now. What she did see, was Brandon laying on the floor, wearing nothing. Someway, she felt sorry for him. Sure, he had offered her his bed, but... It was a bit of a gloomy sight. He was curled up on the cold wooden floor while she had slept in a warm bed. His bed.

Stumbling she made her way to him, but she managed to get one feet stuck around something tough. All of the sudden, the ground hit her roughly. Her thoughts went slowly and she finally realised she must have tripped over something. She looked back at her feet and saw Bran's leg sticking out. The cat felt clumsy, but all signs of sleepiness had now vanished into thin air. With a rather quick speed for her state, she scuffled to her feet again.

"Yes, morning." she smiled and held out a hand so he could take it to get up. "Come on, you must have a horrible headache. If you don't mind, I'll make you something to drink." that was at least something she could do. Why wasn't he standing up? Her hand got a bit annoyed and she pulled it back. The girl stared at the bat. Where did his clothes go? She looked around in the room. It looked... Home-like. The golden light was lighting the whole room. It made it look like a very interesting scene. Then her eyes fell on a small heap of clothes hung over a chair in the corner of the room. Ah, there they were. She was surprised he had been able to put himself down somewhere last night. And his clothes that way. Maybe he hadn't been that drunk after he had plunged into the fountain. Also, why couldn't she remember much of last night? When they were at Bradnon's house, that is. It was curious. She was sure she didn't drink anything. Maybe her memory would come back later. For now she was just satisfied with what she did know.

"As you... Might have noticed... I'm curious about you." the girl said with a hesitant undertone in her voice. But it was true, she indeed had a lot of questions.. How she was going to ask them, she did not know yet. She did not want to be too blunt towards him. He had invited her in his home, after all. Maybe just asking them was best. He would not mind, or at least, she hoped he would not.
Last edited by Engghaen on November 30th, 2013, 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 13th, 2013, 6:23 pm

A drink? Yeah sure, a drink sounded nice. But him being the owner of this house and host, shouldn’t he be the one offering to make some drinks? He tried to get up, but as soon as he was crouching, a sharp stab of pain assaulted his head. His face twisted and he let himself fall back to a half sitting, half laying position. He nodded to the girl. “Yeah, sure, go ahead. I could use a drink right now.”

He paused, adding something more to the phrase. “As long as it’s non-alcoholic.” He grinned playfully. “Oh, the kitchen is over there.” he said, pointing his index finger at the doorway next to the one of the bedroom. The room the thief called kitchen, didn’t really resemble kitchen. Sure, it had a small sink, and a kitchen dresser, but the bat used it as a pantry of sorts. It was filled with dried herbs and smoked meat he rarely used, a kettle and a few mugs and plates. Also, his stolen stuff occupied the largest part of the dresser.

His head started thumping loudly. He could feel it almost swelling and shrinking, a worrying sensation. He got the feeling as if it could explode any chime. He let himself fall back entirely, laying entirely on the floor now. He sighed. He hated headaches. The folded his hands under his skull, supporting it as if they were a pillow. The feint nagging of the pain could still be felt, but he barely noticed it. Another matter had presented itself. His stomach was growling angrily, begging for food.

Didn’t he eat anything yesterday? The memory of that evening was filled with holes, so he couldn’t be sure, but he guessed he hadn’t. Or maybe he’d had to puke and threw everything out. He didn’t know. Only one thing he was certain of, and that was that he was hungry. He rubbed his belly unintentionally, listening to what the girl was saying now.

So she had questions? She was curious about him? The hesitant tone laying underneath her soft spoken words didn’t escape his ears. He nodded slightly. Sure, she’d said so yesterday evening hadn’t she? Or was night a more appropriate term? He was a bit worried about the way she’d spoken the words. As if she didn’t know she actually wanted to get to know him better. Either way, she’d been able to admit she liked him. So he guessed she was just a bit shy. After all the previous option was a bit of a worst case scenario. He beamed her a smile.

“In fact, I recall you’ve said that before. And to tell you the truth, I am curious about you as well. But I am pretty sure you took notice of that already.” He grinned a bit sheepishly. It was true. His feelings for her were strong, and merely thinking of her, not to mention seeing her standing in front of him, made the feelings soar into the figurative sky.

