Closed Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Drusilla is assigned a yasi to teach for the day

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Drusilla on November 14th, 2013, 11:18 pm

Fall 9th 513 AV
The Crafting Gallery

The women stood in a line for a quick briefing of the day. Today they were teaching Yasi. Drusilla shifted back and forth uncomfortably, she looked down the line of Cheits and Avoras a few friendly faces poked out. They were some of the girls she had trained with on her arrival to Wind Reach. A girl down the line caught her gaze and waved to her quickly and quietly. Drusilla smiled. Emil. The first Inarta who had dared to befriend the Symenestra. There were no doubt more girls from her class, but so many people were gathered...

What a waste of manpower. There was no way that there would be that many Yasi coming today. Here in Wind Reach textile works were considered a bland job. They all wanted to ride eagles and hunt in the wilds. Even glassblowing was in higher demand to the Yasi than this. She could even hear some of the Avora making bets on the Yasi numbers. So far the bet was seven at the most. Seven was wishful thinking, three was more practical to expect.
The handful of Yasi would choose their mentor and everyone else would be dismissed. The Avora would be chosen first and then any one else but her. That's how it always went. Why did they even call her here?

There was a clatter of footsteps and the said Yasi entered in and lined up. Almost everyone began to count them....11,12. There were twelve. Just as Pinions were exchanging hands one more clearly late charged into the gallery. Thirteen. There were thirteen.


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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Erade on November 16th, 2013, 5:20 am


Erade was actually excited about this special class that had been set up for the yasi. This was to be the first time attending one of these classes so she was unsure what to expect. The day before the teen had overheard some of her fellow classmates say a bunch of Avora would be there and were willing to do a more private class/lesson for those willing to pay for their services.

The yasi had no intention of seeking out the hunters. She wasn't feeling quite adventurous lately, since Noralth's untimely death. It was still weighing heavy on her mind and heart but not that she would let anyone know.

There was a slight line forming and looked to be about eleven other Yasi in front of her. Erade haven't expected such a turn out. Apparently the others knew something she didn't. Shrugging the thought off, she figured all the exciting lessons would be taken by the time she actually got inside the stone classroom.

As she had predicted, there was only a few Avora left in the classroom when Erade fully got inside. The yasi's attention was instantly drawn to an Avora off to the side. Her ash white skin and beautiful white hair was a stark difference amongst the ranges a tan skin and red shades of hair that was a common eyesight to the teen. Erade had never met a Symenestra before but have heard stories about them. Despite that she got a warm feeling about this one and the yasi knew right then and there that she wanted to learn from the teacher, no matter what it was.

Erade briskly walked passed the yasi that was in front of her and made a beeline for the Avora. She was pretty sure no one was rushing for the teacher besides her but the teen was not taking any chances. It only took a few ticks to cross the room but she could feel her signature grin starting to grow across her face, that have been void these pass days. Erade really hoped the Symenestra haven't heard too many of her... Exploits and refused her.

"Hello, can you teach me today?"

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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Drusilla on November 16th, 2013, 11:32 pm

Drusilla watched her peers pair up with a Yasi. From the chatter it seemed that a middle aged Avora had won the pot of money, some of the younger Avora were calling foul play. But what did it matter anyway? Betting money on Wind Reach's future..She felt a quick tap on her arm, Drusilla turned to see Emil give her a wave as she walked away with her student. She gave a small wave back. Of course Emil was chosen, she looked..normal. Or what Inarta thought was normal.

It was looking like today was another bust. Why did they even include her in this? Drusilla looked over to where the Yasi had been standing, a few remained. She caught the eyes of a young brunette, who appeared to be coming over to her. A mischievous grin grew on the girl's face. Drusilla's shocked expression melted into a smile of her own.

Drusilla accepted the girl's request right away, "Of course Bitta. My name is Drusilla Aster, and may I ask your name and what you would like to learn today?" She didn't think the other teachers gave the Yasi a choice of their project. But what fun was that?


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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Erade on November 26th, 2013, 10:51 pm


"Nice to meet you Avora Drusilla, I'm Erade.." The last part kind of dropped off and become something of a whisper. A blush spread across her face, her reputation was somewhat notorious amongst the teachers.

She was surprised that the pretty Avora would let her choose the topic. The yasi didn't know what to say. Maybe something with maps.. Studying the Symenestra she didn't quite look like someone knowledgeable with cartography. Erade pondered for a bit and even still nothing came to mind.

"I'm not sure to be honest, how about whatever you are specialized in?"

