64th day of Fall, 513 AV
Miro sat in his room at his table in a chair. Before him was his Glyphing bag as well as a set of scrolls and paint. One was sprawled open before him and a wet brush hovered above it. Today he would put his well practiced Glyphing skills to the test and create the scrolls to defeat Gru’tral. The day before Alric had told him they should get to work as soon as possible, and that today he would be out for the morn but return in the evening. So the wizard dedicated himself to this task, though so far he had only the theoretical aspects of the sigils worked out. It was time he finally took the first step.
The wizard would need to make three types of scrolls to meet his needs. Two of the scrolls would be large, filled with each wizards strongest weapon. For Alric this meant his spells to take Gru’tral. For Miro it meant a large and powerful Hypnomancy spell to keep them safe against the masses. Apart from that there were less important scrolls for each wizard to wield. Alric would have a set of powerful obsessions glyphed into three scrolls, while Miro would wield seven Hypnomancy scrolls to render his enemies disabled passively.
Though he also wished to use Alric’s Illusionism mark, which held the ability to cause an illusion on any sense. This along with the other abilities they possessed made them able to cover themselves in a great many ways. Now he just needed to take care of the scroll creation process. Right now that meant starting with the easiest of the sigils first, and saving the harder bits of work for last. The easiest of them were the average scrolls, which was as simple as any scroll. Most of the complex Glyphing to combine magical effects would be done in through a process using other sigils. This would merely be the container for the finished product. As such he only needed one design for all ten scrolls.
Each of the scrolls however would need to be large enough to contain a powerful magical effect, and thus all of the scrolls space would be used. The first of them was spread across the table and Miro began with the barrier first. The outside of the scroll was filled in with a set of wiry lines that wove a tangled frame. He brought it further in to fill out the bulk of the parchment and left only the space for the trigger and large focus. The trigger was simple and drawn next. The top right corner of the scroll where it first open a stylized symbol was formed. Two sets of curved spokes that swirled around in circles from opposite directions. It was tasked to disable the barrier when touched.
To finish the design Miro only needed to create a focus, though this one would be specialized. Not only to hold a great deal of Djed, but to release it without need for a complete opening. Miro drew a serpent with runic symbols all across its body that cascaded across the page. Its mouth spread wide to sink fangs into a large egg shaped rune yet to be filled in. This would serve as the emission rune, where the spell would flow from. The egg was drawn in a nest, the barrier to be released. He drew a decorative lines designs across the egg’s mass and left the sigil to dry. It was by far the most simple of scrolls, but still took quite the duration to draw.
The undead waited patiently for his creation to draw and produced to set up the scrolls to be copied. Now that he had a reference he could work much more quickly, but would need to take care. He redirected a slight amount from each of his legs to his arm and looked over each part of the scroll. He created the serpent, the woven grassy barrier around it, and the egg within its nest. Six times over, each as close a replicant of the first as possible, each tasked in the same way. The first of the scrolls complete. And though they held the largest quantity, the effort it took was minimalistic.
Next would come the scrolls to store obsessions. Each would hold an obsession empowered with other hypnotic spells to enhance their effect. Miro lined up the base scroll and the three blank ones and began work. They were crafted entirely the same, though each of the obsession scrolls had their triggers tasked differently. It was programmed with two conditions that must be met simultaneously. The first being the touching of the trigger, the second being a command word, “release”. These unique scrolls were put in the wizard’s leather scrollcases and tucked back into his bag.
Now only his larger scrolls remained, for which he moved to the floor. Each was taller and thicker, which meant it opened up much further and offered more space to work within. The Chained One resettled his Glyphing supplies and began to work on the large Mural Glyph. Since this one would be singular, he could make it complex and unique. Miro began by drawing the outside barrier, as usual a containing wall. This time a vast ocean’s currents and waves breaking against a cliffside that contained the large space dedicated to the focus. An area on the top right side was reserved for a trigger.
The wizard continued from there on the next most complex part, the focuses and their path. For a Mural Glyph a theme must be drawn with appropriate paths to guide the Djed of a large focus to be released. The sigil would act in the same way as the previous scrolls, only on a much more detailed level. In order to truly be declared a Mural Glyph the theme of the sigil as well as the quality of the Glyphing must be honed to the point of being able to store a powerful and dangerous spell. This meant a powerful focus and capable barriers. The trigger wouldn’t be easy, as he would create two. One to activate a barrier, and the other to deactivate it.
