Race: Nuit
Birthday & Age :Season of Winter, Day 3, 400 AV (112 years old from moment when he became a nuit)
Gender: Male
Birthday & Age :Season of Winter, Day 3, 400 AV (112 years old from moment when he became a nuit)
Gender: Male
Physical Description
Morfen is a tipical nuit. Forever undeath, he traveles from one body to another. The creature had already made some demantes about his bodies. They need to be young, 15-16 years old, boys, beutiful and well dressed. The undeath dislikes everything ugly and filthy.
All in all, the nuit takes care of his bodies, keeps them well preserved and tidy.
Character Concept
Morfen is one of those immortals who had managed to keep all his emotion like they should be. He likes to attract the appositiv sex with his good looks and charming character. Plus, one of the undeath's goal is to bound with a familiar. It is the only way to get someone who can live with him as long as the nuit.
But the goal of his excition is to find a way to create a immortal body, which wouldn't need to leave after a while. This was and is his goal already about 100 years.
Character History
Morfen has a long and extensive history, but in fact he is no longer able to remember the time before becoming a nuit. After the revelation, the boy, with plenty of problems and tribulations, traveled from town to town. He tried to blend in with the surrounding population and at the same time to learn something of the magic. It was the most difficult, because wizards such as trying to escape from the world, and almost no one is willing to share their knowledge with Nuit.
One of the positive characteristics of the boy's is that he has not lost no speck of his emotions. However, it is hard work to maintain its "lubricated" and prevent them rusting in. He currently lives in Nyka and continue his search.
Training & Skill Points
Drawing 10/100 (starter pack)
Seduction 10/100 (starter pack)
Alchemy 30/100 (starter pack)
Embalming 10/100 (racial bonus)
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
-Flint & Steel
-Bottle of embalming fluid
-Eating knife
-toilette kit
-face powder 10 oz
Lore of Alchemy: Basic Techniques
Lore of Sahova: Citadel Layout
100-25 for toilette kit=75 gold mizas (Starting coin)
75-1=74 gm (bought a 10 oz face powder)
74+500=574 gm (sold living space)
In the years only one thing is really precious to him. It is a small vial, made from unknown stone.