The ground’s uncomfortableness hurt his back. He grunted and sat back up, covering his temples with his hands. All of a sudden he’d had it with wining about that stupid headache. Admitted, it hurt, it was annoying. But it was his own fault. He shouldn’t have drank too much yesterday. He released his temples, hoisting his body back to its feet with a groan. Now he’d bear with it, he decided. In a way, it was training. He was tormented by headaches from time to time, and this one was the worst yet. If he could survive this one, he had conquered one of his flaws.

He liked the idea. He’d try not to pay the ache any attention. Not that it was too hard. If he kept himself busy, he might forget about it immediately. Maybe. First and for all, he should check his gear. You never knew if there were other thieves in Lhavit who had the same method for easy cash as Bran. Robbing drunk people. And since he’d been drunk himself…

Now where were his clothes? Ah, they were spread out over a chair in front of the hearth. He remembered making a fire to dry them up. The warmth was still hanging in the room, but was fading fast. He should make a new fire as well. But first things first, before he forgot about it. He grabbed his pants from the chair. The belt was hanging right under it. Coin pouch? Check. Wedge and hammer? Double check. Belt pouch with his skeleton keys and lock picks? Yup. Was there something else? Oh, his sack, the one he used for burglaries. Had he taken it with him? He didn’t think so? He glanced around the room, looking out for the thing.

There it was. Laying on the floor, right next to chair. Okay, so that was still there as well. He continued to check of the mental list, and when he determined nothing had been stolen, his mind eased down. Ironically, he didn’t really like thieves. They weren’t to be trusted when there were valuables near. He himself wasn’t either. He was a thief himself after all.

His clothes were dry, so he decided to put them on. Or rather, he’d put his scarf on. Lovingly, he wrapped the stoke of black fabric around his neck, the ends dangling on his back. Ah! That’s better. Now I can be sure it’s safe. He stoked the fabric softly.

Next was the fire. The logs were piled up in a neat pile on the left side of the hearth. He let himself plop down on his rear in front of it and grabbed three of the thick logs. Then he placed them in the fireplace, one by one. Okay, now to make the fire burn,…I need….a tinderbox. Where did I put it? Do I actually have one? He leaned back, placing one of his palms for support on something hard and pointy. It was a flint. A piece of steel was laying next to it. Good, now he only needed something that would catch fire when a spark landed on it.
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on November 13th, 2013, 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Engghaen on November 13th, 2013, 7:26 pm

She nodded. "Yes... But I'll make something for you first."
Engghaen turned around and walked to the door he had been pointing at. She opened the door and scratched her head. Let's see... She looked around the small room. It was, indeed, tiny. This looked more like a closet than a kitchen. It was stuffed with all kinds of different things. Drawers and planks were filled with things she could not recognise, but also pots, pans, and even weird things like vases. Why Brandon would have a vase in his 'kitchen', she didn't understand. In front of her was a big plank. Running her fingers over the top of it, she could feel dust, dust, some weird shapes and more dust. This was clearly not used often.

It had been ages since she had made tea. What did she need again? Herbs, popped up in her head. Stepping back, she opened up the first drawer the cat saw. Nothing but a small statue. Why would a statue be in...? Oh well. It was not of importance now, there were more odd things people did.The girl opened another and sighed. "No, no, no..." the cat murmled while checking plank for plank, drawer for drawer. Eventually she reached the sink and below it was yet another drawer. Opening it, she could see at least 20 different herbs. They were arranged in an odd order, but they were bundled together so you could easily recognise the one from the other and not accidentally get a leaf you didn't want in your tea.

There they were. Her face filled itself with confusion. So many different leaves... She hadn't seen some of them yet. They weren't even labled so she could read what their names were! To be honest, even if they were indeed labled, this would almost be impossible for her. She knew almost nothing about herbs. The cat recalled the times she had made tea. Two.. Two times before. And one of those times it had been truly awful. Disgusting, and the guests she had made it for thought she had poisoned them. It was not her intention at all. She had just picked the wrong herbs and they tasted horrible. But at least she knew how to make tea. Learning what herbs were what could come up later. Realising she could not remember how all of them looked, she picked each one of them up. Carefully smelling, the cat tried to remember which one was what and which she recognised and which not. It turned out to be rather difficult. Eventually, she just picked one of the tons she seemed to recognise.

