Erade started out with a dark shade of purple that was closely becoming black. She figured she was start with the darkest shade the Chiet had to offer then work her way through all the shades in a descending order. The yasi had been right about needing something gentle to distract herself from Noralth's death.
The needle helped guide the yarn through the loom almost effortlessly. At first Erade was slow to guide it through, afraid that she might do it wrong but found a nice little groove to it that the teen grew confidence and picked up the pace.
Drusilla attempted to make conversation, asking about her plans for the future, even if they weren't entirely up to her. The seamstress seemed nice enough, nothing like Ms. Piko who had very little patience for the yasi. However Erade couldn't find herself to reveal her secret passion for cartography and her long nights just studying them. So she just skipped the pale teacher's question, feigning that she didn't hear them.
Silence swallowed the two, but it wasn't awkward more of just a state of being in each others presence. But just as quickly words slipped from Drusilla's lip. The one sided conversation from earlier must have still been on the Symenestra's mind because her words slightly sounded.. Hm.. scornful to the yasi's ears. As much as she wanted to ask further on them, it was probably none of her business anyways.
Erade had moved on to the next shade, she wasn't sure how to go about it. She just ended up tying to the two ends together and started a new row. It had made her not tighten the weft completely.
"Yes, that looks good. Very good. Just tighten this one a little..." Drusilla was quick to catch the slight mistake but was equal in her praise, "There, that's better! You're pretty good at this."
Erade responded well to the praise and suddenly had the need to prove the other teachers that were still glancing from time to time at her. The yasi finished the set of purple fairly fast and would be ready for the next color soon.
"I love making maps and studying them.." Erade blurted out but nothing more than a whisper though. "I mean its what I live for. I hope to be a Wild Harrier one day, if a fledgling ever finds me suitable to bond with." she continued but a bit louder this time.
She haven't told anyone this before and the yasi couldn't understand where the shyness from earlier have come from. Erade tried to play it off by the only way she knew how, with a joke. "But then again, maybe I'm destined for greater things." Erade chuckled to herself.