Basic Information
Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 28th Of Winter 491AV (23years old)
Gender: Male
Physical Description
Adam stand around. 5'4 and weighs around 90 pounds. He has an ethereal kind of look brought about by his stony sleight gray eyes. He would be considered by most a fairly good looking guy, his highlights are his aesthetically pleasing facial features. He has nice look going for him relaxed and casual, his posturing is none threatening and inviting and he always seems to carry himself with confident stride. His features while calming seemed to be aged more then a man his age should allow, and he seems to have an heir of frailty and sickness about him.
Character Concept
Utterly driven for power, the kind of person that would and willing go to any extent to become more powerful. Always hungry for more his thirst for magics has driven him to some extent into madness. Reimancy was not enough, he sacrificed his physical well being for more arcane power into the darkness of leeching. But even then that did not saited his needs, only a desire for more what he learned next was glyphing in order to manipulate and harness that potential. He's a man in constant turmoil, it's never enough even if he had everything there would still be something there pressing him for more.
Character History
A smart thinker who used everything at his disposal, it started with the element of fire and for more he took on air to breath life into his conflagrations. He took on self mutilation by breaking his physical self to harness leeching. He was driven and was pushed out of Zeltiva for his maddening thirst for power. The two disciplines were difficult to learn but as he progressed it was like learning to breath all over again, drawing Djed in then releasing it. It came with terrible consequences but that was the price he was willing to pay. Outcasted from the academy he headed towards Ravok, it was of course the closest city. He had plenty of potential to teach, but he was greedy with what he knew. In Ravok he is a jack of all trades when it comes to employment, one day he's burning garbage the next he's stoking flames in forges and foundries. He's even been known to do mercenary work, fire is formidable and terrifying and he uses it in many ways to make coin when needed.
Primary/ Common
Secondary/ Nader Canoch
Third/ High Arumenic
Training & Skill Points
Reimancy 26/ 26sp
Leeching 26/ 15rb/ 11sp
Glyphing 13/ 13sp
Lore of basic Res manipulation
Lore of advanced Res manipulation
Heirloom; Book On Basic Morphing, knowing that he'd been found out at the university he went to great lengths to procure this particular book. Under the impression that there may be a way to physically overcome leeching through the manipulation of himself. Another testament to sacrificing himself in the name of procuring more power, not only willing to harm himself but utterly destroy his personal identity so that he may reach for the stars.
1 grey robe
1 pair sandals
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
1 bag of trail mix (weeks supply)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
1 short sword
100 gold mizas (Starting coin)
+ 500 gold mizas (liquidated housing)
-10 gold mizas short sword
-1 gold miza grey robe
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