Solo [The Sanctuary] Expelling Sap

Faryon begins leaening how to use shields

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[The Sanctuary] Expelling Sap

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on November 26th, 2013, 7:37 am

Timestamp: 65th of Autumn 513AV

Faryon slowly walked to the library that graced the Sanctuary. It wasn't as versed as the one in Riverfall but it seemed to have a nice variety none the less and alot easier to navigate. Kavala had stated when she first arrives her all employees must be well rounded in various forms of fighting and magic and in the conversation she had mentioned an interest in shielding. She knew bare to nothing of the subject but it was the first magic to come to mind that was mostly a defensive art rather than offensive. However Faryon was pretty sure if used with some other form of magic it could be used as such but at the moment she would like to live in denial and live in her little peaceful world in her head.

Kavala had mentioned there was a book on the subject and with some light reading she hoped to gain a better understanding what the teen was getting herself into. For what she did know of the craft that it was fairly easy to pick up just a matter of expelling djed to form the shields. How one did that, Faryon was hoping this book could explain further.

The Drykas reached the library in no time and was secretly proud of herself for making it there without second guessing herself. As she was coming to find out, since coming her that she had horrible sense of direction. Stepping into the familiar space, it also didnt take long to locate the book she was searching for, Shielding- Beginning and Advanced Techniques.

Faryon sat down at the little desk and opened up her journal of sorts to a new page. She had used it before to copy a few entries from a Herbalism book and now she planned to jot down a few pointers about shielding.

The book creaked some from lack of use. The penmanship was slightly elegant and clear to read. The teen figured out a while back that the books were copies from the library in Riverfall but either way what ever worked right? Okay first to find out what shielding is exactly Faryon thought to herself.

The teen read through the introduction, only pausing to write a quick note or two in her journal.

  • Discipline of personal magic to create three dimensional barriers to protect against foreign djed either by means of blocking it or absorbing it.
  • Have size, shape, thickness therefore always remember to think three dimensional when creating one.
  • Have variety and almost unlimited range of uses
  • Mainly used to block the passage of djed across their spaces but as casters advance can task the shield to do more.

Easy enough to understand but Faryon knew it was easier said than done and was probably going to take her a few chimes to conjure up some djed to perform the task.

The next section was about the history of shielding and wasn't something the Drykas was particularly interested in reading at the moment, maybe some time later but right now she wanted the basics. Creating shields and tasking them was the next chapter and looked to be several pages thick. Here we go exactly what I need. Faryon eagerly started reading, deciding to read over the chapter first then go back in taking notes then that way she could make sure she understood what she just read.

In her excitement, Faryon constantly had to keep reminding herself to slow down so she could fully absorb the information, in which she ended up rereading several paragraphs over again. It took about a bell to finish the chapter a second time through but it helped the teen to understand further.

Turning her attention back to her journal, Faryon tried to summarize the chapter as best as she could.

"The creation of shields can be done in a variety of ways just depends on the user and what works best for them. Times vary between casters, depending upon level and hastiness of the creation. If time and thought is not put into the creation, the shield might have various flaws and weaknesses not to mention will deteriorate much faster than a careful planned out shield. The hastily created shield will have inconsistencies of size, thickness and purpose which can lead to it not blocking or absorbing djed as planned.

Shields are usually crafted by one individual but group ones are not unheard of. While individual shields have their purpose, a group created one is much more effective but only is as strong as their strongest shielder.

Shields are for the most part invisible and will shimmer in moments when they come in contact by an outside force. A shielder that has alot of training under their belt is able to see a shield created by one that is equal to their level or below but unable to with a higher skill than them. A shield is like a mage's fingerprint or signature and can be linked back to a certain person if their work is well known.

Last edited by Faryon Whiteflower on November 26th, 2013, 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Faryon Whiteflower
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[The Sanctuary] Expelling Sap

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on November 26th, 2013, 9:04 am

"It also must be remembered that shields are living entities since their creation is from one's soul. They can possibly learn, adapt or even grow the older the shields are and how well they are maintained. With that being said with neglect they can quickly deteriorate.

When creating a shield they must be tasked and always initially are to block/absorb foreign djed from passing through. Then they can be further tasked to either block out one of the senses. At lower levels the capabilities is greatly limited and can be loopholes by stacking multiple shields on top of each other, each with its own purpose."

