3rd of Spring 506 AV Early Morning, Weather: Foggy Location: The Shrine To Those Who Have Passed
Drusilla walked farther up the path to the shrine, a large bundle in her arms. Her breath rose visable like smoke. The calander may have said spring, but the weather claimed differently. Surprisingly Brunhild was not with her, Drusilla made sure to sneek out alone. She wasn't sure why, but she felt the need to make the trip by herself. Reaching the final steps of the shrine Drusilla took a moment to marvel at the beauty of the shrine.
Stepping inside, she saw the many trinkets that visitors left. The Shrine truely had an otherworldly feel to it, making one feel so small in the whole grand scheme of things. The wind blew gentlely with soft murmers from the spirits riding the current, tossing Drusilla's long white hair everywhich way. She felt at peace here.
Drusilla got to work with the items in the bundle. Candles and incense were lit and placed around the shrine. She picked up the remaining contents and knelt on the middle of the floor. Folding her hands Drusilla said a prayer in common and then one in her home tounge for her departed mother. She messed with items around her. She picked up one of her handmade silk scarves embroidered with images of eagles.
Carefully she wrapped it around a blown glass vase containing flowers, " I offer this to Mr. Adalric Ambrose," She said outloud. Drusilla did the same with two more scarves and vases, offering them to the spirits of Brunhild's mother and her twin outloud. She placed a pile of silk scarves on the ground, for any spirit who wanted one.
Finally Drusilla placed a silk cloth on the floor on top of that a pure white candle and a red rose. "I know you didn't die here in Wind Reach, but I hope you still find it....Mother..." With that she silently got to her feet and quietly walked out, oblivous to the invisable hand picking up and holding the rose.