Greetings wonderful citizens of Zeltiva!
I'd like to make a couple of announcements, some important city wide and others more area specific. Firstly I'd like to address the magic education system in Zeltiva. If you are planning on learning magic at the University then you are required to undergo a Psychological evaluation, as the College of Djed is very serious about safety for students. A comprehensive list for magic at the University is coming up. PM me if you are planning on trying to learn magic.
Its also come to my attention that students who are not learning magic, or people that are not students at all have attempted to use the Library's selection of magical tomes to initiate themselves into magic. This is unacceptable as those books are heavily restricted and regulated. Being caught with unauthorized possession of one of these tomes is unwise.
Also, there will be an event coming, specifically the Denvali Party. It will be an open thread and a good chance to meet and greet with people of various positions and what not. I've never run a big event for a city, but I can promise an interesting time for those involved.