The cat grabbed a small bunch of them, careful not to pick any others and searched for the kettle. Eventually she got it. It was very close to her and not to be missed. The girl filled it with water from the sink and lifted it up. It was way too heavy and almost slipped out of her hands. Quickly, so she didn't need to carry it for too long, she almost ran towards the fire and hung the heavy kettle above it.

"There you go." she said, reliefed that she didn't need to carry it anymore. "Just wait for it to be boiling." The girl smiled at him. "Just... A general question. Do you know where my clothes are?" she grinned. It was a normal question, wasn't it? And she hadn't found them yet.

Brandon said he also wanted to know about her... So she guessed she might needed tell him. "Well, you know my name's Engghaen, but I don't mind if you call me Enggy. I'm Kelvic like you." she started taking off her undergarments and morphed into her cat shape. She stared at the bat with the same big, blue eyes. The cat stepped onto his lap and lay down there. She miauwed softly. It was warm here. Comfy. She could feel the heat of the fire and Brandon's body heat radiate on her fur. Hmm.. She could almost fall asleep again...
Last edited by Engghaen on November 30th, 2013, 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 14th, 2013, 10:01 pm

Now he did have a flint, but nothing he could light with it. He grumbled a bit. A spark wouldn’t be enough to make a thick log catch fire, so what could he use? Clothes? Maybe, but who’s? Not his own. Enggy’s? Better not to. It wouldn’t be the smartest move to burn the girl you like her dress. He grinned. Maybe he could use paper?

Yes! Now that was a good idea. But where to find it? Maybe it was better to check his pockets for anything usable. He stood up, pacing to the pile of clothes. Once they’d been neatly hung over a chair, but when he’d started checking if everything was still there, that had been undone. He stuffed his hand in the front left pocket of his pants. Nothing. The right side then? Nothing here either- Oh! Wait. Conveniently, his finger touched a small scroll. He pulled it out of its hiding spot.

Seeing as there wasn’t anything written down on it, he spread it out over the logs. Now, to make the fire. He grabbed the flint and steel, and smashed them against each other near the paper. A shower of orange sparks fled from the spot, and landed on the piece of paper. Well, most of them did. However, the paper didn’t burn. All the sparks dimmed, until they disappeared into nothing, as if they hadn’t been there in the first place.

The bat tried again. And again. Once more. More. Every time the sparks appeared, but the thin sheet of paper didn’t catch fire. The bat frowned, but didn’t give up. He’d done this before. All you needed was patience. Lots of patience. Fortunately for him, the paper gave in after a few more tries. It was burning nicely. The popping sound was quite relaxing. Now the logs were starting to support the flames as well, sacrificing their wooden bodies so he could warm himself.

Engghaen returned with a heavy looking kettle in her hands. Wanting to help, he got up, but was too slow. By the time he’d scrambled to his feet, she’d already hung the kettle above the hot tongues of flame. He shrugged and got back down. Another question was fired at him. If he knew were her clothes were? “Nope, sorry. If memory serves, you were still wearing them when you went inside the bedroom. If memory serves…” He paused for a brief period, thinking back to that time. “It could also be possible used them to get a fire burning, but I doubt that.”

Then, the girl told him some stuff he’d figured out already. She was a Kelvic. What he hadn’t known was her animal form, which she morphed into after taking off her undergarments. Apparently, she was a cat of sorts, with round ears and white fur. The small mammal still held the same blue eyes as the girl. She stepped on his lap. And laid down there, seeming to be quite comfortable there. He smiled.