To stabilize it he would create a switch and would be used to regulate the release speed of the smoke. All that was left from there was to make a suitable emission focus to release the spell from. Next the inner barriers would form the pathways for the focuses. He created a long and thickly defined maze for the Djed to follow along. The path of corridors and winding pathways stretched across the room, and eventually came to a dead end in the further corner. Without realizing it, three bells had slipped away, the undead absorbed into his work. Just the paths alone drained great portion of his time, and he had another scroll to go still.
Next would come the focuses, which would take no shortage of time either. Within the maze defined by winding paths that seemed endless he followed along his work and filled in the open space. A long dancing design of diamonds triangles and squares that flowed like instinct after the first few chimes. Though the space was slow moving, Miro was picking up his pace. It was laborious still, and the design took another bell of his time. By now the sun was high into the sky, and he knew that his friend would return to him soon. He would need to finish this scroll if he was to meet his deadline.
With the focus done he could now finish it with the final runes to regulate its release. Off the maze was a cliff that the Djed was lead to by the exit of the large maze.The cliff had rigid edges with currents of water crashing against it, but within it was a circle filled with runic symbols. The cliff and water serving as a barrier, while the circle would be the switch tasked to regulate the speed of the spell. Within the switch he painted a pattern like that of a crafted jewel. It was cut with lines and shapes throughout to vaguely give the impression. Finally the trigger to complete the work.
A set of two connected circles above the emission focus was left blank, but would soon be filled. Much like on the previous scrolls, he created the dual sets of swirled lines in opposing directions, one for each of the circles. Both of them tasked to be activated by touch individually, one to deactivate the barrier surrounding the switch, releasing the focus and the other which reactivates the barrier and stops the spell. While he could not use each trigger repetitively, he could perhaps get two uses from each. Though it was only a precaution, for he knew that with each use of the trigger put the entire sigil at risk.
The Hypnomancy scroll was completed, and that left only the Hypnotism scroll for Alric. This one was the most important of them, but he expected it to be a bit less complex to create than the last. This one would use multiple focuses and store many spells, and once again a switch would be used to regulate the intensity. This time to release all effects at once and speed its activation. Of course it would be completed with an emission focus, a very powerful barrier and a complex trigger. But even when perfectly created, such powerful magic carried risks. He would need to create a unique barrier to enhance its quality.
Miro began painting this barrier right away. This time it would a more defined design. He started in out the outside of the scroll and working his way along its length. It was a fence linked together by hexagons across the length of it. It went quickly, and it was quite simple. But atop it he began to weave chains across the length of the scroll. He made pass after pass slowly wrapping the fence in chains and working to close the area off entirely. The barriers overlapped and wove into a strong magic sealing that he could not imagine breaking.
Next he would draw the focuses, large stylized boxes that wrapped about the mass of the parchment. Together the eight focuses formed a large octagonal ring with a hollow center. Each of them were filled with a geometric design involving eight circles around a central axis, and lined with runic symbols. Within them he created another ring, a barrier, this one filled solely with large symbols. Next was the switch, another octagonal ring, this one filled with woven lines. Finally the emission focus, a hexagon with triangles coming from each corner to meet and form a star. It was almost finished.
All that was left now was the trigger, then he would be done. This trigger would be one of two conditions, and drawn within the outer barriers. Attached to a chain the wizard drew a complex and large lock. It was tasked to release when the emission rune was completely revealed and the word “release” was spoken. The barrier between the focuses and switch would be deactivated and the spell would release at once. With that he was completely done with the sigil, and with Glyphing as a whole. His task for the morning was complete, and now he could greet his partner in the evening with good news.
All of the scrolls were stored away in an appropriate spot, safe from harm within his pack. The pack instead of returning to his wardrobe was placed on the desk, his staff nearby. When Alric and Miro would meet again there would be business to attend to. Magic would need to be created and stored within these scrolls, and only then could they advance to the next step in their plan. He pulled a chair from the table and planted it in front of the door. The undead sat watching the door and waiting for Alric to arrive.