85 Spring, 508AV
Spring had come and now was almost gone which meant that the Windchaser family were moving into their Summer range and the last chance to sell stock before the Fall arrived and they would once more join the Run back down to the warmer climes above the deserts for the Winter.
Fallan had finished his period of watch upon the herd and now his time was his own, at least for a short time for their were duties which would await him on his return to the Pavilion. Even now, this time of his own had its own expectations for he intended if possible with something to add to the Pavilions store of food, firewood or anything else useful that he might be able to find.
The herd had vanished behind him and now he tracked ahead of their route, but going outside of that corridor which would be bounded by the path of Pavilion and herd for that area was likely to receive closer attention by those who rode to and fro as the two moved Northwards but rarely on exactly the same path as both had need of grazing though often enough the two were within earshot.
Nudging Stormdancers flank he headed her up a slight rise and paused at the top to get a feel for the land and to see if there was anything interesting to see. He was aware of the fact that he silhouetted himself by so doing but this day he felt reckless enough to do so. His Strider shifted under him as he turned his body to take in the view from one horizon to another. It would be easy to get lost here especially if he lost Stormdancer somehow and her connection to the web. His own webbing skills would likely be enough to summon help even if they could not actually manage to extricate him from the situation that he had put himself into.
On a day like this it should not really be possible for him to get lost, at least not badly and not so badly that a search party could not find him. That however would be very hard to live down afterwards and like enough he would never live long enough to hear the last of the tale.
Some things were simple guides to keeping direction, so long as attention was paid to them at least. The path that Syna and Leth took through the sky were predictable, especially for someone who lived outdoors and could track their progress every day. So long as he allowed for that movement he would always know roughly what direction that he travelled in at any time. With that information he could reverse his course and attempt to unpick it to the point that he came to a point he recognised. For that reason it was always important to keep an eye on the view backwards, the way he had come. Not only was it common sense from a safety point of view, it was also the case that things often looked different from behind than they did from the front and he would need to know that view if he were to retrace his steps.
Spring had come and now was almost gone which meant that the Windchaser family were moving into their Summer range and the last chance to sell stock before the Fall arrived and they would once more join the Run back down to the warmer climes above the deserts for the Winter.
Fallan had finished his period of watch upon the herd and now his time was his own, at least for a short time for their were duties which would await him on his return to the Pavilion. Even now, this time of his own had its own expectations for he intended if possible with something to add to the Pavilions store of food, firewood or anything else useful that he might be able to find.
The herd had vanished behind him and now he tracked ahead of their route, but going outside of that corridor which would be bounded by the path of Pavilion and herd for that area was likely to receive closer attention by those who rode to and fro as the two moved Northwards but rarely on exactly the same path as both had need of grazing though often enough the two were within earshot.
Nudging Stormdancers flank he headed her up a slight rise and paused at the top to get a feel for the land and to see if there was anything interesting to see. He was aware of the fact that he silhouetted himself by so doing but this day he felt reckless enough to do so. His Strider shifted under him as he turned his body to take in the view from one horizon to another. It would be easy to get lost here especially if he lost Stormdancer somehow and her connection to the web. His own webbing skills would likely be enough to summon help even if they could not actually manage to extricate him from the situation that he had put himself into.
On a day like this it should not really be possible for him to get lost, at least not badly and not so badly that a search party could not find him. That however would be very hard to live down afterwards and like enough he would never live long enough to hear the last of the tale.
Some things were simple guides to keeping direction, so long as attention was paid to them at least. The path that Syna and Leth took through the sky were predictable, especially for someone who lived outdoors and could track their progress every day. So long as he allowed for that movement he would always know roughly what direction that he travelled in at any time. With that information he could reverse his course and attempt to unpick it to the point that he came to a point he recognised. For that reason it was always important to keep an eye on the view backwards, the way he had come. Not only was it common sense from a safety point of view, it was also the case that things often looked different from behind than they did from the front and he would need to know that view if he were to retrace his steps.