by Miro on November 26th, 2013, 9:47 am
65th day of Fall, 513 AV
Miro was lost in meditation for bells, his counting trailed off after he had managed to work his way into the thousands and thinking the word took longer than it did to breathe in. From that point he managed to explore his mind in some form, though it seemed to hold no relevance in his conscious mind. The only effects he noticed were tranquility, even managing to achieve a pardon from his cravings as a Chained One. Through this clarity he found peace, and would do his best to hold onto it. He may have continued the process for bells more, but was interrupted by his partner.
Ender hadn't taken the similar route of meditation, though he did achieve a form of relaxation. In truth, ever since he had been Hypnotized by Alric, he held some slight form of infatuation for the wizard. In his master's absence he took to following a new master, the Hypnotist master, Alric. The Irylid did not quite need acknowledgement, nor even not to feel lonely, but did enjoy the company. Or at least to be near the wizard, if that counted as company. Though the entire time the Familiar wondered if by chance Alric had summoned him that day and agreed to be bound. His magic, personality, philosophies, it seemed that Ender's time on Mizahar may have been much better if that were the case.
And lost in this musing he remained until well into the morning. He had stalked the Hypnotist, only speaking when spoken to, and waited for him to go to sleep. When finally it seemed the wizard was fast asleep, lost within his dreams, and far too gone to notice, Ender attempted to seal himself upon the man's wrist. He just wanted to enact a fantasy that he held for so long, one that he had held his entire life. He simply wished to pretend he was bound to Alric, as he was the type of wizard the Irylid had wished for his entire life. It was his secret fantasy, one that brought him happiness and closure in experiencing.
The feeling of happiness was intense enough to bleed into Miro's own, and only furthered the relaxation of his meditative state. When Alric began to stir as to wake, Ender unsealed himself and hovered towards his true master. "Master, it seems Alric is soon to wake. Rise from your meditation. It would be best to surprise him with bit of progress. Make the day easy on him, and have him wake to a sigil already half filled. Today's work should be quick, but a small effort from you and a single powerful spell from him. To finish just as the day starts, it would give him a break from this. As well as relief from being locked a room with you all day."
Miro agreed with but a nod, all he could manage after only just releasing his mind from its collected state. He rose and replaced his robe in a slow process. It was more difficult getting the thing on than he remembered. Tying a sash with one hand was no treat either. But having the armor back on was as comfortable as taking it off. Protection usually took precedent over comfort, especially when it was as fashionable as his robe. Alluvia sure knew how to pick them. Ender was right, it would be a treat for his friend. Things would go so much more smoothly to have the plate prepared and mostly filled by the time Alric woke.
The wizard spoke the command, "return," and Ionu's Light shot to his right hand. He began to expel Res from the tip of the staff and pool it on the floor in the shape of a plate. He began envisioning the sigil, and with his mind sharpened and staff in hand, the process flowed with ease. He started with a containing barrier, a set of interwoven and overlapping chains that left a large circular center unmarred. Next he arranged the outermost ring, a set of ten focuses side by side. Each of them in the shape of a unique snowflake. At the top he created a set of barriers to form a path toward the center of the sigil.
He continued on with the design, another focus, a much larger ring. It held a hollow core big enough for a separation barrier, switch and a release focus. Apart from this he only needed to create a trigger to release the sigil. The focus was a highly detailed symbol of the Black Sun, with tendrils extending outward and a hollowed core. It was decorated with swirls and tendrils across it painted into a mural copied from the Temple of the Black Sun, enhancing its integrity. It was the most powerful focus he had ever created using this technique, able to absorb a great deal of magic. Within it a much smaller ring, a barrier, filled with a chain of runic symbols. One last ring inside of it, the switch. Much like the previous sigil, it contained a set of curved and opposing line in a weave. The center circle would be the release focus, created by wrapping four circles around a central axis.
The last rune was the trigger, contained within the outermost barrier. It was programmed to release the separation barrier and combine the spells. The enhanced spell would then be released from the central focus when the command, "Trigger release," was spoken. Inside of the circular space he created two overlapped and opposing triangles, and within their center was a small runic symbol. He transmuted the plate to rock and the Glyphing to ice. And with the sigil set in stone, he could begin the Hypnotism now. Though he was as of yet unsure what the spells loaded should be. It would be based around the spell loaded by Alric, which was still unknown. The desired effect of the scroll was obvious enough.
The Hypnotist planted his staff on each of the focuses and filled them with a spell. Five of the ten of them were emotional responses, channeled until the runes were completely filled. Feelings of submission, compliance, fear, anxiety and despair. And though it was much more simple to stream spells through his staff, the wizard became fatigued from continuous casting. He took a break to catch his metaphorical breath. It was at this time that Ender spoke to him again. "Alric is awake now, and he will be rising from bed any moment. Perhaps you should wrap things up here." Though there was not enough time to finish things before the the living resident of the apartment woke, things would still flow smoothly.
Miro planted his staff on the next of the focuses and spoke to Alric without turning to confirm what was said. "Good morning Alric, I trust you slept well. I am nearly done with my part of the casting for today. You need only cast one spell, your most powerful Hypnotism. The largest focus here. You fill it and you are done for the day. I will fill one scroll, and we repeat the process to fill another tomorrow. The hypnotic effect should be one of submission and surrender. Overwhelm their will to fight and force them to submit to us." The Chained One smirked to himself and focused on the five suggestions he would cast. "Prepare yourself to cast. The sooner we finish the better."
Like the responses, each of the suggestions would be channeled until the runes were filled. While Alric prepared for the day, the Reimancer completed his portion of sigil. "I do not want to fight", "I do not want to die", "I should surrender", "I have already lost", and finally, "I am powerless." After the undead finished the last spell and relaxed his mind, it became clouded. His vision distorted, as his mind grew a terrible ache. Channeling the constant stream of Hypnotism for chimes at a time was exhausting.
Miro staggered backwards and allowed his weight to rest on his staff. "My part of this is finished. I will wait for you to finish yours, and then I will store the spell within a scroll. After that I am free. If you require my assistance elsewhere, I would be at your disposal. Though if not, I am perfect capable of filling my own schedule." The wizard grabbed the three cased scrolls and tucked them into his sling. When the spell was filled, he would remove a scroll from its case and pose it over the plate. The release command would be given, and the magic would be transferred. From there he would store the scroll in a separate pouch of his pack.
Last edited by
Miro on November 29th, 2013, 5:40 am, edited 2 times in total.