Faryon reread what she just wrote, looking to see if she forgot any key information and didn't look to be so. She seemed to have gotten what she needed the rest was trial and error now. The Drykas flipped through the rest of the book to see if there was any other information she may need but it all looked too advance for her level for now. So she picked up the book and placed it back on the shelf.

Taking a seat on the floor, Faryon got comfortable, sitting criss-cross and her right arm out in front of her palm up and resting on her leg. She was going have to dig deep and try to conjure up some of her djed in her palm. Sounded like a good start as any. The teen closed her eyes and began to even out her breathing. Breathe in through your nose, hold for three ticks then release through her mouth slowly. She focused on just her breathing, hoping to slip into a trance of sorts to clear her head.

Faryon had never meditated before so it took her awhile to clear her head of distractions. It seemed everytime she got close some random thought would pop into her head making her have to start all over again but she was determined. Once she finally cleared her mind of distractions, Faryon began to concentrate on welling some djed into her palm.

This too took a long while, she was unsure what to look for exactly and how did one even conjure their own being, soul, essence of themselves into a material form? Then it snapped out of nowhere, a feeling of knowing that was almost instinct in nature. Faryon pulled on it further and a thick substance began to pool up in the middle of her palm. It was no more than the size of perhaps two gold rimmed mizas but it was a start.

The teen had to concentrate hard to keep it from slipping back into herself. It had no particular color to just seemed to be.. Well just be. She released her hold on it and it disappeared. Faryon haven't noticed at first but she had broken a sweat in all of her concentrating and despite only bringing forth only a bit of her djed, the teen could feel the wear upon her.

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Faryon Whiteflower
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[The Sanctuary] Expelling Sap

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on December 2nd, 2013, 6:05 am

This magic business was no joke. Faryon didn't think it would be this strenuous to bring forth her own djed. Its definitely going to prove to be interesting once she was able to cast shields. Despite the sweat that had started to bead up on her forehead, the Drykas was determined to try again.

Closing her eyes again, Faryon took a deep breath. Apparently regulating her breathing helped clear her mind faster and she tried to remember how she had "summoned" her djed the last time. It seemed to be instinct based. Some part of her, deep inside knew how to do it. It was just a matter of remembering. More sweat beaded up on her forehead as she concentrated harder. Faryon could feel it just outside of her grasp, that same feeling as before.

She was focusing so hard the teen didn't realized that she had pulled on that feeling and a generous amount of djed had pooled up in her hand again. Instead of reabsorbing it as before, Faryon wondered if she could take it a slight step further and have it coat her hand in a small shield. Now what had the book said about shields..?[i] She thought to herself. [i]Oh yes, I need to task it as I form it.

Faryon cleared her mind again and focused on the djed in her palm. She needed to stretch it so it made a small rectangular like shape and try to have it block out the light of the nearby lamp. The Drykas sat on the floor of the library for nearly ten chimes concentrating and focusing on the the shape and thickness all while giving its purpose of blocking out the light.

When Faryon thought she had it right she held out her hand in front of the lamp. Despite the shield, being extremely thin and thick in other places, she had managed to block some of the light. The lamp was partially black like a faint shadow and the light it produced slightly dimmed. Not a bad start but probably her last attempt for a bit today. Faryon frowned that it had tired her so easily and really didnt want to stop but the teen also didnt want to wear herself out completely that she couldn't do anything else for the rest of the day.

Perhaps after some lunch and abit of gardening, she could try again. Faryon stood up slowly and gathered her journal before leaving the Within library.

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Faryon Whiteflower
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[The Sanctuary] Expelling Sap

Postby Translucent on December 6th, 2013, 6:22 pm

Congratulations On Your Hard Work!

Faryon Whiteflower:
XP: +2 writing +3 shielding, +1 meditation
Lores: Shielding: Discipline of creating three barriers from Djed for protection. Shielding: Is like a fingerprint to the magecrafter. Shielding can adapt or even grow if they are maintained.

Notes: remember in general that it is +1 point per post. Your first post could have been broken up into two points for which I could have given a second + shielding and Writing. Don’t forget to edit your grade request.

As always PM me if you have issues.

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