Life Across The Pond
I’m alive!
I must say that the past month and a half (two months?) has been an interesting chapter in my life. A lot of things have transpired that have opened my eyes to a number of things in the world. Things I’d been vaguely aware of prior to recent events but now they just hit a lot closer to home. The days are sporadic in terms of activity. Some have been filled with being busy while others I’m left with a lot of down time. Suffice it to say I don’t have anything close to a “normal” schedule at the moment. I won’t for the foreseeable future. However, I’ll be in and out periodically updating my scrapbook and perhaps getting a post or two in when I can. Writing relaxes me and is a big relief when I’m stressed. Which is fairly often as of late.
Some things I have learned in the past two months…
1.) Don’t get drunk and mess around at the train tracks. (Seriously. Bad things will happen). There’s a story here and thankfully I wasn’t personally involved but suffice it to say it cost a man his ability to walk and he’s lucky to have gotten out of the situation alive.
2.) Copper wire + electric socket + person, smart decision does not make.
3.) Car + Motorcycle + 55 mph = …an unfortunate incident.
4.) I am immune to Hepatitis. Which is awesome but how I found out…not so much. Also, I did not know that immunity was possible until the pathologist told me.
5.) North America has nothing on the Guinness to be found in Ireland. Good lord it’s delicious. If you ever get the chance to travel there and try it, I highly recommend it.
6.) I cannot wrap my head around Italian. I want to. I’m trying. Serious amounts of concentration must be had. Mostly it’s me staring at the person teaching me like a deer in the headlights.
7.) I will in fact NOT get dysentery from eating local foods in a nation I am not native to.
8.) There is more turmoil in the world than I would have imagined. Humans are not always kind. Live and learn to appreciate the compassion shown to you by others. There is genuine kindness to be found out there but it is a precious thing often overshadowed by greed and selfishness. For the life of me, I will never understand some of the despicable things I’ve seen in such a short period. Both in the United States and outside of it.
9.) ISIL is real. It is very, very, very real.
10.) I cannot save every life placed in my care. Some people have simply suffered too much and there’s nothing I can do.
That about sums up my thoughts for the moment. Love you all. Miss you all. I will keep in touch as best I’m able. Which should be kinda decent. Maybe. Time will tell.
P.S. For those of you interested in being able to reach me by mailing address, contact me privately.