He rubbed the cat behind her ears. “Well, I’m guessing you expect me to tell something about myself now, don’t you?” he pondered on the question for a while, biting his lip. “A you already said, I am Kelvic. I’m a bat. As such, I don’t really like being wake during the day but…you know. Er… what else do you like to know? It would be easier if you just asked. Because I don’t really know what to tell… Oh! We could turn it into a game of question and answer! That would be fun! You may determine the rules. I don’t create rules, since I tend to break my own ones often. Actually I have trouble with rules… and authority…”
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Engghaen on November 16th, 2013, 11:51 am

The cat purred automatically and pressed her body against Brandon, while listening carefully. Sure, that was an idea. It couldn't mean any trouble if I would. It would be interesting. She could get to know him a whole lot better. She obviously could not properly get to know him yesterday. It was too short for that and Brandon had been drunk. Besides, she did not tell him anything either. Well, her name then. It was the only information Brandon knew about her. It was actually quite sad. Brandon lent her his bed and trusted her while he did not know her at all. She would have to need to change that.

In a quick leap she jumped out of his lap and changed. It wasn't a good idea if she did that in his lap. It would be a too big difference of weight and maybe she could hurt him. And Bran would be surprised, too. Just in case.

"Yeah, sure! Um... Well one question at a time and you need to answer. Honestly. The youngest may start and I guess that's me." The girl smirked. "Since I'm only 3 years old. I don't even know how old bats get. 20?" She sighed. "I only get about 18 years old. And then I'm already ancient age." The girl looked away from Brandon and then seemed to prefer changing the subject. She did. "I'm starting."

Think. What are casual questions you ask someone?
What's your name? She knew it already. Brandon.
What race are you? Kelvic, of course,
How old are you? Not the most interesting question.
Where are you born? Also not a very interesting question, and I don't feel like answering that one myself.
What do you do for a living? Hmm. I don't know that indeed.

"I got something. Do you have a job? What is it?" Engghaen smiled. She was curious about him.
Last edited by Engghaen on December 1st, 2013, 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 17th, 2013, 3:37 pm

She jumped of his lap and shifted back to human form. Then she proceeded to create the rules. One question at a time? Shouldn’t be a problem. Answer honestly? Ugh. May be a challenge. It depended on the question. But he’d try to stick to the rules. Because it was to please her. He couldn’t just be a jerk and cheat now, could he?

Engghaen smirked and decided that the youngest would start. Apparently, she’d also decided that she was the youngest of the two of them. He learned she was three years old. He raised a finger in a lecturing manner. His face twisted in an amused grin. “Well actually, I am the youngest. I am only two years and a half of age, so I should be the one to start.”

He was ignored completely. She just looked away and noticed him she’d start anyway. He sighed. Whatever. The girl kept quiet for a few moments, obviously making an attempt to come up with a decent question. The bat waited patiently for her to open her mouth. When she did, he wasn’t all that eager to answer her inquiry.

Completely logical, since he asked him for his occupation. Should he answer it? Well, he had to, he was the one who came up with the idea of this game. He couldn’t lie either. It was a rule. Not that he usually cared about rules. He broke them all the time. But this time was a tiny bit different. They were created by the girl he liked, so if he lied and she noticed that, she wouldn’t be pleased, but if he told her the truth, she might not like it either. It was quite the dilemma.

What to do, what to do? As long as she didn’t notice him lying, everything was fine, right? But the problem as that he had a conscience, believe it or not, and he wasn’t the best at lying. The best option was to tell her the truth, but wrap it in a nice casing. Using euphemisms. He’d go with that idea.

“Yes, I do have a job. To be honest, I wasn’t planning to tell you this, but since you would have found out eventually and since you insisted on knowing the truth, I have no choice but to tell you.” He sighed deeply, mustering up courage from inside. ”Truth is, my job isn’t a legal one. I am a … er… claimer? Yes! A claimer!” he nodded wildly. Pretty good euphemism. Could have been worse.

“My turn now.” he said while stroking his goatee with his thumb and index finger. What was there he could ask her? Maybe he should start with making a mentalist of what he did know about her. Good idea. So what did he know already? Her name, age, race,… anything else? No? Well that was but a pathetically small amount of information he had on her. The point of the game was to obtain more info, so he shouldn’t complain.

