Danough Trema 1st of Winter, 498 AV Syliras. The Legend doesn't begin |
Once he was done sparring with Rodistair, Danough thought back to his own time when he was a Squire. Unlike the lad he'd sparred with today, he himself had been a gangly mess at that age, not very good at anything at all . . .
~ ~ ~ 15 years earlier ~ ~ ~
A much younger Danough stood at some semblance of attention squeezed in between two other squires. And there were many more on each side of that. He wasn't sure of the exact number but it not one he could easily count at a glance.
A female Knight he had never seen before marched back in forth in front of the assembled squires. "Ladies and gentlemen, Sers and Seras, thank you for joining us today. I'm not quite sure what events happened 13 years and 9 months ago, but it seems like we have an abundance of new First Wing squires ready to begin their training today."
She pointed at Danough then at the boys on both side of him. "As pages, you have learned many of the rudimentary basics of our Order, and I expect chivalry, respect and deference from all of you no matter what transpires here. But from this point forth you will not just be trained in courtly duties but in how to handle yourselves on the battlefield."
She kept her finger on Danough. "You there, boy. Can you tell me what it means when you have fellow members of the Syliran Knights on both sides of you?"
Danough shook his head. "No, Sera."
"No idea?"
A few girls giggled at him, but Danough shrugged. It was not in him to make something up when he did not know an answer.
The Knight point at the girl who was giggling. "What about you?"
The girl curtseyed. "It means we are in a line, a formation where we can help each other by keeping an eye on the battles of each side of us."
"Excellent! You have the makings of a fine leader, Squire Jennah. Remember this well, Squires! Someday you will be Knights. You are not a mercenary fighting solo battles: if a formation line is drawn, you must hold it, and you most help those on each side of you hold it. In turn, they will help you. That is our true strength, praise Yahal: that we have each other!"
The Knight pointed at a man standing off to one side. "This is not just Wilf Brock, or even Ser Wilf Brock, this is Syliran Knight Wilf Brock, 1st Wing, Orange Company, 4th Regiment, Gold Quadron."
She pointed at Danough again. "And that means his Sergeant Major is...?"
Danough shrugged. "I have no idea."
She turned to the girl. "Do you know?"
A fast nod "Simber Pollis."
"No, but very close. The correct answer was Trevelyan Mynder. Still, it's clear you are studying hard. Simber Pollis is the Sergeant Major for the 1st Wing Orange Company, 3rd Regiment not 4th. A very good try, though."
The woman looked at Danough. A flicker of disappointment crossed her face but she tried to hide it with a smile. "At any rate, can someone tell me where we are and how this place came to be?"
Danough actually knew this! He was very excited. He was a Trema, and his family was full of architects and builders.
The female Knight gave Danough a look of compassion and pivoted, having decided to spare him any further humiliation. She picked the nephew of Wilf Brock. "What can you tell us, Squire Nedge?"
"Uh... these are the Antonious Training Grounds--"
"Antinous, lad. But go on--"
"Um... uh... we are currently in the western part of the First Tier."
"Eastern part of the Second Tier. But good try, keep going..."
"Uh, um. Oh.. um, okay. The Eastern part of the, uh, West Tier. It was, um... built about 135 years ago when the city expanded. A fellow named, uh, Lucas Antonius built the training grounds to help the Syliran Squires train to become Knights."
"Lucius Antinous, but yes that's the gist of it. Very good, Squire Nedge! Excellent!"
Danough knew this. His grandfather had told him that when Lucius Antonious came up with the idea, it was a Yahalean effort to figure out how to design and construct everything. Many ares of the Dyres district needed to be re-done. It was a major undertaking and one many of the Tremas participated in.
Maybe he should raise his hand and say something?
Before he could, his cousin Franna raised her hand, and she amplified on what Nedge had said. She told the other squires how the Knights were capable of anything, and she gave as her anecdote the story of reinforcing the roof over the bazaar just below them.
The female knight smiled at Franna. "Oh very good, Squire Franna. I didn't even know that last bit. Yes, I'm glad to see a Trema with us who knows Syliran history. Good show!"
Danough stared dismally down at the ground. This day was already a disaster, and he feared it was only going to get worse.