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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Drusilla on November 27th, 2013, 2:21 am

"Erade? It's nice to meet you. Just call me Drusilla." Looking around Drusilla saw a few Avora giving her young student some looks. She looked back at Erade, then back at her peers who were giving her pity looks. She'd ask the girl about this later. "I'm a seamstress and weaver. I make clothes, accessories, and do alterations and mendings. Most of the other teachers will give their students some of their work. However, I prefer to do my own work so you will do your own project." Drusilla led Erade to her workspace to get settled.

"Do you prefer loom work or sewing? I will lend you a loom or a sewing kit." Drusilla walked off for a moment returning with an armful of different sized hand looms."There are different sized looms for different projects. This square one is used for potholders or you can make several squares and sew them together to make a patchwork cloth when sewn onto a large sheet of fabric and given a bit of stuffing inside makes a handmade quilt. This rectangle one can be used for scarf making be it a thick winter one or a light fashionable one for warmer weather. There are different sizes of both." She moved over to a large loom standing against the wall, "Rugs and tapistries are made on this one. But, making a rug would take you forever."

Drusilla turned to Erade and spoke in a hushed tone, "Now, tell me why all the other teachers were looking at you like that earlier. Is there something I should know?"


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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Erade on November 27th, 2013, 3:08 am


Erade saw Drusilla looking around her. At first the yasi thought she was looking for someone in particular but then she noticed the looks they were giving. Ones of stern, you-better-behave looks for the girl and ones of sorrys and pity for the Avora. The teen tried to ignore the stares but now that she noticed them, it was like they were piercing her. Kind of like that mean kid who likes to fry ants with a magnifying glass, with Erade being the poor ants of course.

Erade didn't have a chance to dwell on their attitudes because Drusilla started to explain that her specialty was that of a seamstress and weaver. Any other time the yasi would have thought she had crummy luck and picked the worse Chiet, even if she was extremely alluring. She would have asked for someone else with more excitement or at least anyone else that didnt do something so boring. However at the mentioning of sewing or something of the sort, the teen was excited as if they were really were going to make some maps.

Erade was unsure why she was so excited even though she had been wanting to learn how to make small things by means of sewing and what not. She study each loom the seamstress pointed out and listened carefully for each of their use. The little square one to make a quilt sounded neat but Erade was pretty sure she would lose interest after the second or third square so she brushed that one aside. The next one, the rectangular loom sounded better.

Scarves were extremely popular in Wind Reach and the yasi was always short on cash each season so buying one of her own was always out of the question. However if she could learn to make her own that would be awesome! Erade didnt even give the last loom a look, the rectangular one was what she desired.

"A loom would be lovely and one of the rectangle one would be even better." A grin sliding across her face once again but it soon faded when Drusilla began to whisper, bringing up the stares from earlier.

Looking around, most of the teachers were engrossed with their own students but every once in awhile they would look over to them and the looks would return. Erade looked backed at the pale Avora, her face full of understanding but at the same time seemed to convey that lying will do no good.

Sighing in defeat, Erade explained the situation, "I may or may not have a slight reputation of giving my teachers hell in class.." maybe she could get away with vagueness rather than full details. Maybe even a change of subject..

"So.. with this loom can I make the warm fuzzy winter ones? Can I choose the colors? Do you have purple?" Erade rushed out. Hopefully this tactic will work. For extra luck the yasi crossed her fingers behind her back.

Last edited by Erade on December 2nd, 2013, 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Drusilla on November 27th, 2013, 4:30 am

Drusilla grinned, "So you're just a fireball. That's all. Okay I can handle fireball." She smirked.

Drusilla studied the rectangular looms."Let's see." Which one would work best, if the girl wanted a scarf she would make sure that it fit perfectly. She would pick up a loom look it over shake her head and place back. "Maybe this one?" She shook her head, "No too short." Her eyes moved to the next one, yes that would work.

Picking up the loom she took it to Erade, "This one is the right size for you. First thing, notice that there are six pegs at the top and bottom. The number of pegs must always be even. Fibers that run down the pegs are called the warp. The fibers woven in are the weft. She turned to go retrieve some yarn, "Purple, huh? It's my favorite color too." Drusilla returned with several shades of thick purple yarn.

"I'll set up the warp for you," Drusilla took some of the darker and lighter colored thread wrapping it around the pegs. "See? It looks like a harp. Now you take this needle, don't worry it's not sharp it's just to guide the yarn and you weave over and under." Drusilla took the needle and gave an example on the loom. "Then push it up to the top, the tighter the weave the warmer and more durable the scarf. You can change up the yarn, I brought a few different shades for you. Did you get all that, fireball?" Drusilla smiled.


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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Erade on November 30th, 2013, 7:58 pm


Erade was relieved that the Chiet would continue to teach her and semi look patient enough to deal with her antics. The yasi would try to be on her best behavior but she couldn't make any promises though.

