Placeholder Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

Postby Razkar on January 9th, 2014, 5:25 am

A child could have told you how the fight was going to end. Younger though he was, the male was bloodied and swaying on his feet, scarlet covering his chin and dripping onto his chest. His hands trembled and he wasn't so much circling his opponent as orbiting her, mirroring her movements as best he could while avoiding her.

But she? A roll of her shoulders, a crack-crack of her head from side to side, and Rehkuna was ready for more.

She came in fast and low, fists bursting out like iron-tipped lightning bolts, working Razkar's body mercilessly. She was pacing herself, now; getting her work out good and proper, sliding and dodging around the male, avoiding his clumsy, desperately haymakers. All tact and thought was fleeing him, but he would not-

-another pair of body shots thudded into him, bruising ribs, and he jeerked his elbows down to batter her fists, but her right was already striking up at his exposed chin, a perfect uppercut-


The red sand welcomed him like a brother. It was warm and soft and he didn't want to get up from it. He... ached, in every corner of himself. Even the insides of his bones seemed ready to crack, and he only managed to up to one knee before he felt his hair grasped firmly-

-and Rehkuna dragged him to his feet like a petulant kitten, her beautiful, terrible face shaking and trembling in front of his...

"I think this session is-"



A short, steaming stream of blood rocketed out of his mouth and splatted into her open eyes. Blinded her grip failed for a tick, and more importantly, her concentration-

-so she noticed to late how the male's head swayed backward-

-and only had one eye to see his forehead jerk forward, then tuck down further-

He hit her with the crown of his skull, not the forehead. Much harder, and less ringing in your head after the fact. Afterward, Rehkuna would grudgingly give the male credit for that. After all, she'd taught him how to do it.

But in the moment she reeled, though not too far. Razkar didn't even have the strength to stop his own momentum, crashing into her bodily, wrapping his arms around her, using his weight to drag her down, both of them smashing back to the blood-flecked dirt. An ember of hope flared, however feebly.

Again! Hit her again! She'd down and you-

But a tick's advantage was all Razkar would get with his Fang Leader. In the time it took for the jolt of their joint-impact to register, the time it took for him to raise his trembling fist again-

-she jerked her knee between his legs.

Bloody vomit shot from his mouth and Razkar rolled off her, body curling instinctively into a fetal position, cupping if not holding his eggs. No, Mistress, he wouldn't even be touching those for a while...

There was some benefit to the all-encompassing agony in his balls, however. It meant he barely felt her start to kick him while he was down.

"Stupid... sodding... stubborn... male!"
My Words | Your Words | Myrian | Fratavan | My Thoughts
Razkar has been cursed by Yahal, and as such finds little acceptance from others; they will instinctively view him as being deceptive and traitorous. However, when close to one blessed by Yahal, the effect is negated. The curse is etched onto his left pectoral, and viewing the mark causes others to feel dirty and unclean.
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Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

Postby Tinnok on January 10th, 2014, 1:42 pm


She thought it might be done then, that the beating would have been enough, but she shouldn't have been so optimistic. She heard Ioxera groan and roll away from her, legs and limbs separating. The fang leader drew herself up to her full height and Tinnok realized just how ineffectual her attacks had been. Sure she had winded the graceful woman, but that was about it, a small scrape upon her temple the only evidence of damage.

The fang leader sheathed her sword and walked swiftly over to a weapon rack, hefting up two spears and literally throwing one sailing towards the crumpled half breed, its fake wooden tip landing with a solid thunk on the ground inches away from one of the abomination's outstretched legs.

"I only see you use those daggers, snake, let's see you use another weapon."

Tinnok snatched up the spear, using it as leverage to get her aching body off the ground, but her eyes widened as she watched Ioxera. The female began spinning her spear, at first it was a slow easily watched motion, the wooden stick casually spinning in front of the fang leader's body, but suddenly it began whirling, swapping between hands, and Ioxera began juggling the stick around her body, the spear just a blur of brown.

Tinnok gripped her own long spear with two hands diagonally across her body. The only things she knew about the weapon were what she had learned from the young Myrian, Kaie, whom she'd met in the forest, their clans's lands bordering one another. It was a small amount of knowledge to say the least, and as Tinnok's eyes wandered over the training grounds to see Razkar getting beaten in much the same way she had only moments before, she had only half a tick to register a sort of defensive stance, meant more for the male then herself before Ioxera charged her with her weapon, the thing still in motion around her body, before plunging the tip straight for Tinnok's chest.

The half breed's eyes widened, completely unsure of how to deflect the attack with her own spear. Perhaps if she had been better with the weapon she would know how to time a well placed downward swipe, but that was out of the question, instead Tinnok lamely turned the spear horizontally and twisted her body to the side, one leg flying back to catch herself and dodge the attack as she thrust both arms upward with the spear, hoping to catch Ioxera's weapon upon hers.

