Ailbe's Slave Retrieval
Business Type: Goods and Service
Goods and Services Offered:
Slaves- Vary depending on race and ability, as well as whom is trying to buy a slave.
Track down and recover Rujaro- 40gm to start and 7gm per day.
Base Income: Hunter 5gm/day
Skill Bonus: Competent Hunting 7gm 5sm/day
Sale's Bonus NA- TBD
Employees- 2 Ackina Slaves (unpaid) 90gm per season upkeep
Total Income: 7gm 5sm/day
2 Slaves
Servants Quarters 400gm
Prison Cell 300gm
Bath, simple 200gm
Office, Elaborate 1500gm
Master Bedroom, simple 800gm
1/2 Acre of land 500gm
3 sets of manacles 15gm each
3 collars, kelvic iron 10gm each
Debt: 3775gm to Ackina family