She tried to wait patiently as Drusilla looked over the rectangular looms to find just the perfect one for her. The yasi fiddled with her braid, it was starting to go pass her ear lobe, not to mention felt weird without her normal purple wrap in it. Her hair was usually kept in a short neat crop but it was getting a bit long, probably time to get a hair cut soon.

Erade's unimportant observations was disturbed by the seamstress turning back around and declaring the perfect loom for her scarf. Excitement renewed when Erade saw all the shades of purple yarn. It was like a kid in a candy store and the teen didn't know which shade to pick because she loved them all.

Drusilla began speaking technical terms of warp and weft. There was no way the teen was going to remember those simple words, however the explanation of how to actually use the loom, she could. It was easy enough, in, under then over and once she finished that row just push it up and keep it tight.

"Yeah, sounds easy enough.. I think." Erade grinned. She still didn't know what color of purple she wanted to use. Drusilla had already picked out a darker and lighter shade for the up and down parts of the loom. Then she remembered what the Avora just said that she could change up the yarn as she went so why not use all the shades since she couldn't really choose.

"Can I use all the shades? I'm having a hard time choosing between them." Erade giggled.

Last edited by Erade on December 2nd, 2013, 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Drusilla on December 1st, 2013, 4:34 am

Drusilla smiled, "Use which ever you want, just remember to keep it tight. But don't worry yourself too much, I'll be right here if you need me." Picking up on one of her current projects for a client Drusilla sat down beside Erade and pulled a sewing box closer to her.

"So Miss Erade, what do you live for? I mean, what interests you?" Drusilla asked while sewing in a seam, "Will I see you in the skies someday?" She worked quickly and effortlessly with the needle and thread, to the point she could look away from her fingers and check on Erade's progress. Drusilla was tempted to try and keep a conversation going, but given the girl's reputation speaking to a teacher was probably not something she'd take to. She would wait and see what Erade did, Drusilla had planted the seeds of conversation.

Drusilla herself was working on a pair of pants and after that more pants.... All for the same endal! Drusilla sighed to herself. "It must be nice being able to just order as many clothes as you want and having someone else tailor them...." She spoke to herself with even realizing it. She had been born to sew, she made her own clothes and everyone else's too. Sometimes she just wondered what other professions were like.

She looked over to her Yasi to check her progress. "Yes, that looks good. Very good. Just tighten this one a little... There, that's better! You're pretty good at this." Erade seemed to be a fast learner.

She stopped and just watched the girl for awhile. Erade didn't seem like a troublemaker. Drusilla was starting to put two and two together about this girl. Erade was smart. Too smart for most of her subjects Drusilla wagered. She's smart and she gets bored. Boredom led to havoc in the classroom. That was it, Erade was smart.


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Teaching Pepper(Erade)

Postby Erade on December 2nd, 2013, 9:29 am


Erade started out with a dark shade of purple that was closely becoming black. She figured she was start with the darkest shade the Chiet had to offer then work her way through all the shades in a descending order. The yasi had been right about needing something gentle to distract herself from Noralth's death.

The needle helped guide the yarn through the loom almost effortlessly. At first Erade was slow to guide it through, afraid that she might do it wrong but found a nice little groove to it that the teen grew confidence and picked up the pace.

Drusilla attempted to make conversation, asking about her plans for the future, even if they weren't entirely up to her. The seamstress seemed nice enough, nothing like Ms. Piko who had very little patience for the yasi. However Erade couldn't find herself to reveal her secret passion for cartography and her long nights just studying them. So she just skipped the pale teacher's question, feigning that she didn't hear them.

Silence swallowed the two, but it wasn't awkward more of just a state of being in each others presence. But just as quickly words slipped from Drusilla's lip. The one sided conversation from earlier must have still been on the Symenestra's mind because her words slightly sounded.. Hm.. scornful to the yasi's ears. As much as she wanted to ask further on them, it was probably none of her business anyways.

Erade had moved on to the next shade, she wasn't sure how to go about it. She just ended up tying to the two ends together and started a new row. It had made her not tighten the weft completely.

"Yes, that looks good. Very good. Just tighten this one a little..." Drusilla was quick to catch the slight mistake but was equal in her praise, "There, that's better! You're pretty good at this."

Erade responded well to the praise and suddenly had the need to prove the other teachers that were still glancing from time to time at her. The yasi finished the set of purple fairly fast and would be ready for the next color soon.

"I love making maps and studying them.." Erade blurted out but nothing more than a whisper though. "I mean its what I live for. I hope to be a Wild Harrier one day, if a fledgling ever finds me suitable to bond with." she continued but a bit louder this time.

She haven't told anyone this before and the yasi couldn't understand where the shyness from earlier have come from. Erade tried to play it off by the only way she knew how, with a joke. "But then again, maybe I'm destined for greater things." Erade chuckled to herself.

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