Fall 2nd, 513
It was a fairly forgettable, average day at the Fighter's Pit for most, though Zera had made the most of every minute of it. He was standing upon a mat on the right side of the arena. These few hours were for public gathering, and small sessions of training. He had been watching a woman from afar, though he knew not what race she was. He could see that she had flowing brown hair, and she was slim and dextrous. Zera could not see her eyes, as she was not facing him. The reason he was watching her happened to be that she was practicing the art of balance.
Clumsily, Zera had begun trying to mimic her art several minutes prior. She was capable of great acts of balance while standing upon a single foot. He wanted to learn how to properly copy her technique and apply it to his form in battle, but first he had to learn it. Yahal would surely admire him for his efforts.
She changed her stance, planting both feet on the ground as Zera copied her movement, planting both of his own feet still upon the mat. He wore no shoes, for he enjoyed the feeling of the mat beneath his feet, and improved his sense of balance. The woman raised her arms straight into the air, her arms molded together in unison, hands together in the pose of a diver. Unsteadily, he performed the same maneuver. As he did so he began to clear his mind and begin to meld his consciousness into the experience. However, he only did so partially as the next step of the exercise approached.
The lady then began to bow down, arching her back as her hands turned outwards, to outstretched palms which she planted upon the mat beneath her feet. She then kicked with her legs, propelling her lower body into the air as she began to stand upon the ground with her hands. Zera had done the same, bending down and planting his hands upon the ground. He bounced off the ground with his back feet, and began to stand on his hands. He could feel himself wavering as he careened back and forth, trying to keep his balance. The blood began to rush to his head, and he soon found himself breathing raggedly from the sensation.
Meanwhile, the lady had performed perfectly. He took note about how she straightened her body, and seemed to have a great deal of control with her hands. When she was comfortable, she began to walk on her hands. One hand after the other, she began to inch away. Zera lost his balance, his feet falling back to the earth as he let his blood flow for a moment. He saw what the girl was doing now, and decided that he would do the same. Inhaling a sharp breath he stood upon his hands once more. After standing there on his hands for a moment, trying to find his balance, he pushed himself up with one arm, allowing the other to be free to move. He moved it ahead of him, and found his balance quickly faltering. His body was quite heavy, and supporting it with his hands was quite the work out.
Knowing he had to move the other, he groaned as he pulled himself forward with the extended arm. He felt like he needed something a little more. Closing his eyes, he concentrated towards his arms, sending his essence into them. He could feel the energy crackle within his arms as he straightened his legs, giving him the added balance he needed, if only for a moment. The Flux was a useful tool, but he knew he couldn't use it for long. He was careful to get rid of the power as he let it dissipate from his arms and absorb back into his body.