A scholar? What kind of answer was that? Rhuryc frowned and turned back ahead, his voice falling silent for a few moments. The specifics of Hadrian's studies must have been nefarious, or maybe he was just uncomfortable explaining them. Whatever the case the man felt his curiosity flow. Sometimes his mind was far too questioning for its own good. As they walked Rhuryc mused on what exactly 'scholar' meant. Even when a few drops of rain landed on his face he did not even noticed, so bent was he on deciphering the cryptic wording of his companion. And he did not have long. Already the glorious walls of Syliras were in sight, the usual traffic streaming in and out of the city no matter the weather.
"I hope it's in celebration!" Rhuryc spoke with a jovial, yet distracted voice. He seemed distracted by something. "What did you study, then? Scholar is a bit vague. I don't even think I know what kind of universities Zeltiva has." His head bobbed after he finished. What did they study there? Agriculture? Rhuryc realized he did not even know much about the city itself. Huh. He needed to get out more.