Time stamp: 36th of Fall, 513 AV
Just as dawn approached Falyndar and the creatures of the night returned to their shelters, so did the trickster. Mamoru had just returned from his meeting with Tinnok where she held up her end of the bargain. It had been a very fun and interesting encounter between the two, and this time their fun wasn't interrupted by monkeys. Tinnok was a fun half monkey and it amused him how she went back and forth between her roots.
It was obvious that she saw herself more as a Myrian and Dhani, but every so often her snake side would come out. But in the end the woman sought her solitude more than anything. He couldn't blame her for it, and if he had spent his life with monkeys he'd end up clinging to a tree just as she had.
But it would all end soon, the monkeys wouldn't bother them any more. Tinnok had said that she would have no part of it, no part in helping him destroy the people that hated her most. But, she was already helping.
Their child, like her would be of both worlds, and only by this would Mamoru allow Myrian blood to stay in the jungle. Any and all pure blooded monkeys would be wiped out. It didn't matter how long it took, and he had no illusions of a single grand day when he would take them all out together.
No, if he needed to, he would hit them again and again, from all sides, from all angles until there was none left. Only the Dhani-touched would be allowed to stay and live. An odd plan, but Mamoru was serious and one way or another he would see it through, because no matter what the Gods thought..peace was never an option.
Back in the nest, the trickster passed a few guards, nodding to them as he disappeared into the shadows that dwelled in the tunnels. He still had more planning to do, more training to prepare himself for what was to come. For now, Mamoru looked forward to getting back to his cave and relaxing.
He stepped around the corner, crossing through the last tunnel that led to his cave. Still in human form, the trickster's dark ropes swayed against his feet as he moved on. There was a surprise he found, as he moved into the lighting near his cave. A tiny viper waiting to speak with him.
"Come to welcome me home? Oh, you sshouldn't have."