Upon thinking a bit longer he did come up with one. Since he couldn’t come up with anything else, he’d decided to tease her a bit. “My question: What do you think of my body?” He grinned widely. And found a new question. Quickly he added: “No wait, just kidding. The real question is this one: Do you like sailor’s songs?” He did. To be more precise, there were two of them sticking to the inside of his skull. Remnants of last night no doubt. While awaiting the black haired cat’s response, he gave in to his urge to hum the tune of one of the songs.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Engghaen on November 17th, 2013, 4:02 pm


She smiled when he gave his answer. Apparently he didn't wanted give a direct answer. A claimer? Isn't that just... A thief? She shook her head in thought. Could be. Oddly enough, she didn't mind. He needed his income too, right?

She realised that she didn't know how old the bat was. Maybe he was younger. Oh well. He asked what she thought of sailor songs. She chuckled. "I hope you remember yesterday evening, but you was jumping around recklessly, and indeed singing two of those songs. What were they again? 'And a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum'?" Waiting for his answer, she laughed again. "But I don't really like them, though you could sing brilliantly."

Still smiling, she also thought of his first question. It had made her blush slightly. Well, she realised he only did that to tease her. Then she thought of her own question. "Why are you in Lhavit? Are you here for long?" He had to be, otherwise you don't have a house this way.
Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

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I'm not cute! I'm just... Fluffy.
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G'Morning [Brandon Blackwing]

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 17th, 2013, 9:20 pm

Much to his confusion, the cat only smiled and shook her head. Her gorgeous black hairs swung around her skull. The bat felt the corners of his mouth curling upwards. He fiddled with the scarf wrapped around his neck. The girl made no comments on his answer. The bat shrugged unnoticeably. That’s a good thing, right? I hope it is. Or else she’s just so disgusted with it that she doesn’t know how to express it and doesn’t show it as a result. suddenly the smile was swept away from his face. He looked to the floor.

Engghaen chuckled at his question. Then she asked him what the songs were he’d been singing yesterday evening. In all honesty, he couldn’t quite put his finger on the names of both of the songs. He kept humming the tune. Slowly the words reached the surface of the memory lake in his mind. Bubbling up like air bubbles, the words found the way to his mouth.

“What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with the drunken sailor?
What will we do with the drunken sailor?
Early in the morning!”

“I believe this one’s called … er … Drunken sailor? I don’t know really. ‘The bottle of rum’ song is stuck in my head as well, but I can’t really recall the lyrics…. But that’s no disaster.” He smiled at her when she told him her thoughts on his talent for singing. He rubbed the back of his head. But she didn’t like sailor songs. Too bad, but it didn’t really matter. It just personal taste anyway.

“Okay, okay. My tu- “ He was cut off by another question coming his way from Enggy. He frowned. Didn’t the rules, hovering above their heads and making sure everyone played the game like it was intended to, or that was what it ought to do anyway, state that only one question at a time could be asked?

“You know, you just broke your own rules,” the thief mentioned. “So that gives me a wild card. Meaning that I can break your rules once as well, meaning I can lie, ignore your question or ask two when I like it. But only once.” He grinned mischievously. “Or maybe you should like to receive punishment instead?” His grin got even wider. He should give her some time to make a decision. “I’ll give you some time to think. When it’s my turn again, not immediately after I’ve answered you inquiry, I expect a reply.”

“To answer your question, I’m only here because I’m passing through. My goal was to go on a journey across the world. Searching. Perhaps finding as well. Go on an adventure. Tell epic tales of my travels, of the mysterious things and monsters I have encountered in pubs and bars along the way.”

His eyes were clouded, daydreaming about his ultimate goal. Suddenly he realized there was another question he had to answer since the cat had asked yet another question. That made three questions. Two breaches of her own rules. My my, seems she too has trouble with rules. His face lit up and his mischievous grin returned, doubled in brightness.

“You do realize you asked three questions while only one was permitted? Meaning you broke your own rules twice. So that makes one wild card for me, plus one portion of punishment for you. Naughty girl!” He chuckled in his fist.

“So my turn now!” the bat clasped his hands together and rubbed them tightly, lost in thought for a brief moment. “Uhm… Describe yourself. How you see yourself. Both physically and your personality. And for your punishment… I demand a kiss. The only thing that’s fixed is that it has to be on the lips. The rest is up to you.” He couldn’t hold his laughter. It burst out of his mouth as as lightening out of thunderclouds. It lasted a few ticks and then he regained control and faced Engghaen. “Well?”
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Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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