So on the flipside of 'Summer Wars' we have...
A look at
I, Frankenstein Disclaimer: Now I have the tendency to not mind movies that are for a lack of a better word crappy. The kind of flicks that don't have the best money wise, aren't setting out to be block busters and don't have phenomenal stats in any categories. 'I, Frankenstein' was made by the folks that made the Underworld movies, which of the four they've made I enjoyed the first 2, the original being the best out of all of them.
So going into this movie I knew the acting wasn't going to be super awesome, the story line was probably going to be borderline atrocious, and overall the film probably wasn't going to knock me out of the park, but I figured the action sequences would be enough for me to enjoy the film overall.
Now to elaborate:
I don't know if you saw any of the trailers for this flick, but those gargoyles flying aorund? They're the good guys. Did not get that at all from the trailer, but whatever. So there is war between gargoyles and demons...apparently they didn't want to go with the cliche of angels v. demons so they picked the much more elegant and so underutilized order of angel-named gargoyle warriors instead.
That is about as much of the plot as I care to divulge because it isn't worth explaining. Frankenstein, Aka Aaron Eckhart is this taciturn dude drawn unwillingly into the war. He's had 2 centuries to train and apparently even though he's made it his life's work to hunt the demons that are trying to hunt him all he does is get thrown into buildings, through walls, onto cars, etc ad infinitum.
The fight scenes to which I looked forward to were simply badly choreographed entirely CGI fights which end in explosions of light (blue sparkles going up into the sky for the oh so good gargoyles, explosions of red smoke traveling into hell for the demons). The coolest moment in these fight scenes is not when Frankey slays the second in command gargoyle, nor Bill Nighy (Pirates of the Caribbean, Love Actually) who plays a demon prince and the head bad guy, but when he punches a flying gargoyle into a car.
There's a sort of half romance with a pretty female scientist that works under Bill Nighy, and all I could think of the entire movie was how much she looked like a blonde version of Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect. Turns out she is the voice actress for her, Yvonne Strahovski, I did not realize how closely they made her model look to the real life thing (wee bit of tangent there aye?).
All in all the movie was just one big 'ehhhhhhhh' reaction from me, I mean I enjoyed
Hansel and Gretel more than this and it was in the same classification of cheesy action/horror.
And that is about as much time as I want to spend on this review. Most of you are probably clever enough
not to spend any money on this film in theaters or otherwise, I unfortunately learned the hard way