The fang leader easily knocked her weapon away, dropping low to the ground and shifting her grip on the spear, both hands at the very end of it, swinging it around and taking Tinnok out behind the knees. Immediately she collapsed to the ground, shoulder blades digging painfully into the ground first, followed by the rest of her body. She groaned, and then suddenly the haft of the spear was at her throat, calm eyes of Ioxera behind it.

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Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

Postby Razkar on January 11th, 2014, 11:20 pm

He could feel the impact, but not the pain. He'd remember afterwards it was such a bizarre experience, almost like being a bystander within his own body, jostled around harmlessly as a swirling, furious shadow He tried, Goddess he tried, to lash out and defend himself but... it was so hard... so tiring...


Razkar hoped Tinnok was doing better, as Syna began to dim and blink out of his vision, then a searing voice pregnant with authority smashed through the wall of numbness.

I'm going to die here. She's going to beat me to death.

"Are you deaf, gril?! Enough!"

"This whelp tried to-"

"-beat his sparring partner, and he failed! If he must die, let him do so facing our enemies, not with his blood pointlessly staining these sands. And I will remind you - once - Rehkuna, that in the Training Yards, my word is law!"

Razkar blinked. Or, at least, felt himself blinking. The words were clear but the figures were not; he recognized them, and it was was some mute surprise he realized that Herliz was actually defending him.

Or her own position here. Whichever works.

The impacts on his battered, bleeding body ceased. Rehkuna stepped away but slowly, as if proving to someone, anyone, she was doing so because she chose to. Herliz, the male knew, wouldn't give a shit either way, so long as she obeyed her. Finally his eyes began to work again, and phantoms drifted into focus, shadows clouding them chased away as bright shafts of Syna pierced him and them in equal measure...

"Stupid, stubborn male."

He managed to smile weakly at Erama with his bloody teeth and aching face, getting naught but a roll of her eyes in reply. Then Razkar looked over and saw Ioxera apparently contemplating "accidentally" killing the half-breed. For what seemed like an age, he struggled to get to his knees and... eventually... he did.

"Uh... Urh... we d-... done... 'n... 'nstruc'... 'tr... Her... liz...?"
My Words | Your Words | Myrian | Fratavan | My Thoughts
Razkar has been cursed by Yahal, and as such finds little acceptance from others; they will instinctively view him as being deceptive and traitorous. However, when close to one blessed by Yahal, the effect is negated. The curse is etched onto his left pectoral, and viewing the mark causes others to feel dirty and unclean.
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Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

Postby Tinnok on January 14th, 2014, 3:02 am


She stopped counting the number of times Ioxera knocked her down after 8. If she was fast with her knives she was lightning with the spear, twirling it from hand to hand, dipping it around her body. Tinnok's own movements were like a banana slug in comparison. She blocked every one attack in ten, and poorly at that, her strength having already been sapped.

She tried different stances, first holding the spear with both hands, sometimes one, attempting to twirl it, but nothing mattered, and her attempts became more pathetic by the tick.

Slowly, steadily the area began clearing out. Training had been brutal, but there was no reason to tire or unnecessarily injure soldiers, even the most green officers knew that detail...or well some of them did.

But no one told Ioxera to stop, a few watched for a couple chimes before moving on their way, most just walked on like nothing was happening. The one individual who would dare draw breath against the act had little left to himself.

So when she hit the ground for the umpteenth time, teeth breaking through her lips to avoid squealing like a stuck pig in pain, untold relief flooded through her when she heard the crow rasp that was Herliz's voice.

"Good, Ioxera, good. I didn't expect you to take me up on the deal, but it seems fitting at the same time...A day of leave for you in return for the broken half blood, Rekhuna's male gets the same."

She leaned down, brown and golden flecked eyes gazing into swollen yellow ones. "Your spear work is atrocious, and you need to stop handling your daggers like cutlery." She spat right beside Tinnok's face and marched off, ehr hand flying backward.

"Get both of them to the infirmary." And so the two fang leaders half carried, half dragged their subordinates to padded cots to lay. Tinnok tried her best to move of her own accord, but her ribs were most certainly cracked, and every breath and step sent horrid pains through her body. Ioxera dumped her into the cot and though she had been worried about falling asleep, the immense pain of her ribs hitting the bed frame solved that problem as she was thrown into unconsciousness.

She dreamt of Herliz's head on a pike, Oxil's and Ioxera's put up next to it, crows eating their eyes, and her eating tiger meat at a great banquet.


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Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

Postby Razkar on January 15th, 2014, 3:38 am

He'd been all ready to wallow in self-pity for a good while, and then Razkar saw what had become of Tinnok. He knew it was here, in the opposite cot, but only by the yellow eyes that blinked slowly, painfully, every few seconds. Healers tended to them both, but to her only grudgingly. The male frowned minutely (to discover even that fucking hurt) as one wiped her hand on her breeches, muttering darkly about "Dhani germs".

