57th Fall 513AV
”So, what are you reading?”
There was a flinch as Fallon looked up from the page. The hand of her patron was before her, resting firmly on the table top. The squire’s form recoiled back slightly, her fingers pulling away from the heavy tome and its musky pages. For a while she simply stared, surprised almost by the worlds of her patron cutting through the silent air, before averting them down back to the page. Clearing her throat Fallon spoke, ”It’s on the history of Syliras.”
Leaning away she watched Sera Druva pull up a chair opposite her, the lips having been brought into a fine curl as she looked upon her squire. The rough bandages were pulled around her arms, covering and protecting the light burns that still existed there. The worst of the damage however had been lifted from her – it was just now a matter of rest and recovery as she somewhat refused to see the healer. Fallon returned her gaze to her patron, her lids pinching slight, ”Did you need something Sera?”
“Oh, no, no,” there was a wave of the other hand a simple gesture of brushing the question away, ”I’m just paying a visit. Just carry on with what you were doing.”
Blinking the squire looked back down to the page, her eyes scanning the previous paragraph once more. She needed to learn the city, she needed to grasp some form of being a normal human being once more after those events. There was only a shudder to that, her brow creasing slightly as she did. The knights needed her to. Least that was what she told herself. So what if it brought pleasure to the order on what she had achieved – she had still allowed herself to lose control and gain that title once more.
Wilding. Perish the thought. She rubbed her fingers together and turned the page carefully, only to meet another wall of text and a cough from her patron, ”So how are you feeling?”
There was a sharp inhale, her brow creasing as she stopped in her reading. She chewed her lip, a momentary pause as she looked down upon the same single word, ‘Peace.’ The squire forced her gaze to lift once more, a sombre look forming in her expression, ”I feel… uncomfortable.”
“How so?” Her patron leaned back in the chair and stared.
”Like… restrictive, cramped, tight and suffocating,” there was a pause, ”But the opposite at the same time. I feel alive. Reborn. Better.” She watched the flicker of confusion rest there for a moment, before a slow nod came. Fallon continued, ”Yet… Chaotic. Wild. I… it is confusing.”
“I bet it is,” Her patron clapped her hands together, ”We all have times when we dip into a wild sense. More so when younger. But, discipline and finding of balance will help in stabilising that. It will give you a rock to rest upon. And with that, it will be possible to carve and find peace within the world.”
“Yes… yes peace,” She gave a scrutinizing glare down to the book for a tick, ”With peace wounds can be healed and the world can rebuilt… right?”
“Very much so. Which is exactly what the knights of the order are trying to achieve.”
“You don’t exactly look like the masonry sort Sera,” there was a hover of a teasing tone there, which was answered only by a low snort of amusement. Lowering her gaze she returned to her book and learning, with Sera Druva still watching intently.
”So what do you know?” she asked, ”What has reading taught you today?”
”So, what are you reading?”
There was a flinch as Fallon looked up from the page. The hand of her patron was before her, resting firmly on the table top. The squire’s form recoiled back slightly, her fingers pulling away from the heavy tome and its musky pages. For a while she simply stared, surprised almost by the worlds of her patron cutting through the silent air, before averting them down back to the page. Clearing her throat Fallon spoke, ”It’s on the history of Syliras.”
Leaning away she watched Sera Druva pull up a chair opposite her, the lips having been brought into a fine curl as she looked upon her squire. The rough bandages were pulled around her arms, covering and protecting the light burns that still existed there. The worst of the damage however had been lifted from her – it was just now a matter of rest and recovery as she somewhat refused to see the healer. Fallon returned her gaze to her patron, her lids pinching slight, ”Did you need something Sera?”
“Oh, no, no,” there was a wave of the other hand a simple gesture of brushing the question away, ”I’m just paying a visit. Just carry on with what you were doing.”
Blinking the squire looked back down to the page, her eyes scanning the previous paragraph once more. She needed to learn the city, she needed to grasp some form of being a normal human being once more after those events. There was only a shudder to that, her brow creasing slightly as she did. The knights needed her to. Least that was what she told herself. So what if it brought pleasure to the order on what she had achieved – she had still allowed herself to lose control and gain that title once more.
Wilding. Perish the thought. She rubbed her fingers together and turned the page carefully, only to meet another wall of text and a cough from her patron, ”So how are you feeling?”
There was a sharp inhale, her brow creasing as she stopped in her reading. She chewed her lip, a momentary pause as she looked down upon the same single word, ‘Peace.’ The squire forced her gaze to lift once more, a sombre look forming in her expression, ”I feel… uncomfortable.”
“How so?” Her patron leaned back in the chair and stared.
”Like… restrictive, cramped, tight and suffocating,” there was a pause, ”But the opposite at the same time. I feel alive. Reborn. Better.” She watched the flicker of confusion rest there for a moment, before a slow nod came. Fallon continued, ”Yet… Chaotic. Wild. I… it is confusing.”
“I bet it is,” Her patron clapped her hands together, ”We all have times when we dip into a wild sense. More so when younger. But, discipline and finding of balance will help in stabilising that. It will give you a rock to rest upon. And with that, it will be possible to carve and find peace within the world.”
“Yes… yes peace,” She gave a scrutinizing glare down to the book for a tick, ”With peace wounds can be healed and the world can rebuilt… right?”
“Very much so. Which is exactly what the knights of the order are trying to achieve.”
“You don’t exactly look like the masonry sort Sera,” there was a hover of a teasing tone there, which was answered only by a low snort of amusement. Lowering her gaze she returned to her book and learning, with Sera Druva still watching intently.
”So what do you know?” she asked, ”What has reading taught you today?”