After a season with the horse clan, Taylani had started picking up some of their mannerisms. Quite unexpectedly and unbeknownst to her that she was doing it. One of these mannerisms is it seemed harder for her to carry a conversation without gesturing. Her gestures, unlike Pavi, were really only emphasis to her words rather then any real meaning behind them. So when she spoke some times her hands seemed to move without her even being aware, gentle motions that made little sense other then that the got bigger when she got excited or angry, smaller when she was unsure.
At first his words drew a sharp glance at him, but when he continued her gaze softens once more and she examines his features with her eyes intently. As she did so, her fingers continue to cut and lay away the tubers for quick clean up and into his pouch. Her gaze travel across his features, his eyes that spoke more then words, the ever so slight tension that he held behind them when he speaks that made it difficult for her to continue to slice the tops off the tubers. Perhaps this is how all feelings start for two people, the empathy for the other's pain, the desire to ease sorrow. Or perhaps because their slightly chaotic relationship was so jumbled up that is where hers was. Either way she had to stop herself from distracting them further from their goal.
"Good thing your not married to a lady from the city." She said calmly, not flippantly but simply stating this as a way to sort her thoughts on his words. A way to banish the regret of the lack of dance ..the lack of music in her life. She shrugged, finishing the tops of the tubers for a moment so she laid the knife to the side and began picking up the roots, cradling them against her body so that she could carry more intending on depositing them in the bag. "So I don't dance. There will be other things for me to do." She smiled at him, trying to give her words conviction, hoping that one of them would believe the words at least.
"I just.." Again she stopped, to think about what she was trying to say, and to try and put it in words that someone whose common was not fluent could understand. "You can't provide the life I had planned on, that I worked hard for. Who is to say that that life would have panned out any more if I hadn't been discarded and then captured." She paused as she remembered the dream that she had where she had become a dancer, at the sacrifice of him and her child. The feeling she had when she woke up from that dream, the feeling of loneliness and guilt, and the pain of never knowing the child that grew within her let her adjust to not wanting to dance. At least, that is what she told herself.
"There are other things that you give besides Dance. Dance is not so..great." While her words are soft, and perhaps a little wistful, her smile she gives him now was not. The smile that was a smile of someone who finally realizes that the world did not revolve around her wants, desires or even her needs. Perhaps she had been a little bit spoiled to assume that she could focus on her own joys and dreams without worry about a family or her own family. "The first thing is this child you gave me. This child is Drykas. This child is yours. I assume it will still be considered....considered a Windchaser even though.." She made a gesture between the two of them, still not even knowing what to refer to them as. "I want to raise him as much as possible, or her..To do that I need to know you. What it was like growing up in your family, just ...talking about you, your siblings..." She ran out of steam, not sure if she made her self clear or if she just confused him more with her words. Standing, the movement only slightly stunted for the lack of her hands to balance her, since her arms were laden with the round vegetables that did not want to stack well. She moved closer to him "May I?" she asks, gesturing to his pouch with her chin, assuming he gave her the go ahead, she would begin to place the cut tubers in the pack.
At first his words drew a sharp glance at him, but when he continued her gaze softens once more and she examines his features with her eyes intently. As she did so, her fingers continue to cut and lay away the tubers for quick clean up and into his pouch. Her gaze travel across his features, his eyes that spoke more then words, the ever so slight tension that he held behind them when he speaks that made it difficult for her to continue to slice the tops off the tubers. Perhaps this is how all feelings start for two people, the empathy for the other's pain, the desire to ease sorrow. Or perhaps because their slightly chaotic relationship was so jumbled up that is where hers was. Either way she had to stop herself from distracting them further from their goal.
"Good thing your not married to a lady from the city." She said calmly, not flippantly but simply stating this as a way to sort her thoughts on his words. A way to banish the regret of the lack of dance ..the lack of music in her life. She shrugged, finishing the tops of the tubers for a moment so she laid the knife to the side and began picking up the roots, cradling them against her body so that she could carry more intending on depositing them in the bag. "So I don't dance. There will be other things for me to do." She smiled at him, trying to give her words conviction, hoping that one of them would believe the words at least.
"I just.." Again she stopped, to think about what she was trying to say, and to try and put it in words that someone whose common was not fluent could understand. "You can't provide the life I had planned on, that I worked hard for. Who is to say that that life would have panned out any more if I hadn't been discarded and then captured." She paused as she remembered the dream that she had where she had become a dancer, at the sacrifice of him and her child. The feeling she had when she woke up from that dream, the feeling of loneliness and guilt, and the pain of never knowing the child that grew within her let her adjust to not wanting to dance. At least, that is what she told herself.
"There are other things that you give besides Dance. Dance is not so..great." While her words are soft, and perhaps a little wistful, her smile she gives him now was not. The smile that was a smile of someone who finally realizes that the world did not revolve around her wants, desires or even her needs. Perhaps she had been a little bit spoiled to assume that she could focus on her own joys and dreams without worry about a family or her own family. "The first thing is this child you gave me. This child is Drykas. This child is yours. I assume it will still be considered....considered a Windchaser even though.." She made a gesture between the two of them, still not even knowing what to refer to them as. "I want to raise him as much as possible, or her..To do that I need to know you. What it was like growing up in your family, just ...talking about you, your siblings..." She ran out of steam, not sure if she made her self clear or if she just confused him more with her words. Standing, the movement only slightly stunted for the lack of her hands to balance her, since her arms were laden with the round vegetables that did not want to stack well. She moved closer to him "May I?" she asks, gesturing to his pouch with her chin, assuming he gave her the go ahead, she would begin to place the cut tubers in the pack.