Goddess, it's never going to petching end, is it?

Bells passed. Nothing to occupy their time but aching breaths that stabbed as bruised lungs and shuffles to get comfortable on the hard mattresses that ended up just sending fresh torrents of pain shooting through them. The wing was nearly empty; just a handful of training injuries, but no three together has as much damage as they each bore.

"So... what happened to you?"

Razkar managed to angl his head around, wincing at his bruised collarbone, spying a male with his leg in a cast. He shrugged and hissed at the pain. Gods, would he ever feel well again?

"Just... training... Went a bit... f... far..."

The other male chuckled and stretched and Razkar hated him instantly. Oh, yes, go ahead; go ahead and enjoy your un-battered body and non-pulped innards. Show-off.

"How long will you be here, you reckon?"

"S... Seven... nights... may... maybe... nine."

"Lot of experience with wounds, huh? Well, nice to have a rough guide. Broken shin, maybe... five days?"

"M... Maybe..."

A long, shuffling silence descended; the kind of silence that studied its shoes then the ceiling and did everything but made eye contact. The male was smart, though; Razkar gave him that.

"Well, I suppose you want to rest, hmm?"

"That'd be... good."

"Rest up, brother. Oh, and, ah..."
He leaned a little closer, voice dropping and eyes suddenly hooded. "Give the fucking half-breed a good doing over when she wakes, eh?"

"W... Why?"

"She put you in here, right?"
Broke-Leg cocked his head quizically, chuckled, shrugged, all those little motions that screamed mate, why aren't you getting this? "Probably just in the blood, y'know? Can't help it. Petch knows why they even... let her..."

Razkar had already turned away. Keeping that bastard in his eyes would only lead to spitting words, angry lunges and his stitches opening back up when he inevitably flopped onto the stone floor like a boned fish. Better to turn his face - slowly and carefully - to a more familiar sight.

Even if she was swaddled like a newborn babe in bandages. Razkar let the curses of Broke-Leg peter off into nothing; concentrated instead on that battered, bruised, swollen but still defiant face.

He waited, and would wait. When she finally flicked a snake-lik... er, furtive glance his way, Eagle would give a quick wink and a weak smile, then concentrate on how to get to his bedpan.
My Words | Your Words | Myrian | Fratavan | My Thoughts
Razkar has been cursed by Yahal, and as such finds little acceptance from others; they will instinctively view him as being deceptive and traitorous. However, when close to one blessed by Yahal, the effect is negated. The curse is etched onto his left pectoral, and viewing the mark causes others to feel dirty and unclean.
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Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

Postby Tinnok on January 24th, 2014, 4:01 am


It was even painful in her dreams. There she fought Ioxera and Herliz simultaneously, yet the word 'fight' would be a compliment to her actions, for all she was doing was falling again, and again to the ground. Cuts were opened one by one, some shallow, others deep, and her blood was spilling onto the ground around her, wasn't crimson but a sickly black color.

Slowly a crowd of people began to gather around the fight, and Tinnok kept slipping in her own blood. No one seemed surprised at this occurrence, but she was worried. Surely she would bleed out, and all it was going to prove was that she was as weak and monstrous as they all thought she was. SHe fought to keep tears from her eyes, but she heard Ioxera laugh and knew she had been caught.

And then she thrashed enough so the pain woke her, a low moan escaping her throat. Luckily she missed the jab of the broken legged comrade, yellow eyes blinking back into a world of pain to focus on the dark, yet comforting gaze of Eagle. Her lips twitched, except that even that brought pain to a swollen face. She twitched them once more, slightly harder so that at least the outline of a return smile was apparent once more, and then found that was all she had energy for, even as muttered curses from Eagle brought the twitching back.

Her eyelids closed and even though the dreams were not pleasant one's, she found herself sliding back into them all the same.

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Queen Of Knives (Tinnok)

Postby Empyrean on January 30th, 2014, 11:00 pm


Dual Wield +2
Tactic +2
Unarmed +3
Endurance +2

Lores :
  • Chinra: Sadistic, But Worthy Sparring Partner
  • Training Yards: Word of Instructor is Law
  • A Death on the Battlefield is Worth More Than One in the Yard
  • Find the Weakness and Exploit it
  • Tactic: Manipulating Emotions
  • Beaten by Rehkuna


Socialization +1
Observation +2
Dual Wield +5
Weapon: Dagger +5
Tactic +2
Brawling +3
Acrobatics +1
Endurance +3
Weapon: Spear +2

Lores :
  • Bigotry in Taloba: Nothing New
  • Beaten by Ioxera
  • Tactic: Exploiting a Male's Groin Weakness
  • A Death on the Battlefield is Worth More Than One in the Yard

Notes :
This one was a lot of fun to grade. Good job, you two!
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